Global Sage Era

Chapter 432

Chapter 428

In the Huntuo tribe, many powerful people in Cultivation Base have already felt a peculiar rhythm.

This feeling can’t be explained clearly, but I just noticed that there seems to be something more around me.

Yuhuan, who was pill refining, and Qianmin, who were refining the device, suddenly improved a lot. They were a little puzzled, what happened?

At this moment, in the humble quiet room in the center of the tribe, Yin stood in awe, even if the young man sitting in front of him asked him to sit down, he did not respond at all.

“Don’t be too restrictive, just as you usually do.”

“Yin knows.”

Taking a deep breath, Yin walked up to Xu Sheng to sit down in a nervous manner.

There are only two chairs in his quiet room, which are specially prepared for Kuang Yuan.

Of course, when it comes to their Realm, if you want to form a chair, it’s just what you want.

Yin never thought about meeting his ancestors at this time. For him, Xu Sheng’s arrival was unexpected. Even if he is already a cultivator of God, it is difficult to organize enough language now.

Xu Sheng is very at ease here. As a saint who has experienced hundreds of periods of life, he is still experienced in dealing with such situations.

After thinking for a while, Yin felt that the situation was not right, and then took out the Lingcha from the own Qiankun bag, brewed it carefully, and gave it to Xu Sheng to drink.

“Ancestors, please have tea.”

A big Elder like Yin hasn’t used this attitude to make tea for more than two thousand years, even if it is the only Kuang Yuan whose status is equal to him, that is, he waved his hand casually and liked whether to drink or not.

Xu Sheng feels very interesting. Such Yin is rare, and it is also his different appearance.

After drinking the tea, Xu Sheng said with a smile, “The tea is good.”

Hearing this, Yin’s heart was relieved a lot.

“This time I suddenly appeared in front of your eyes, and you already have a lot of questions than you have now.”

“Yin does have a lot of questions in his heart.”

Yin didn’t dare to look directly at Xu Sheng’s face. Although there is no description like in the classics, the high Realm cultivator is invisible to the low Realm cultivator, but the feeling given to him is already incomparable.

He didn’t even have the idea of ​​comparing Xu Sheng with the opponents he had met before. In his heart, Xu Sheng sat there secretly with the world and merged with the world. Even if he didn’t speak, he just sat there silently. , Can add a lot to his comprehension.

High Realm cultivator’s words and deeds can bring low Realm cultivator’s new insights. Xu Sheng’s appearance this time, even if he does not give Yin any guidance, his appearance alone can make Yin a great harvest.

This is not so obvious to Kuang Yuan. After all, Practitioner’s requirements for perception are weaker. They pay more attention to the accumulation of a certain amount. Just like now, Kuang Yuan will enter the Realm of Martial King’s late stage soon.

Martial King’s late stage to Dzogchen is still a process of accumulation. For those who are not talented enough, they may also encounter some bottlenecks in the middle, but on Kuangyuan’s side, there is absolutely no worries about this. He only needs step-by-step cultivation. , Reaching Dzogchen is very easy.

Of course, by the time of Dzogchen, he will become stuck like Martial Spirit Dzogchen, and the difficulty of entering the Martial Emperor will increase sharply. It is possible that the speed of staying in this Realm will cause his strength to be surpassed.

Although Yin is still a short distance from the late stage of Huashen, because of his long history, he will soon be able to make breakthroughs when he reaches the end of the late stage of Huashen.

“My ancestors mean that you came down this time to unify the cultivator and let the sect grow stronger?”

“Yes, you also know that as the enemies you encounter are getting stronger and stronger, the power of the cultivator is too scattered, and it is already difficult for you to control them. This is not good news for the Huntuo tribe.”

Following Xu Sheng’s narration, Yin kept nodding his head.

In the past time, although he has been developing the teachings, he still knows very few people so far, and his ancestors have not issued a heavenly order. He still thinks that his current rhythm is right.

It now appears that it is not that own rhythm is right, but that the ancestors have been reluctant to intervene too much, but it is a pity that he has let him down.

When I think of this, Yin’s heart is full of self-blame. It is clear that the ancestors have taken care of the Huntuo human race in this way, but as a younger generation, he still wants him to deal with these mundane things personally. It is really unreasonable.

Xu Sheng felt Yin’s thoughts and said with relief: “You don’t have to think too much. I was also thinking about where to go to cut the teaching. The creation of a new thing, it is not easy to make it grow.”

Yinsi was not surprised that his own thoughts would be perceived by his ancestors. He just had a question in his mind: “The ancestors didn’t even think about it before?”

Xu Sheng laughed and said: “I am not omniscient and omnipotent, and I still occupy most of it when I don’t think about it.”

Yin nodded. Although the ancestor’s mysterious feeling in his heart has rarely disappeared, and it is not as high as the original one, but a kind of intimacy originating from the soul has appeared.

Staying by the ancestor’s side, he felt that his own mind was settled, and he was even sure that if he entered the cultivation state at this time, the effect would be better than usual.

In the following days, the cultivator in the Huntuo tribe gradually discovered that there was an extra person beside Elder.

At first, after seeing this person’s youthful appearance, each of them had doubts in their hearts.

The first thought is that Elder is about to accept disciples again? However, in the past, the situation where the Fairy Miao was introduced from the outside was always young children and teenagers, and there were no adults at one time. This time, the situation was anything.

But soon, they felt the familiar aura emanating from young people who were smiling all the time.

At first glance, this Qi Ji felt that many people didn’t think of it, but when they remembered it, all of them stared. It’s not…

The breath of ancestors? !

Then, just kneel down, every cultivator who sees Xu Sheng will kneel down.

Even if there is a child who is not sensible, he will be reprimanded by his parents and elders to kneel down.

Xu Sheng originally wanted to stop all of this, but in the end he decided to forget it.

Master of Heaven and Earth, in the mundane world, it is natural for everyone to kneel down.

Of course, the monarch of the Huntuo human race can be removed, and even an ordinary person in Dahuangzhong needs to bow slightly to show respect when he sees the Lord Kuangyuan.

Xu Sheng is undoubtedly a relative of every Huntuo tribe, own grandson, great-grandson, great-great-grandson…what about kneeling himself?

The Huntuo race knew the news that the ancestors descended on the incarnation, and they were all excited and inexplicable.

There are those who are ambitious and naturally want to get some opportunities from Xu Sheng. There are too many rumors in the tribe. The big Elder and others were people with extremely low cultivation aptitudes at first, but the ancestors gave them time and time again. Spiritual Roots keep their aptitudes constantly elevated, so that they can go to the current Realm.

“Meet the ancestors.”

The three of Yuhuan, Qianmin, and Wang Fan naturally knew about Xu Sheng’s arrival. They didn’t even have the time to complete the things they were doing, so they were surprised to come out to meet them.

“This is the ancestor… as if facing the heaven and the earth.”

The stronger you are, the more you can feel Xu Sheng’s vastness. In their feelings, the entire Minor World seems to be Xu Sheng’s background.

And this is just the incarnation of the ancestors!

They were curious about the true strength of the ancestors, but no one asked them. This was disrespectful.

The feeling of being visited by the people is pretty good to be honest, besides, the increase in incense is also ascending by a large margin.

Xu Sheng also looked at the Sage panel occasionally these days, and saw the beating incense value, which felt very interesting.

“I need your sect to join in and become an intermediate force for interception of religion. I will also leave the inheritance. When the conditions are met, I will be able to obtain it.”

This operation did not cause any loss to Xu Sheng.

Because he just changed what would have been unconditionally given to them to use their own efforts to exchange it.

There is no harm to say, but they can fully mobilize their enthusiasm.

This is also good news for the people like Yin and others, because although they will always receive the gift from their ancestors before, they don’t know when they will be given or whether they will be given.

Now that the inheritance is in the sect, they have their own direction to struggle, and they also know their own progress.

The news spread quickly, and the entire Huntuo race was boiling. As long as they can contribute to the sect, they can get Contribution Points and then learn the inheritance of their ancestors. This simply gives them new hope!

“Thank ancestors!”

“Thank you ancestors!”

Everyone said from the bottom of their hearts, even those with poor qualifications or ambitions, because among the newly issued regulations, they also saw the exchange of Spiritual Roots!

As long as they do well, they can change heaven-defying!

It wasn’t enough before they had much reaction. On the Practitioner’s side, Kuang Yuan had already brought Xuan Yi, Xuan Zheng, and several newly promoted Martial Kings.

Of course there are some small injustices in their hearts. The ancestors have been here for a few days and haven’t seen them. Is it because they don’t value them in their hearts?

But it doesn’t make sense. The ancestors have always taken great care of the Practitioner. If it weren’t for the talents given by the ancestors, let alone the strength of their Practitioner surpassing the cultivator as it is now, it is estimated that they don’t even have the qualification to look up.

“Kuang Yuan (Xuan Yi, Xuan Zheng), pay homage to the ancestors.”

In Yin’s quiet room, Xu Sheng accepted the three people’s bow.

There were four Yin mentors and apprentices standing beside them.

The seven key training people are all at Own’s side, even with Xu Sheng’s rich experience, there is endless emotion in his heart.

“Sure enough, getting along with them face to face is different. Before, there was always a layer apart, and the feeling of intimacy in my heart was much less.”

He also gradually understood why when the human race was strong, everyone had to lower their incarnation to act, the benefits were too much, and all aspects were conducive to development.

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