Global Sage Era

Chapter 442

Chapter 438 All Realms Collapse, Trillions of Incense (3)

[Subject]: Wang Fan

Destiny level: Hong-level ninth order

Age: two thousand six hundred and thirty-two (four thousand one hundred)

Spiritual Roots: Ground Spiritual Roots (one inch one)

Talent: Qingwei Dao Body, Ninth Stage Battle Body Second Stage, Bloody Battle Body

Root bone: Xuan level third rank

Comprehension: third rank

Luck: Crimson

Ability: Blood Alchemy

Realm: God of Transformation late stage

… (Hundreds of thousands of words omitted)

With radiance in his eyes, various data of Wang Fan appeared, and Xu Sheng closed it after taking a look.

After pioneering the blood alchemy, Wang Fan has extremely strong fighting ability, and now he has successfully made a breakthrough, even if Kuang Yuan and Yin two breakthroughs ahead of him, they may not be able to win the battle head-on.

For Xu Sheng, he not only liked the appearance of people like Wang Fan, but also hoped that someone with Wang Fan’s personality would have superior natural aptitude.

But there is a dilemma in everything, talent and determination are as strong as iron. In most cases, it is impossible to appear in the same person at the same time.

“Wang Fan’s battlefield is over, and the attack on this world has come to an end.”

It was about five years earlier than Xu Sheng’s first estimate. He never thought that Wang Fan could break through in such a situation and kill thirteen monsters with his own power.

The incense value provided to Xu Sheng by these 13 monsters alone exceeded 30 million!

Although the cost of incense to cultivate Wang Fan is in the hundreds of millions, it is only the First World War and there is such a big return. After a long time, the income will definitely be higher and higher.

Therefore, the incense stick is used when it is needed, and it is not necessary to save it.

Although Wang Fan’s teamwork with thirteen monsters alone was extremely exciting, but some people felt it was a pity.

Because… it was originally a great material!

Maybe something in them can greatly improve the strength of some people.

But there is no way. Under the blood alchemy created by Wang Fan, those corpses have become the nourishment to increase the power of his Cultivation Technique.

After solving these thirteen big monsters, Wang Fan didn’t immediately go to help others, but directly sat down in the Lotus Position, took out the high-quality Medicine Pill refined from his body, and quickly recovered from his injury.

Although his breakthrough this time was caused by chance, it also meant to be forcibly, and it had left a lot of hidden wounds.

The best way is to spend more than ten years to restore all the hidden injuries in the body, but now he does not have this time.

It only took a few days to recover the injury to an acceptable level, and he appeared directly beside Yuhuan.

As a newly promoted middle stage of the god of transformation, although Yuhua is considered powerful in the cultivator, her own Cultivation Technique is not very suitable for fighting, so the surrounding battlefield is surrounded by her most dangerous situation.

Before, Yuhuan was worried about Wang Fan’s problems, but she was actually the one most worried about.

“Senior Sister Hua.”

Wang Fan appeared next to Yuhuan, his expression was extremely cold, and he didn’t see much movement at all. The most ferocious middle stage monster who attacked Yuhuan was bound by the blood that spread out from him.

The blood line extends from one point and finally wraps it all up.

People outside couldn’t see the scene clearly inside, and could only hear the voice that belonged to the big monster from high-pitched to wilting. It was only a short half-hour before all the voices disappeared.

The pupa formed by the blood line disappeared, and the figure of the monster inside also disappeared.

Yuhua, who saw the whole process in her eyes, frowned slightly. She didn’t think Wang Fan was wrong in doing this, but she was simply good in nature. It was a little uncomfortable to see such a scene.

“Senior Sister Hua, forgive me, this Cultivation Technique of Junior Brother is indeed a bit fierce.” Wang Fan was clear about Yu Hua’s character and explained.

Yuhuan shook her head and said, “Who doesn’t need to explain to Senior Sister, Brother, I wake up.”

She is not a pedantic person, it’s just that she rarely sees such a scene, and she didn’t adjust it for the first time.

Wang Fan nodded, the last hesitation disappeared.

Taking him as the place, countless blood lines radiated out, and the dozens of middle stage monsters in front of the gods were all shrouded.

At first glance, this scene is extremely shocking.

Then in this deadly scene, all the life breath of the big strange disappeared.

On the contrary, the blood that enveloped Wang Fan’s Realm aura was even more terrifying, even if Yuhua knew that it didn’t mean any harm to her, she felt a panic.

“Senior Sister will heal her injuries on the spot, and I will help Senior Brother Min.”

“Well, Junior Brother, be careful.”

The whole journey lasted just over an hour, and when Wang Fan resolved Yuhua’s problem, he went to Qianmin’s position non-stop.

Yuhuan also healed her wounds directly after Wang Fan left. She raced against her to recover from her injuries. Even if she is not good at fighting, she still has a Cultivation Base.

“Brother Min, I’ll help you.”

Wang Fan reached Qian Min’s side in a few minutes.

At this time, Qian Min’s face was paler, but there was no harm in his body.

This is also the horror of a fully prepared formation division. As long as the formation division is given enough time to lay out the formation, not to mention several times the strength of its own, there is no problem even if it traps dozens of enemies with its own strength.

Now the big monsters trapped in the formation are wandering in various formations. Wang Fan’s Spiritual Sense swept through and was surprised to find that many big monsters were already injured.

“Unexpectedly, Senior Brother Min didn’t just want to trap these big monsters, he also wanted to kill them all!”

Wang Fan felt in his heart that if Senior Brother Min hadn’t been extremely talented in the way of formation, then even the way of fighting might not be weaker than himself.

The two brothers soon joined forces.

Lead Min is dispatched by the central government to open the entrance of certain formations to Lead Min, and then Lead Min directly enters the corresponding formation to kill the monsters inside.

Although the number here is the most, but the process of eliminating the big monsters is extremely easy.

With Wang Fan’s current late stage Cultivation Base, these big monsters trapped in the formation have no enemy at all.

With as many as sixty-five heads, none of them can hold the incense sticks in his hands from beginning to end.

Wang Fan’s current state is really too buggy. All his enemies killed by him will become the power providers of the Blood Realm around him. As long as the more monsters he kills, the stronger the Blood Realm’s power will be. When killing other targets, the speed is faster. It is such a positive feedback that allows him to continuously accumulate strength.

Of course, there is no such powerful Cultivation Technique with or without side effects in the world. Wang Fan’s current mentality is being impacted by the residual mentality of those big monsters at all times, and he can still easily face one or two at the beginning. But with the increase in the number of big monsters, he has become extremely strenuous now, and his saneness has sometimes fallen into a frenzy.

“Double-edged sword.”

Xu Sheng looked at Wang Fan below, but hesitated for a while.

Of course he knew why Wang Fan kept maintaining this Cultivation Technique. The big monster of the hole was too powerful. Even if Wang Fa joined in, he felt that he was not confident enough to kill it. Increase the own power to the maximum so that you can behead the opponent when you join the battle at the end.

“But… there is no need.”

Xu Sheng also felt a little helpless. In fact, there was no need for the Huntuo human race to have such an intense battle with the opponent at the beginning.

Follow the process of the previous world and slowly consume the power of Sister Hui here.

However, there were some mistakes in the operation. One was that the front was wrong and some underestimated the enemy, which awakened Gaia’s consciousness.

Second, he himself wanted to underestimate the Gaia consciousness in this world, and it actually gave orders to all intelligent beings in his hands.

This order is imprinted in the genes of life in this world, so when the order was issued, all the powerful beings were rushed up, and even the consciousness was somewhat manipulated, regardless of the possibility of death, the purpose is to expand the mud. Terran to kill.

This situation is completely different from the last world. In the last world, they are still wary of each other. Although there are more than a dozen late stage levels of the gods, the power they exert is only two or three.

This is also the reason why Wang Fan and others have fallen into bitter fighting.

But now with the emergence of Wang Fan’s variable, the entire battlefield has suffered a chain reaction.

Wang Fan was like a sharp blade inserted into a tight formation, and all the life of the god transformation level wherever he went died.

At first it was the late stage of the god of transformation, then the middle stage of the god of transformation, and finally the early stage of the god of transformation.

In just seven days, all the beings of the transformation of gods in this world died.

Except for the hole virtual life that suppressed Yin and Kuangyuan, the other most powerful were only the Nascent Soul level.

At this time, Wang Fan finally stopped his own footsteps, and the remaining Nascent Soul levels were no longer worth his hands. Those Martial Kings and the gods who had already freed their hands would clean up Nascent Soul.

After repairing for a few days and adjusting his own state almost, Wang Fan went to the Dongxu battlefield!

The moment he entered the battlefield, Yin and Kuangyuan, who were already scarred, felt it.

“You came.”

“Good boy, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

Yin and Kuangyuan have been waiting for Wang Fan’s arrival. At first, they felt that their strength would be enough to kill the beings of this hole, but soon they discovered that this was impossible, as long as they appeared. Only the third person can succeed.

For a time, time seems to have returned to a thousand years ago.

In that great battle, they were also waiting for Wang Fan’s arrival.

The young man who didn’t even possess the qualifications to cultivate immortals in the first place has become a late stage overhaul of the God of Transformation!



The Dongxu existence on the opposite side also felt that the situation was not right, and it had been dragged down that it hadn’t cared about the new monster.

But when it felt the breath that was stronger than the two in front of it, it finally couldn’t help it.

“Damn it’s you!”

Kuang Yuan’s eyes were sharp, he had been defending, and he took the initiative to call out the sea of ​​thunder and launched an offensive!

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