Global Sage Era

Chapter 420

Chapter 416: Heart of Rules

The existence of the world in the world is relatively common in the universe.

Although it is difficult for everyone to find out, but after a long time of experience, there will always be some.

But Jiezhongjie is also capable of mating dolls, that is, Jiezhongjiezhongjie…

I can’t finish it at all. In theory, this doll can be covered in many layers.

But in fact, there is still a realm in the realm of realm, which is already extremely difficult to see. This involves the stability of space.

It needs to comply with Huanyu’s operating rules.

What now appears in front of Xu Sheng is such a realm in the middle of the realm, which is generally called the core world.

The face of the core world is small, and it may be like a room.

Inside, a very bright, heart-like thing is beating-the heart of rules.

The Heart of Rules can understand my Monster core by Demonic Beasts.

Generally, it will be bred in the world after meeting certain conditions, and its strength is also closely related to the strength of the world.

If the core world is rare, then the concept of the heart of rules is simply negligible.

The Heart of Rules has many uses. It can be used for medicine, refining, enchanting…Of course, the most important thing is that it can directly comprehend the laws of the Ascension human race.

With Xu Sheng’s current strength and the level of this super giant world, this heart of rules is suitable for him.

It’s something you can’t find!

“If that person knows that there is a heart of rules, it is estimated that he will die on the spot.”

A smile appeared on Xu Sheng’s face. At this time, he couldn’t help the person. It was a pity that the treasure he encountered was not caught and was obtained by himself. Then this is his own opportunity.

He glanced at Kuang Yuan approvingly again, and as expected, with this kid, his own luck is much better than others.

A heart of rules, although I don’t know how much law understanding it can give me Ascension, but at least it is enough to make own law comprehension reach 35%.

However, the heart of rules itself is relatively fragile, unlike the previous spiritual source Tianjing that can be directly collected with rough hands and feet, Xu Sheng’s body slowly gathered the rules and began to drag the heart of rules out.

During this process, the Gaia consciousness of the super giant world made some resistance, but it was obviously broken by the person in front of it, and it was unable to resist Xu Sheng’s movements.

If it weren’t because it had been broken, it would take Xu Sheng at least hundreds of years to compare the strengths of the two sides, which would undoubtedly greatly slow down his time to complete his goal.

Now, Xu Sheng estimates that it will take more than a hundred years to take it out by himself, which is very cost-effective.

Before and after, it only takes a day and a half to get a heart of rules at the same level, which is a big profit no matter how you look at it.

After finding the heart of this rule, Xu Sheng let go of the gaze he had been betting on Kuang Yuan.

With the heart of rules, even if there is a little hidden opportunity in this world, it is nothing compared to it.

In addition, even if there is something extraordinary, Xu Sheng is not greedy.

The human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, and the heart of rules is considered to have completed the initial idea, and then if you are still obsessed with “picking up the omissions”, then it is really turning the cart before the horse.

Outside Gensokyo.

The guards are fulfilling their duties, and the riots caused by Xu Sheng have already ceased, and calm has been restored inside.

However, the influence does not go away. Many people who could have stayed inside have come out one after another at this time.

Everyone was at a loss when they first came out, but they quickly remembered the experience. The most unforgettable thing was that they experienced a period of life. Suddenly that period of life collapsed, and then entered a twisted one. In life.

Maybe it was originally a scene of harmony and beauty, but it turned into a horror movie in a blink of an eye. Such an experience is definitely not a good experience.

“It seems to be different from the record, what do you think?”

“I have this feeling too, I don’t know what happened.”

“Originally I thought I could comprehend the law ascension to more than 35%, but now it’s just over 33%, only half of what I expected. How good is this!”

“Oh, originally we were in the countdown, but now it’s even worse.”

“Don’t be discouraged! Don’t we still have hope? As long as we find other exits in that realm, we will definitely be able to get the heart of rules inside!”

“Hmph, I have heard that there is a golden lucky man among Xu Sheng’s people. I originally wanted to bring him over to take advantage of him. But I didn’t expect that he refused directly. Originally, I wanted to wait for more. It will benefit him somewhat.”

“Don’t say it, now I think of this name, I’m angry. Isn’t it the strength of Ascension faster? I think it is the villain’s ambition!”

Five people walked out of Gensokyo as a group.

No one else, it was the original invitation to Xu Sheng to join the rejected team.

These five people stayed inside for more than three days. According to their qualifications, if they didn’t happen to be at the same time as Xu Sheng, it was estimated that they could stay for an extra day or two.

Although it’s not that the more days you stay, the better, but for people of average aptitude, it’s definitely better to stay longer than shorter.

In these five people and three days, Ascension has gained a three-percentage understanding of the rule, but the effect is actually quite poor.

The general performance of Qianjing University students is five to seven percent in five days.

Considering that their original grades in the junior year were counted down, it was normal.

“Don’t delay any longer, lest there will be long nights and dreams. That super-giant world was hidden by us with a concealed approach, but if some people with great luck happen to pass by, it is very likely that he will find it.”

After the captain of this squad said this, the expressions of the other four people were serious.

If something like this really happened, then they would go crazy on the spot if they were completely making wedding dresses for others.

“…Xu Sheng shouldn’t come out now? If he happens to return along the same path, then…”

A short girl said hesitantly. Although they are very uncomfortable seeing Xu Sheng now, they are just talking. In their hearts, each of them knows very well that this is a super evil, and according to his previous From experience, it is undoubtedly a fortune.

And the super giant world was not far from where they found Xu Sheng. At that time, they went up to invite him to form a team, but they were also helpless. If Xu Sheng proceeded along the original route, he would definitely see this super giant world directly.

If Xu Sheng had any thoughts in his mind at that time, they would be very difficult to deal with.

“Hmph, with his talent, it should take longer.” Another person said, his tone was a little sour. Once, he was also a dazzling genius, but after coming to Qianjing University, everything changed. Now, even if he tried his best, he couldn’t surpass the people in front of him. Instead, he was surpassed one by one by the people behind. Now, a freshman who has just entered school for less than half a year has caught up with him.

The captain did not speak. He glanced at the direction of the guards and deliberately asked, but knew that if he did so, he would only come back with a grief. Although these guards are just their vassals of the Beijing University, The arrogance of Zhunsheng was still there, and he ignored them when he first arrived.

“Okay, let’s start.”

After a urge, he moved directly in the direction of the super giant world.

The other four looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

Along the way, they could say that they didn’t delay the slightest effort, and the whole process was very fast.

Although I know that the possibility of a problem is not very high, I still have to worry about it.

The impossible thing actually happened!

When they were about to get near the super-giant world, they felt uneasy in their hearts.

Then when they saw the super-giant world, the eyes of the five people were all black, and they felt the world spin.

“Do not!”

The taller girl in the team let out a mournful cry.

The other four people are also heavy.

In an instant, the eyes of all five of them were red.

who is it!

Who actually ignored their concealed Taoism and forcibly entered this super giant world!

“Quickly, I can feel this breath still flowing inside, that person hasn’t left yet!”

There is still a distance between the five people, and this last distance makes them anxious.

Suddenly, as they approached, a huge figure appeared before their eyes.

It turned out that the super giant world was too huge, and this figure happened to be blocked. They had never seen this person.

Before they could see the appearance of this figure, they saw what had broken their Yazi:

A heart shining brightly was fished out of the core world by a huge figure, and then put it down in own’s mouth!


“Shut up!”

The five shouted loudly, their eyes fixed on the bright heart.

This is what they have been coveting for a long time!

This is where their hope lies. With this heart of rules, they may leave the ranks of the countdown now!

But they were a bit late!

When their voices just came out of their mouths, the bright heart had already entered the person’s mouth.

“It’s over.”

The eyes of the five people went dark, and they felt all thoughts were lost, and the hope of working hard all the time was gone.

Before, they paid a heavy price for killing the meditation-level creatures in this super-giant world!

The strength of this super giant world has to surpass them, and the abilities of five people have been assembled, and they will gradually be able to fight back and forth with the intelligent life of this world.

In the end, most of the source points were borrowed to get the final victory.

But what they didn’t expect was that before the world’s consciousness was shattered, there was a fish-death net with them, allowing the last hidden creature soul sacrifice to block the only entrance they found.

There is no way, they can only go to Ascension in Gensokyo to try to spur a treasure and try to find a second exit.

But now, everything is gone! ! !

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