Global Sage Era

Chapter 431

Chapter 427: Meeting with Yin

In the quiet room, Yin is cultivating daily.

In the practice of Spiritual Qi, he has reached the peak of Realm, and the rest is his perception of Realm.

But just as he had to be stuck in front of Realm for a period of time every time before, he is also puzzled about those problems now.

This is the pain of not being taught by the teacher, like Wang Fan and others, he has pointed out the problems encountered along the way, and there is no need to be stuck by the bottleneck for long.

Those children who have just stepped into the path of practice are even more happy. The tribe summarized all the problems that the cultivator may encounter in the early stage. A small level of breakthrough may only be one or two months. That’s fine, there are those with outstanding talents, and it is even more likely to be very short in the early stage, and it is a small level in a few days.

The fastest record from the first level to the fourth level of qi training is now 23 days. Although the little guy was born with a miracle and the teacher gave him a lot of resources, the record is still very impressive. It’s amazing, even Yin couldn’t help taking Spiritual Sense out for a walk after knowing the news, and observed the little guy.

When he saw the young boy who was less than twelve or thirteen years old, he had no idea how much emotion he felt. When he was at this age, he was still learning amulet from the big Elder. At that time, he had never thought that he would become a cultivator. The biggest dream is to become a talisman, take over the position of the big Elder, and lead the Huntuo tribe to survive in the famine era.

Even now, his thoughts have not changed, but the Huntuo human race is so strong that he doesn’t need him to go out and desperately. Of course, in his thoughts, this is the best.


The sound of the door knocking interrupted his thoughts.

An incredible expression appeared on Yin’s face.

His Spiritual Sense covers so much light. Although he didn’t specifically target anyone, he would surely be sensed by him as long as he approached his quiet room.

But such an impossible thing actually happened, and Yin’s face was solemn.

Then this solemnity became solemn, because his Spiritual Sense swept to the door, only to find that there was no one there.

But how could it be possible that the knock on the door still reverberates in his mind, and the cultivator is dignified, and it is impossible for him to misheard this kind of thing.

“Could it be that a foreign race has sneaked in?”

Such an idea inevitably appeared in his mind, but it was quickly rejected by himself.

The infiltration of aliens has never happened in the Huntuo human race. It is a peaceful age, and no aliens can infiltrate Minor World.

The ancestor is on, he is watching the Huntuo people all the time, it is impossible for such a thing to happen.

There were so many thoughts in my mind, but in reality it was only a moment in the past.

After everything was clarified, Yin’s expression had become calm. He stood up from the futon in his Lotus Position and walked to the door of the quiet room.

Even though there was only a doorway, he still didn’t feel any breath.


The door was opened.

Yin looked out the door.

The next moment, his eyes were in a trance, his mind was blank, and his thinking ability was completely lost.

Outside the door, a delicate young man stood there with a smile.

He is wearing a plain white robe without any Cultivation Base.

At first glance it looks like a scholar.

But in the dim, he stood there, as if the whole world was spinning behind him, and his breath and breath represented the rhythm of the world.

Sun Moon Star surrounded him, even a single strand of hair on his head seemed to hide a world.

“First first… ancestor!”

A scene that had never appeared on Yin, at this moment, he actually became stammered, and Spiritual Qi in his body should also be agitated by the change of mood.

Looking at Yin in front of him, Xu Sheng chuckled softly: “Don’t you invite me in and sit down?”

Yin just woke up from his dream, and said quickly: “Ancestors please come in.”

Yin has thought about the scene of meeting his ancestors countless times, but he has never thought of this way now.

In an ordinary afternoon, the ancestors appeared outside their cultivation place as if they were friends, and knocked on the door gently.

He still has a sense of unreality until now.

The past scenes appeared in my mind, even if it was a cultivator, it would only be nervous.

Xu Sheng had also thought about the scene of meeting Yin and the others.

When he was still weak, he imagined the picture might be like those myths and legends, revealing the scene of the avenues ups and downs around him, and then made some mysterious and mysterious scenes, and said some words in the clouds and mists.

But this time after coming back from Luyuan, he felt that there was no need to be so complicated at all, it was just a meeting, just ordinary.

Sage and its strength, I have seen so many Sages, and they are all ordinary scenes.

I still remember that when I saw the first Sage Cheng Chuyang, he was walking on campus after school, and then he walked in front of Own. At that time, the understanding of Own’s law was only 0.01%.

Yin was sitting restrained next to him. At this time, there was no such thing as Elder.

It is true that Xu Sheng’s perception in Yin’s mind is too special.

In Yin’s memory, when he was still young, the ancestor’s oracle represented the hope brought by the Huntuo tribe.

And every step of my subsequent growth is inseparable from the help of my ancestors.

The Huntuo tribe can grow to this point with the help of the ancestors. If it weren’t for the ancestors’ repeated attempts, the Huntuo tribe would have disappeared in history.

In addition to the excitement and fear in his heart, he also has some childish shame. In his heart, the Huntuo race is an ineffective junior.

Xu Sheng was naturally able to perceive the thoughts of Yin next to him, and he couldn’t help feeling funny in his heart. He didn’t expect that a dignified ‘God’s Old Monster’, but now his mind is like a child.

But he is understandable. After all, he was watching him grow up. It is normal for him to have a dependence on own in his heart.

“I’m not a descendant of Sun Yin, I’ve seen my ancestors.”

Yin walked to Xu Sheng, knelt down respectfully, and bowed down.

Even if it is a cultivator, you must bow down in front of your Master.

Although Xu Sheng is not Yin’s Master, as an ancestor, he deserves the same courtesy.

Xu Sheng looked at it with a smile, but didn’t stop it. After Yin bowed down and worshipped Wan, he gently waved his hand to help Yin up.

Yin felt the unstoppable power of Pei Ran, and couldn’t help but understand it. He was indeed an ancestor. This power had completely surpassed the level of his imagination.

He has calculated the Realm of the ancestor countless times. At first, he thought that the ancestor might be a powerful Nascent Soul cultivator.

When he entered the Gold Core Realm, he guessed that the ancestor might be a Mahayana cultivator.

But when he has become a god cultivator, he is completely in awe.

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