Global Sage Era

Chapter 449

Chapter 445 Exchange, Ninth Stage Third Stage!

【Ninth Stage Battle Body·Third Stage】

Category: Talent

Description: With the growth rate of a distant universe-level race, the absorption rate of Spiritual Qi is greatly increased, and the Martial Master realm combat power is available in adulthood, and the minimum chance of being promoted to Wuying is 1%.

Exchange required: one trillion incense

When the total number of incenses reached one trillion, Xu Sheng had already opened everything in advance.

Various data belonging to the Third Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body appeared in front of him.

It only took five to six hundred years to go from 160 billion to one trillion. If it is changed to earth time, it will be just five days later. If the incense is still obtained at this speed later, he will at least be able to wait for the beginning of school. Save four trillion incense.

However, four trillion yuan is still a lot worse for Chenhuan Dao Body, which is a full exchange price of 28 trillion yuan! The fraction in the back is actually tens of billions, but there is not much to mention in front of the huge number of 28 trillion.


Without much hesitation, all the accumulation was for this moment. As soon as Xu Sheng’s words fell, the number in the incense column of the Sage panel dropped sharply.

The one trillion incense sticks disappeared, and once returned to the pre-liberation period, this time Xu Sheng’s heart was not too uncomfortable.

Now every world brings a lot of incense, and one trillion will be enough in a few days.

[Record]: You added a talent to your people

[Record]: The potential of your people has been greatly Ascension

[Record]: The probability of your people’s awakening talent is large Ascension

A message appeared on the Sage panel, and Xu Sheng saw that the Huntuo tribe began to change.

What is being bred becomes strong.

The weak becomes strong.

Strong, become stronger.

With the addition of the Third Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body, the Hun Tuo tribe has spanned millions of years of evolution in just a few minutes.

At the same time, there is also a situation that does not know whether it is good or bad: the adult age of the Huntuo race has changed from eighteen to twenty, and the life span has also increased by ten years.

This adult comes according to the time when the individual matures. In the previous Second Stage, after each Huntuo tribe reaches the age of eighteen, they will naturally gather Qi Sea at Dantian, which is like a human with wisdom teeth, which is a body. Spontaneous behavior.

Now, although you will automatically have the Martial Master Cultivation Base in adulthood, the time has changed from eighteen to twenty-depending on the individual’s body, there may be slight differences.

Delaying two years of adulthood in exchange for ten years of life is actually a profit.

Perhaps it was this extended ten-year period that allowed some people who could not have made a breakthrough before the end of the day. After a long time, it might even cause the emergence of a few high-reality people.

“The side effects are so different.”

Xu Sheng now finally understands the meaning of the precautions written in the equivalence of everything-

‘Redeem this talent, there may be some side effects on the subjects. ’

In Minor World, everyone feels own changes.

Because time is still short, they don’t know how amazing this change in themselves will be.

Martial Spirit Dzogchen has only a life span of more than a thousand years. Except for a few people in the entire Huntuo race, no one else has felt the feeling of increased talent.

In the world on the other side of the passage, Yin and the others who were at war with the enemy really knew what it felt like.

There are many thoughts in their minds, but in the end they buried their doubts in their hearts. The first thing they need to do now is to solve the enemies in front of them.

Xu Sheng exchanged his talents as soon as he hit one trillion. In reality, the battle discovered by the Huntuo race had not ended yet. There was still a small amount of power on the opposite side who was resisting, probably still offering five billion incense sticks.

The effect of adding the third stage of the Ninth Stage battle body was first discovered by some Wuying Realm’s cultivators. They discovered that the cultivation speed that had been slowed down suddenly increased, and then they remembered the legend passed down by the elders of the Huntuo human race.

But what surprised Xu Sheng the most was that the addition of the Third Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body actually helped Huang cross the limit and let him enter the Martial King Realm.

Huang is now seven or eight hundred years old. He has stayed at the Martial Spirit Dzogchen. During this process, he was unwilling to pass and despaired, but at this moment, it became the past tense.

“I finally became the Martial King!”

Huang, who was no longer young, stood on the head of a three-headed dragon.

He used to be arrogant, no one was in his eyes. At that time, he thought he would soon become the Martial King, surpassing everyone.

But reality tells him that the journey from Martial Spirit to Martial King is more difficult than reaching the sky.

It is a pity that he has been stagnating for so long in this Realm, but over the years, he has seen more than thousands of people who died in a broken world?

Almost every year, people try to make breakthroughs, but only a few tenths of them have been able to make breakthroughs.

He had disdain for Kuang Yuan and others in his heart, thinking that they could occupy such a position but they were born earlier than himself, but now such thoughts are gone.

It may be that the addition of the third stage of the Ninth Stage battle body has made the Huntuo race stronger. Perhaps everyone is eager to realize the change in own. In short, after three years of talent addition, the Huntuo race has gone from this world. Quit in the middle and returned to the Huntuo tribe.

Just like the previous worlds, this world that has experienced the expedition of the Huntuo human race is badly injured, and the Gaia consciousness has also fallen into a deep sleep. Although it has grown to a sufficient level, it can only play less than 15%. Strength.

After the Huntuo tribe returned to Minor World, many people entered the Closed Door Training just like loading talents several times before.

Even the cultivator feels that he has become more handy during cultivation Cultivation Technique, and he has benefited from it.

Not to mention the Practitioner, many people who had never been able to enter Martial King Realm in Xu Sheng’s opinion have actually entered Martial King one after another.

In just ten years, the Martial King in Huntuo Practitioner has more than two hundred people!

This number is still increasing rapidly!

The number of Martial Kings has increased, and the number of other Realms has also increased accordingly.

The population of Dahuang is also rapidly increasing, from one billion level to twentieth level.

Because of the increase in the number of people, some people were dissatisfied with the life in Dahuang, and left Dahuang and went into the wild.

The area of ​​Minor World is now several times the size of the earth. If anyone really wants to survive in the wild, no one will find out as long as they deliberately hide.

Except for some people who want to leave Dahuang, there are others who are forced into helplessness.

It may be because you have offended people in your hometown, or because your love is not recognized, you can only go far away.

For various reasons, the number of people who left Dahuang gradually reached a million.

Xu Sheng is not surprised at such a scene, because this is bound to happen. Although Kuang Yuan has done a good job and Dahuang’s national policy is okay, it is impossible to satisfy everyone after all. It is only a matter of time before a new country emerges. .

Sometimes competition is indeed benign, making the whole country and nation better.

Xu Sheng was still more concerned about the lives of ordinary people at the beginning, and wanted to see how their lives had changed, but when something happened, his attention had been completely attracted:

Kuang Yuan Closed Door Training!

Yes, hit the Martial Emperor!

Martial Emperor, in terms of combat power, is much stronger than Martial King. Although Martial King can destroy the country, it is still difficult to cross the void with the body.

But the Martial Emperor is different, they are just like the big monsters that they have encountered before, and they can adapt to all kinds of extreme environments.

Xu Sheng has always been looking forward to the appearance of the Martial Emperor’s subjects.

Kuang Yuan didn’t let him down either. It was only ten years after the Ninth Stage’s third stage was loaded that he sensed the opportunity of breakthrough.

I have always said that Dahuang’s national strength is closely related to Kuangyuan’s strength. Before, Dahuang’s national strength has not changed much for a long time, so his speed of breaking through the boundary has been very slow, but since the conquest of various worlds, Kuang The pace of progress in the world is much faster than everyone else.

Even if it is Yin, the Realm at this time will only be perfected, and it will take a period of polishing to try to breakthrough.

The breakthrough from Martial King to Martial Emperor is naturally not accomplished overnight. Calculated according to normal time, it can be as little as several decades and as many as a hundred years.

At the same time, the danger of Martial Emperor breakthrough is not comparable to the previous Realm. Even if Kuang Yuan is golden luck, it does not mean that the breakthrough will be successful. If you have the idea that you may be able to breakthrough, then the result is likely to be destroyed. In the process of breakthrough.

Xu Sheng naturally focused his attention on Kuang Yuan, and he would do his best to keep Kuang Yuan safe. Even if he himself allowed to fail in this breakthrough process, he, as the ancestor, would not allow it.

After Kuang Yuan’s Closed Door Training, the situation in Dahuang changed rapidly.

Quite helpless, this thing of opportunity is not easy to find, even if it is clear that there will be some bad changes after Closed Door Training, Kuang Yuan can only choose to hand over the affairs to Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng.

Both of them are now Martial King late stage, but just not long after breakthrough, they should actually go to the Martial Emperor to work hard, but because of their position they can only make sacrifices.

Although the two of them know that national affairs are important, but occasionally cultivation will still forget the time, gradually, all rights are divided by the people below.

Most of these people just want to make their lives a little better, and they don’t have much selfishness, but a few of them are ambitious.

They were all considered good people in the past, but when their talents increase and their aptitude improves, some ambitions that would never have arisen suddenly appear.

This kind of thing will appear every time the talent is added, and the increase in the talent of the race will always give birth to some unstable factors, which often expand the overall strength of the human race ascension, but there will also be some negative factors.

Everything, good and bad, is growing rapidly.

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