Global Sage Era

Chapter 451

Chapter 447 Are you willing to take the seat of the Lord?

[Record]: The first Martial Emperor appeared among your people

[Congratulations]: The strength of your people has risen to a new level

Two extremely brief messages appeared in front of Xu Sheng’s eyes.

It surpassed the thousands before.

At this moment, the joy in his heart is hard to narrate in words.

Generally speaking, the people of Martial Emperor Realm will appear at the 30% level. Because of the fast ascension of the law, the people’s strength has not kept up.

And now, when Kuang Yuan took the lead to become the Martial Emperor, he was able to make up for the last shortcoming. The level of his subjects was immediately in line with his current level of strength, which was the level of 36%.

It is extremely difficult for Martial King to defeat Realm against Realm, even with his help, it will cost a great price.

But when Kuang Yuan entered the Martial Emperor, it could be said that there was no creature in the same Realm as his opponent, and even the creatures in the middle stage of Dongxu had the power to fight.

The hole virtual middle stage, the general rule of understanding will reach 40% before it appears. In the range of 30% to 40%, the most is the change in quantity, that is, there may be dozens of creatures of the early stage of the hole virtual in a world, but The middle stage of the hole will not appear at all.

Just talking about this, Kuang Yuan has been able to guarantee that the Huntuo human race will not suffer from top combat power in the following wars.

Of course, the premise is that Xu Sheng does not look for worlds above the 40% level. In addition, he must also ensure that there are no very special worlds. There are exceptions to everything. In some more extreme worlds, there may be only dozens of lives in the entire world. One, but with a more than 30% rule of comprehension level, he has nourished creatures in the middle stage of the hole.

In any case, Kuang Yuan erased a point that Xu Sheng had always cared about after entering the stage, and the Huntuo human race could continue the Ascension strength.

The current strengths of all levels of the Huntuo human race are also rapidly ascending due to the third stage of the Ninth Stage battle body. Although they have not yet reached the strength that meets his current level, they can be achieved in two or three hundred years at most.

In other words, he will soon return to the previous state, and the strength of his subjects exceeds the level of understanding of the laws of his own body.

Xu Sheng is naturally happy to see the result in such a situation. His comprehension of the law can be said to be the fastest in a short period of time, but it is this way that the strength of the people can surpass him, so no matter who comes over. It is impossible to surpass yourself.

In the past, the strength of the people surpassed themselves was also the reason for the Ninth Stage battle body and Dao body. Now the exchange of the Ninth Stage battle body Third Stage once again replicated such a scene, which allowed Xu Sheng to start working hard on the next dusty Dao body.

Twenty-eight trillion incense, according to the current rate of his acquisition of incense, it would take nearly two hundred worlds, even if 108 years here is equivalent to one day on the earth, that’s nearly half a year, too long. NS.

Xu Sheng will then comprehend the law of Ascension while understanding the level of Ascension’s target world.

Now a world can get 150 billion incense, so when the world level reaches the standard of 40%, it is very likely that it will become two thousand, three thousand, or even 51 million.

If a world can get one trillion incense, then the exchange of Chenhuan Dao body is a very simple matter.

According to all the experience, this scene will definitely appear.

After all, there is a Sixth Stage behind the Ninth Stage battle body, and the greater the leap towards the back, he still clearly remembers the horrible exchange figure of the Ninth Stage, which is simply too small for the unit of calculation.

“Kuang Yuan.”

Kuang Yuan, who had just come out of the breakthrough state, became solemn after hearing the sound from his heart.

“What’s the matter with the ancestor calling the wall?”

“I know that you are tired of being the leader of the country. If you want, I allow you to pass on the status of the country to others.”

After hearing this, Kuang Yuan couldn’t help himself.

He can be regarded as having seen a lot of “mortal kings”, and those people all want to hold this position for a long time, even if they are not there, they must pass the position to the descendants of own blood.

The ministers of the house have also been persuading him to leave blood descendants, and he has also tried, but so far none of them have succeeded.

Over time, it doesn’t matter to this.

Today, he is more of a responsibility to the people of Dahuang. If there is a suitable candidate, he really wants to hand over the position.

Xuan Zheng has always been his optimistic object. In fact, it is not because of his relationship with own, but from the perspective of Da Huang, it is the best choice for him to inherit the position of own.

As for the other people, they are all ambitious. Once they take the seat of the country leader, they will only think about how to seek personal gain for themselves, and they will not care about the life and death of the people at all. This is absolutely unacceptable to him. .

However, he still has some ideas in his mind now that he is not clear about the dispute. Sometimes this kid is interested in the position of the country leader, sometimes it doesn’t matter if he realizes it, and sometimes he even has a vague idea of ​​retreat.

In addition to Xuan Zheng, the magnificent Da Huang still has no second person that he can admire.

He managed to develop Da Huang to the current scale. He didn’t want to let his thousands of years of hard work come to nothing just because he chose an unsuitable successor.

Xu Sheng, who was watching Kuangyuan in the endless ruins, smiled slightly, “I’m afraid you won’t be able to hand over this position.”

Kuang Yuan still has a way to fully judge Xuanzheng’s specific ideas, but it is easy on his side, and the meaning of Xuanzheng from beginning to end is very clear: it is okay to help with some affairs, and let himself go directly to that position. impossible.

Xuan Zheng and Kuang Yuan are the same kind of people, both fascinated by Martial Dao. Since Kuang Yuan has always wanted a free body, in order to pursue Martial Dao, he can’t even be attracted to the position of the country’s lord. He naturally has the same idea.

Naturally, Xu Sheng said so deliberately.

His idea is also very simple. Since you are always thinking about picking up children now, let you try to see if anyone can replace yourself. When you know that no one can replace yourself, you can stay in the position of the country leader with peace of mind. On it.

I have to say that Xu Sheng’s approach is indeed a bit dark.

Kuang Yuan became a poor tool man.

In Xu Sheng’s eyes, the position of Lord Dahuang is not a second thought. It must also belong to Kuang Yuan. Only the experience of Kuang Yuan and Yin can unselfishly integrate the Practitioner and the cultivator. The two groups have been leading.

Just like him, developing the Huntuo tribe is the biggest goal.

As Xu Sheng expected, when Kuang Yuan walked out of the secret room, he soon went to the place where Xuanzheng handled government affairs.

Because he has entered the Martial Emperor realm at this time, and when the Martial Emperor breakthrough, he focused on the amount of Spirit Power, so no one knows that he has now successfully breakthrough Closed Door Training.

There is a huge gap between Martial Emperor Realm and Martial King Realm, so even if they are only a few tens of meters apart, the declaration of affairs that is being processed is not known at all. Every move of own is watched by an old undead.

It can be seen that Xuanzheng handles government affairs very quickly, even faster than when Kuangyuan handles government affairs.

However, his emotions have not changed much from beginning to end. Obviously, dealing with these government affairs did not make him any happy. It was only because the master made a breakthrough in Closed Door Training. He did this in order to maintain the stability of Dahuang. Things.

The idea of ​​Xuan Zheng over the past seventy years is also very simple, that is, after Kuang Yuan left the customs, he left here without looking back, and handed all the affairs back to Kuang Yuan for handling.

Individuals are different, and there are naturally changes in the formulation and promulgation of various policies.

But in the past seventy years, although Dahuang has changed slightly, the general direction is still the same. The reason for this is entirely due to Xuan Zheng’s abandoning of his subjective changes, and everything is in accordance with the previous Kuang Yuan. Ideas come.

So in the first ten years, many people in Dahuang didn’t feel any change at all. Even if someone said that the country’s master is now in Closed Door Training, they didn’t believe it at all. How can Closed Door Training be able to maintain everything? Same as before.

After more than two decades, many people have gradually realized many small differences. Coupled with Kuang Yuan’s long faceless appearance, most people really believe that the Lord of the Kingdom is really Closed Door Training.

Closed Door Training is a good thing. After all, this is to break through to the Martial Emperor. A Martial Emperor powerhouse can make Dahuang safer. When everyone mentions this, they say that Kuangyuan will be able to succeed.

“Sure enough, I didn’t read this kid wrong, he is the best person to take over me.”

The more Kuang Yuan looked at it, the more satisfied he became. He hadn’t seen him in 70 years, and the Cultivation Base of Xuanzheng became more skilled. Now he is not far from the Martial King Dzogchen. Maybe he will be able to enter the Martial Emperor Realm soon.

As the first person to enter the Martial Emperor Realm, he naturally expects more Martial Emperors to appear, so that he can find someone to communicate when he has some ideas on Martial Dao.

In the Great Hall, Kuang Yuan’s figure just appeared in the same place.

He didn’t continue to cover up his own breath, so the arguing who was dealing with affairs raised his head.

After seeing Kuang Yuan, his pupils shrank violently, and then stood up from his seat somewhat surprised: “Master… have you left the customs?”

Kuang Yuan smiled and said, “I just came out of the secret room half an hour ago and saw that you have been dealing with government affairs, so I didn’t say anything to interrupt you.”

At this moment, in the feeling of Xuan Zheng, there was not much aura from Kuang Yuan in front of him.

But in his eyes because of Martial King’s late stage, the more usual, the more unusual.

This scene now clearly tells him that there is a Martial Emperor standing in front of him!

“Congratulations, Master!”

He took a deep breath and smiled on his face.

“Hehe, soon you will come to my Realm… let alone this, right now I have a very important thing to ask you what you mean.” Kuang Yuan looked at Xuan Zheng with a ‘gentle’ expression on his face.

Xuan Zheng was a little surprised: “Master, please tell me.”

“I want to ask… would you like to ask for the seat of the country lord?”

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