Global Sage Era

Chapter 433

Chapter 429

The three cultivators are on the left, and the four Martial Kings are on the right.

Xu Sheng was in the middle, with seven people standing, but he was sitting alone.

Outside, there are many powerful Nascent Soul cultivators who curiously stretch their heads to look here, but Spiritual Sense is determined not to come out.

As a result, many people feel itchy and unbearable, wanting to know what’s going on inside.

From beginning to end, Xu Sheng was talking most of the time, and the other seven people were listening.

Practitioner and cultivator can be clearly distinguished from the position of the station, but when Xu Sheng is here, there is nothing to care about.

Xu Sheng’s avatar appeared before and after his eyes, even if he was indifferent, he had already ordered to go down and build a dojo for the ancestors.

But those people have been stopped by Xu Sheng before they acted.

The so-called dojo is the place where the avatar lives. In the dojo, one’s own avatar’s power can get a full range of bonuses. At that time, not only the body can be aware of the world outside, but the avatar can also take care of the other’s most powerful. Mundane race.

With the dojo, it is extremely difficult for even the world consciousness to cut the consciousness between the body and the incarnation. Basically, it only needs to cross a big Realm.

However, the dojo can only open up a prototype after waiting for the semi-sage, and then after waiting for the quasi-sage Realm, it can open up the prototype of the realm.

The rudimentary form of the dojo of the Half-Holy Realm is attached to Minor World, similar to the secret realm in Minor World, but can be integrated with Minor World.

That is to say, when Xu Sheng wants it, the dojo can become a part of Minor World. When he doesn’t want it, he can be made independent, leaving only a portal for entry and exit.

The model is similar to the relationship between the current Huntuo tribe and Minor World, but the dojo is not separated from Minor World.

The realm is easy to understand. When it was in its prototype, there were various mysterious areas and a large number of dangerous areas, but at the same time, the people could get some own opportunities after entering.

The prototype of the realm is also the fairy heaven, or the predecessor of the fairy realm and the fairy realm. After Xu Cheng enters the holy realm, it will slowly undergo transformation.

The fairyland is like the energy level upgrade of the Minor World, and the Minor World is naturally divided into the mortal world.

The objective law is there. Because of the restrictions of the rules, Realm will be imprisoned in the Mahayana period in Minor World, and its life span has a time limit.

After entering the fairy sky, you will become an immortal, and your life level will undergo a leap, and the life limit will be removed, so you can live forever and be in harmony with the sky.

Of course, longevity does not mean immortality. As long as there is a war, let alone the fairy, even the fairy king will have to die… Sage will also die.

Kuang Yuan only stayed in the Huntuo tribe for a long time before returning to Dahuang.

Although I was a little disappointed when I heard that the ancestor came down for the purpose of developing sects this time, but I thought about it again, the reason why there are not too many Practitioners is because he has been managing the country very well, isn’t it?

If the realm of Dahuang is now in chaos, then the ancestors must have intervened early.

I have to say that this is the truth.

All crying children have milk to eat. If the cultivator is a piece of iron, he can exert his full strength in every war against the world, and he will not lower his incarnation at all.

So after thinking about it, he decided to compensate Kuang Yuan and others.

Before the incarnation came, he had not directly guided their practice because of the need to maintain the image of own, but now he has no such scruples.

Kuang Yuan’s own personality is also very direct. He seized the opportunity and asked Xu Sheng the current problems he encountered.

The problem encountered by Martial King can no longer be said to be simple for Xu Sheng, just a few clicks made him realize it, and Kuang Yuan was very excited.

“Ancestor, this is the best-qualified child in the tribe. If you can, can you teach her something?”

Yin led a little girl to Xu Sheng.

This girl is only five or six years old, and she has two small dimples when she smiles. She is very cute.

When Xu Sheng saw that she liked it too, he stepped forward and picked her up.

“Grandpa Ancestor.”

The girl is very well-behaved and cooperates throughout the whole process.

But when Xu Sheng heard her address her own, he couldn’t help but laugh.

Ancestor grandfather what is this name?

What Yin was watching from the side was also a little nervous. He brought the girl to the ancestors to cultivate them. Although he was a cultivator, he was not worth mentioning in front of the ancestors. These trivial actions are just a passing moment.

“Her aptitude is good, but there is still a bloodline hidden in her body. If it is not handled properly, it will cause some trouble…”

In fact, no one is more concerned about the growth of the Huntuo people than he is to bring her with Yin. All the geniuses of the Huntuo people will be prompted and will be observed for a period of time.

Right now the Spiritual Roots of this little girl has reached the level of Human Spiritual Roots, which is the limit of the current destiny level of the Huntuo race.

Her appearance is inevitable by accident. According to the normal growth trajectory, it is not a problem to become a cultivator after a thousand years.

As for the higher-level hole, if she has a firm heart in cultivating the Tao, she also has some hope, of course, she can’t detect it at a higher level, even if it is a semi-sage, she can’t say that she can predict the growth of her own people.

However, the ancestors of this little girl obviously made some special attempts. For example, they must have done the fusion of the blood of beasts into the own body. This gave her a dark atmosphere in her body. If it is not handled well, it may make her later The temperament has changed drastically.

But if it is handled properly, this will become her help, allowing her combat power to surpass others in the same Realm.

Therefore, Xu Sheng did not choose to remove it directly, but informed Yin of the situation so that he would pay more attention to her future growth.

In fact, with Xu Sheng’s vision, people with Spiritual Roots are not too acquainted, and the only thing that can draw his attention is the existence of Heavenly Roots and above.

But now it is definitely impossible for the Huntuo race to produce Spiritual Roots under normal conditions, so this is the limit for the little girl.

According to normal development, the little girl can become the backbone of the interception education in the future, but whether or not she can continue to continue the interception education depends on her performance.

Just like the new animal trainer in the Practitioner, although his talents are extremely impressive in the eyes of others, it is still a bit worse for him to invest resources regardless of the cost.

The young man named Huang, although his aptitude was up, still had some shortcomings in his personality. Xu Sheng had considered including him as the eighth key training target before, but he finally rejected it.

Before the drought, there were more than a dozen such people, but in the end they were gradually eliminated in his assessment.

After so many things, Xu Sheng’s vision has also been expanded.

For example, Yuhua and Qianmin, if they change to the present, they will definitely not enter his list of key training.

However, these two people have also been growing in his training, and they are now worthy of this training.

Xuan Zheng and Xuan Yi are in the same situation.

The more special ones are Yin, Kuang Yuan, and Wang Fan.

One is a guardian.

One is golden luck.

One is the unyielding will.

The strengths of the three of them are naturally more than this. Each of them has countless strengths, but they can be determined to enter the key training list. Xu Sheng admits that this is the most important.

“Don’t thank the ancestors yet.” Yin Wensheng said to the girl next to her.

The girl’s grandmother shouted gruffly: “Thank you ancestors and grandpa.”

Xu Sheng touched the little guy’s cheek affectionately, it was swollen and felt very comfortable.

“It seems that the ancestors don’t have the slightest idea of ​​accepting disciples.”

Walking out the door, Yin sighed in his heart.

With his whole-hearted thinking for the Huntuo race, after seeing his ancestors, he would naturally have the idea of ​​letting several younger generations worship their ancestors as their teachers.

Even if the ancestors look down on it, even if it is brought around for guidance, it is a great fortune.

But the ancestors obviously had his own plan.

“This Yin, I didn’t expect it to be quite talkative.”

Xu Sheng shook his head and laughed. Yin wouldn’t be aware of his thoughts because he was far away. After all, he was also a god cultivator.

But he didn’t know that Xu Sheng was the source of their blood, and he could perceive their thoughts no matter how far away.

Xu Sheng did not think about accepting disciples.

Just like Yin and others also considered the fate of mentoring and apprenticeship when accepting apprentices, and he himself paid great attention to this point.

Up to now, he hadn’t felt the special attraction of anyone in the Huntuo tribe.

According to the textbook, after the human race has developed to a certain level, it is possible to have blood that echoes its own blood.

Such subjects may not necessarily have the best qualifications, but they can sense the state of their ancestors, and their potential is generally higher than that of others.

The reason for this is still unclear, only this kind of extremely accidental situation is known.

It is possible that one person has developed own Minor World for tens of thousands of years, and there has never been such a subject.

The Huntuo people gradually got used to the existence of their ancestors.

After Xu Sheng brought it, Yin’s quiet room also naturally became his. Yin had to build another hut next to him. Just as he felt before, the speed of cultivation and own cultivation increased around the ancestors.

Not only Yin, but all the cultivators in the Huntuo tribe have felt that their own cultivation speed has increased.

In short, Xu Sheng has now become a human-shaped cultivation accelerator. The closer you get to him, the greater the benefits you will get, and the faster your cultivation will increase.

No one knows what Xu Sheng did in the quiet room. In their thoughts, the ancestors may also be cultivation, feeling Heavenly Dao.

But in fact, in the quiet room, his own consciousness was reduced to the lowest level, and the separated consciousness was concentrated on the ontology——

Keke, it’s actually a daze.

After this period of experience, Xu Sheng also determined that he could not continue to stay in this quiet room. He needed a sufficient area to become his ‘dojo’.

The nominal dojo.

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