Global Sage Era

Chapter 443

Chapter 439

Two gods are late stage, and one is Martial King late stage.

Gathered the current strongest combat power of the Huntuo human race, formally engaged in a life-and-death struggle with a Dongxu level being.

At this moment, even Xu Sheng, who has always been more soy sauce, paid twelve points of attention.

He hadn’t made much intervention before naturally because the situation of the Huntuo race was still within the controllable range.

His purpose of attacking these worlds is to obtain enough incense, so under certain circumstances, the more incense he gets, the better, so he has always adhered to the least intervention.

And now, no matter which one of the three is allowed to be missed, he won’t be able to see one of them die even if he loses tens of millions of incense at that time—this is exactly what he has always been doing. This way, the people’s dependence on him is not very large, otherwise everyone thinks that he will make a move at a critical time, then the potential will not be forced out at all.

Just like Wang Fan’s broken mirror before, there are naturally good and bad, but overall, there are still more benefits.

Dongxu life is indeed powerful.

Although its power system is different from that of Practitioner and cultivator, under normal circumstances, this power has been able to break away from the ‘world’ itself and navigate the universe.

Note that it is Universe, not Universe.

Especially in those worlds that are not single day and earth, life at the hole and void level can break the bondage of the atmosphere and travel beyond the sky.

Although the current level of the world is quite good, the world itself is still a single heaven and earth, and the stars in the sky are only a manifestation of a law, not a real planet that emits light and heat.

Kuang Yuan’s Thunder Sea has always been his strongest attack method. As a Thunder Practitioner, even if he has become a Martial King, his characteristics in this area are also very obvious. The attack power is extremely powerful, far better than the same rank, especially When faced with yin or negative factors, there is even more bonus damage.

Yin’s offensive was not weak in the slightest. The Immortal Sutra of his cultivation was the top method, and the Dao skills in it could cause a lot of damage to the lives of the Dongxu level with a wave of hands.

Coupled with the fact that Wang Fan condensed hundreds of blood alchemy techniques at the level of transforming gods, the three can be said to be using their strongest attack methods at this time.

Dongxu’s life also felt fatal danger at this time.

The breath of Death was constantly approaching it.

It let out a cry like a baby cry, and the void in front of it started to shatter.

Above the sky, the Gaia consciousness of this world also issued a cry similar to the scream, which made Xu Sheng who was watching the battlefield below stunned for a moment.

“It turns out that broken space will affect you… no wonder the space in this world is so stable.”

At that time, Xu Sheng was surprised when he opened the passage of the world. It was obvious that the passage of the previous world only needed more than one million incense, but this world has directly become more than 20 million, a gap of more than ten times. He is still wondering. .

Some worlds will use more power to maintain the stability of the space, which can make it easier for them to advance to the semi-holy level in the future.

Now that the world has such a performance, it naturally proves that it has ambitions.

Xu Sheng figured it out again. Not long after he entered this world, his Gaia consciousness had already awakened, and his consciousness level could not even be said to be Gaia consciousness, and the gap between him and the normal single consciousness was basically different. Not small.

According to the standards in the world, if this world is called by human beings, it should also be regarded as a kind of ‘genius’.

But no matter how genius is, it is useless, it appears in the endless ruins, and the destiny level has been decided.

There is no precedent for the escape of a foreign race in the endless Guixu market so far. If you want to escape in front of a high sage, unless there are more than five high sages attacking, or a true sage level comes over. .

However, the human monitoring network is not dry food. Once the power of this level changes, and there is a slight tendency to approach the surrounding area of ​​the earth, there will be a corresponding level of Sage to solve it.

In terms of high-level combat power, there is no race in the universe that can be compared with the human race, and it is not even worthy of carrying shoes.

It is impossible for even the strongest peak race groups to unite.

This battle lasted for 21 years.

When the Huntuo cultivator and the Huntuo people killed all the creatures in this world, the battle between Yin and others had not yet ended.

It is also because their battles have been going on all the time, the Huntuo human race is not like the previous world, it is resolved when the life in this world is almost resolved.

As the life in his body was extinct, Gaia’s consciousness became extremely weak, and now Xu Sheng only needed a small amount of effort to clean him.

However, he is not in a hurry for the time being. If the Gaia consciousness is resolved now, then the world itself will collapse, and the battle that Yin and others are about to end will also be in vain. As a considerate ancestor, he would naturally not do this.

Seven months and seventeen days passed.

With the last unwilling roar, the creatures of the hole of the virtual level finally burst into pieces in mid-air. Its powerful aura even set off a storm on the ground, blowing the weaker Practitioner and cultivator, and even those who are more powerful. Unfortunately, I was injured.

“Finally won.”

Yuhuan and others who had been watching the game let out a sigh of relief.

The creatures of the Dongxu level are too strong. They tentatively participated in the siege before. Although they will not be forced to retreat by the aftermath of the battle, the damage to Dongxu’s life is better than nothing. On the contrary, their existence will distract Kuang Yuan and others. , The offensive also became constrained.

So they all consciously left the battlefield behind, only doing a good job in the aftermath outside.

As early as more than a year ago, many Huntuo Practitioners and cultivators have returned to Minor World. Most of the cultivators and cultivators that are still here are more powerful. In addition, there are some who want to try their luck. After all, some of them will slip through the net. The fish has not been discovered. If one or two spiritual materials can be found in such a vast world, it will be of great help to future practice.

“Huh, want to kill us? You are not qualified yet.”

Kuang Yuan’s majestic body was covered with scars, and it was burnt with various claw marks and energy bombardment.

This battle was the longest he had experienced in his life, and the enemies he encountered were beyond imagination. No matter how strong the enemies in the past, he and Yin would be enough to deal with them together.

Even if Wang Fan’s help was needed last time, there were too many enemies.

But this time the three of them joined forces, and it took more than 20 years to exhaust their strength and beheaded on the spot. Recall that it was indeed an arduous battle.

[Record]: You killed a big monster with a hole in the virtual level and gained 54223424 incense

A full 50 million points of incense!

This is the power of the Dongxu level beings!

According to this rule, it is estimated that the life of Dongxu’s late stage can be given more than 100 million incense points!

However, not all rewards are incense. Xu Sheng has had good luck these two times. The rewards he received are all incense, and other types of rewards will definitely appear later.

It’s still the same rule. Although the other items rewarded are pretty good, there is never a cost-effective reward for incense.

Boom boom boom boom!

The Yuhuan and others who were about to step forward were suddenly attracted by the sound from an unknown source.

Then a scene that shocked them happened.

I saw the original circle of the sky, and it was shattered like a mirror at this time, with space fragments constantly embellishing, and behind the original sky position, the deepest darkness appeared!

Not only the sky is shattering, but the earth is also collapsing!

Thousands of miles of cracks appeared on the ground, like the most shocking scars, which made people thrilled.

“This world is going to collapse, leave quickly.”

Yin’s voice rang out in the field, and everyone’s expressions were severe when they heard it, and they immediately turned and flew towards the world channel.

The world channel is still standing in place at this time. Although it seems to be stable at the moment, the most powerful group of existences like Wang Fan can feel that the power to build the channel is also fluctuating. If the delay is too long , Then this world channel will disappear directly!


Kuang Yuan urged from behind. Now no one knows how long this world channel can last. If there are people who fail to pass before the world channel dissipates, then he can only bury this world!

Xu Sheng calmly watched Yin and the others pass through the world channel quickly.

With him watching, he will definitely not let his own people die with this world.

However, he still feels a little emotional. Originally, he was planning to resolve this Gaia consciousness after the death of the hole, but he did not expect that the other party would be extremely decisive. After feeling that his last subject also died, he directly chose Collapse itself.

Its idea is also very straightforward, that is, it no longer leaves him any resources.

Xu Sheng did have the idea of ​​taking it slowly, anyway, the current situation is under his control, and he can crush this Gaia consciousness when he thinks about it.

“A more genius in the world just disappeared…”

The collapse of the world came so quickly.

In the multi-universe system, the collapse of a universe may last for tens of billions of years, but in this endless return to the market, it is only a few days or even a few hours.

Like the brightest fireworks blooming in front of you.

The last light of the day and the earth shone on half of his face.

Under the light of this light, half of Xu Sheng’s main body seemed to be so compassionate and compassionate, as if to tell this world that he would always be so kind to his own people.

But the other half of the face that is not illuminated by the light, it is hidden in the darkness, one seems to be the open eye in The Underworld, the light in it is so cold and ruthless, facing the world as before. The wisdom of life is like life, without any warmth.

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