Global Sage Era

Chapter 450

Chapter 446: A big dream for thousands of years, God will return to become Martial Emperor!

Spring is coming and autumn is coming, and half a jiaozi passed in a blink of an eye.

A new generation of mortals has grown up again. From the original ignorance and ignorance, they now join Dahuang, or enter various martial arts, or join the army. Everyone has their own life.

For thirty years, even people with poor qualifications have already entered the Martial Master Realm. Those with outstanding talents have even gone a long way in the Wuying Realm.

In the third stage of the Ninth Stage battle body, the probability of advancing to Wuying is at least 1%, which means that no matter who it is, there is a chance to enter the Wuying realm with his own heroic soul, instead of being forced to choose the Martial Soul path.

However, the Martial Soul system has been passed down for thousands of years. Those with strong blood have already inherited the own blood. The younger generations don’t even have to go out to find Martial Soul to have a certain chance of awakening Martial Soul, or even to support this awakening. Sect has been researched for many years.

Compared with the heroic soul, Martial Soul seems to have taken a different path. It has taken a special way to make the impossible possible. Of course, the frontal combat power it provides is not as good as the heroic soul, and the Martial Dao route is the most orthodox for the heroic soul, so if Let people choose Martial Soul when they can choose Heroic Soul.

The effect of the Third Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body weakens the Martial Soul system in disguise, which makes many Martial Soul families who have inherited the system helpless, but the benefits are obvious. They are not in this change. It has not become weaker, and it has become stronger like others, but they have all seen that if this situation continues, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years later, the Martial Soul system will gradually weaken, and even be buried in Maybe in history.

“Order to go down, and keep those people under strict supervision these days.”

In the majestic Great Hall, the imposing Xuan Zheng expressionlessly gave instructions to the servant.

This servant was originally by Kuang Yuan’s side, and he was considered a confidant, but after Kuang Yuan’s Closed Door Training, he became obedient to Kuang Yuan’s instructions.

The Cultivation Base of the housekeeper is not low, and the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul Dzogchen, according to the current trend, may have the opportunity to break through to the gods.

As a close person of the Lord of a country, the Cultivation Base naturally cannot be low. If his Cultivation Base is too low, then others will be ignored when he goes out to promulgate some will.

The position of the servant is also considered to be a very important position in the Dahuang system, so he has received a lot of benefits, and his own Cultivation Base is constantly increasing with the ascending of the national strength.

According to his status, almost everyone has to give him some face when facing him, even a state official must respect him, but Xuan Zheng is different. As a direct student of Kuang Yuan, his status is the same as that of the crown prince. There is no difference.

In fact, Kuang Yuan has always cultivated Xuan Zheng in this aspect. Normally speaking, training is also training Xuan Yi, but Kuang Yuan knows Xuan Yi too well. There is nothing wrong with being a general marshal as his own disciple. He has to become the lord of the country to manage. Political affairs are still a bit worse.

However, Xuan Zheng himself does not want to become the lord of the country much. He can see how much effort Kuang Yuan has put into Dahuang for so many years. If Kuang Yuan can always be the lord of the country, then he still tends to let Kuang Yuan go. when.

Countless people outside are very jealous of this seat and want to master this most extreme right.

They regard the seat of the country as the end of everything, even above Martial Dao.

But these ambitious people will never believe that, as the three people with the highest positions of power, they actually don’t pay much attention to the position of own.

Although in this position can receive a certain speed of cultivation bonus, but if they can choose, they prefer to be free.

But they can’t do this, they know that their ancestors have been watching them, and the ancestors expect them to lead the Huntuo human race further.

A secret room inside the Imperial Palace of Tongtian City.

This secret room belongs to an extremely hidden location, knowing that the people here are no more than five fingers, and the best formation is engraved around it, and on the top is a fist-sized night pearl that acts as a lighting object.

And in the most central position in this secret room, on a bed made of chalcedony, Kuang Yuan struggled for Lotus Position cultivation. The Cultivation Technique in his body was constantly running, and the spiritual Qi, which had already entered inaccessible, was constantly being compressed. .

Vaguely, a crown slowly emerged on the top of his head.

The situation is different when the crown is condensed during the battle. At this time, the scene of the crown seems to be pulling something out.

It floats there, becomes solid for a while, and becomes illusory and almost nothing.

Kuang Yuan’s mind is no longer here at this time. The secret room is tangible, but his mind is invisible. When he enters the breakthrough state, he feels that he has penetrated some barriers, the constant ascending of consciousness, and he has come to a darkness. land.

There is no light around, as long as there are faint small spots in the extreme distance, he can feel a strong fluctuation of power from above, it seems that he is just as small as a worm in front of those small spots.

“What the hell are these?”

Kuang Yuan didn’t have the concept of forming at the beginning, he just gave birth to the meaning of wanting to explore.

Then he found that those light spots exuded a powerful attraction to him, and he was attracted by that attraction before he had any action.

Everything around him was retreating rapidly, so that a long and narrow band of light was drawn in his consciousness.

The place where it was originally dark is no longer dark.

Before arriving at this light spot, Kuang Yuan discovered what light spot this is, this is a huge planet!

He still knew the concept of planets in the earth’s civilization. That journey was extremely shocking to him. Only then did he know that there is such a big difference between the structure of heaven and earth, and own Minor World is just one piece. The area where the sky is round, and there, all the worlds are spherical, and the world is not called the world, it is called the planet. The superior of the planet is the Universe, and there are countless planets in the Universe.

However, it was wrong to say that it was a planet, because Kuang Yuan quickly noticed a familiar aura from this planet-that was his own aura.

A child’s figure appeared on the surface of the planet, and the planet itself seemed to become a screen, playing everything about the child.

“Isn’t this me?”

Kuang Yuan recognized the child’s formally young self immediately. At that time, he was still practicing Martial Skill behind the Master. Once upon a time, his own idea was to become a powerful Qi Sea realm Practitioner, but before he knew it, He had reached the peak of the Martial King realm and started to walk towards the Martial Emperor.

The scenes on the planet appeared scene after scene, Kuang Yuan was completely immersed in it, and didn’t even realize that his body had been close to the planet.

Originally seemingly insignificantly small, now when standing in front of the planet, he can already be relatively large.

The planet that was billions of times bigger was only dozens of times bigger as he approached, and it kept shrinking as he approached.


Is the planet shrinking or is it getting bigger?

Kuang Yuan didn’t know what was happening right now.

In the end, when he arrived in front of this ‘planet’, the originally huge and unfriended planet was only the size of his fist, and he just moved his mind and the planet flew towards the center of his eyebrows.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it, but the planet directly penetrated the palm of his hand and entered his mind. For a time, many things kept flashing in his mind.

Gradually, he understood something.

In the next time, he began to look for these light spots.

Each spot of light is a period he has experienced, and he examines everything from the perspective of a bystander.

Sometimes he would admire some of the ways of owning, thinking that even if he went back now, he could not think of such a good solution. Sometimes he regrets abnormally. It is clear that as long as he changes his practice a little, many people can live because of it. Come down.

But no matter whether it is good or bad, everything will be taken by him and everything will be digested by him.

“Yes, although I don’t realize too much, but I’m already on the right path.”

Xu Sheng looked at Kuang Yuan in the quiet room. There was already a variety of laws intertwined around the empty space.

As the ‘Heavenly Dao’ of this world, he can feel Kuang Yuan’s spontaneous attraction of the laws around him, condensing a royal robe around him.

There is a faint outline.

It is still in the state that has just appeared, and all the details are not perfect.

From Martial King to Martial Emperor, it corresponds to Nascent Soul to Dongxu. The so-called Dongxu is the insight into the illusion, and spiritual power is extremely important.

The two roads that were originally unrelated have finally overlapped at this time.

If you want to advance to the Martial Emperor, you have to look at yourself and make up for the bad things you did in the past. At the same time, the requirements for understanding this part of your thoughts are also extremely strict. The memory was disturbed by the insanity.

Kuang Yuan has always been in a perfect state of mind. Although he does not deliberately cultivate his state of mind, the realm is similar to the way of cultivator.

This has something to do with the individual’s personality, and other people can’t copy it if they want to.

Xu Sheng watched the condensed robe of the Emperor Kuangyuan in this way, and the time passed quickly.

One year or two years, three years and four years, in a blink of an eye, it was half a piece of cake.

At this time, nearly seventy years have passed since Kuangyuan’s Closed Door Training. This time, the Closed Door Training is really long enough.

But seventy years, for Kuang Yuan, also represented the imminent achievement of Martial Emperor Realm.

At this time, the royal robes around him had become extremely solid, almost indistinguishable from the formation!

And just three years later, the last step was taken.

Dense thunder patterns appeared on this robe, completely turning it from virtual to reality.

A pair of eyes that seemed to see through the world opened at this moment.

He sighed softly and chanted: “A big dream is for thousands of years, and today I know that I am me.”

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