Global Sage Era

Chapter 453

Chapter 449 Leapfrog! (Look for a monthly pass!)

The emergence of Wubei naturally made many high-level Practitioners gear up for it.

They can be regarded as re-enacting the throbbing of the cultivator.

There are evil repairs in cultivator, evil Dao and Devil Dao in Practitioner.

As for whether the evil Dao and Devil Dao in the Practitioner are naturally produced by themselves, or are affected by the cultivator, it is unclear.

But after the appearance of the Wu monument, the impact on these people is the same. Being able to use formal means to improve one’s own strength and obtain various precious things will naturally be regarded as a rat in the gutter.

So at this moment when five years have just arrived, people who want to be the first to rush to the opposite world can be said to be a sea of ​​people, and there are those who are tempered and even fight to fight for who to go first.

It also makes people laugh and laugh.

But this can be regarded as ‘people’s heart is usable’.

Xu Sheng put the Huntuo human race in, this time the power level of the opposite world directly Ascension reached 35%, which was very close to his own strength.

But the result is easier than facing 33% of the world before!

Although it has only been 70 years, the overall strength of the Huntuo race can be said to have doubled dozens of times. Not only has the number of Practitioners doubled, but high Realm Practitioners have emerged in endlessly.

Once upon a time, facing the opponent’s two-digit or even three-digit transformation of the gods, the Huntuo human race completely relied on Kuang Yuan and others to support the facade, but now, the number of Martial Kings alone has exceeded two hundred!

And it will reach three hundred soon!

What is this concept?

At the top level of strength, the Huntuo human race has been able to do one-to-one or even many-to-one!

Although due to its own base, the Huntuo races facing each other at the order of tens of billions and hundreds of billions of magnitude seem to be scarce, it does not prevent the Huntuo races from pushing horizontally on the battlefield.

In order to win the war, the Huntuo race had to build fortifications step by step to prevent the base camp from being directly attacked by the opponent.

But now these are completely unnecessary. The Practitioners and cultivators who came to this world are like wolves who have been hungry for decades, rushing to all parts of the earth enthusiastically.

Needless to say, it is a gathering of millions of troops. As long as there is a queue of thousands of people on the Practitioner side, you can run wild in an area. As long as it is the life that appears in the line of sight, it is fully capable. Kill it.

Xu Sheng’s incense is also rapidly increasing. As he had predicted before, as the world’s power level increases, the speed at which he can obtain incense will also increase.

In just a few short years, he has already gained 50 billion incense in this world.

The final eradication of the entire world is 69 years, only two-thirds of the estimated one hundred years, but Xu Sheng has obtained 22 billion incenses. If it is the incense consumed by exchanges, the incense provided by this single world. It’s over 300 billion.

Of course, most of these incense are provided by those high-Realm beings, like those ordinary creatures that are killed, almost no incense will be provided to him. After all, the origin of the world sea is constructed by the most holy, and the judgment of these things is extremely keen. .


[Incense]: One hundred and one hundred billion


When Xu Sheng saw the trillion figures in the incense column on the Sage panel again, he couldn’t help but feel a little dazed.

In just five worlds, in less than four hundred years, he once again saved a ‘Ninth Stage Third Stage’.

Of course, there is no need to exchange for the Third Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body anymore. What he has to face is a ‘Big Mac’ with an exchange price of up to 28 trillion yuan.

The power of Chenhuan Dao Body alone is enough to excite people from those descriptions. Xu Sheng can imagine that the moment the Chenhuan Dao Body is exchanged, the number of cultivators will definitely increase rapidly, and the number of cultivators is likely to be hundreds of now. Million quickly leaped to the order of 100 million.

Over the past 400 years, the population of the Huntuo race has increased by 50%, and now there are 33 skilled populations.

Compared to the current earth, it has reached a level of one-third.

According to the current growth rate, when the school starts, that is, three thousand years later, the population will be able to exceed that of the earth.

The total time spent before and after is nearly eight thousand years.

This speed is definitely not fast, or it is very slow.

Xu Sheng has always cultivated the Huntuo people, so that every ordinary person in the Huntuo people is very cautious about childbirth. Women are not accessories of men, and they cannot be reduced to fertility tools.

Regardless of whether it is an ordinary woman or a strong woman, they will suffer a little damage during childbirth, and even delay their own strength Ascension. In this case, women will have a lot of scruples during childbirth. Generally speaking, it is more to give birth to two. , There are rarely more than two.

With a large number of people, the number of deaths during the world’s attack is impossible. In each period of several decades of conquest, there are at least tens of millions of deaths.

Even for cultivators, the number of deaths in each world is one hundred thousand.

The Huntuo race is different.

Once those millions were serious injuries, the situation that caused the entire race to fall into grief is gone forever.

Now that the casualties are so high, everyone is accustomed to it.

More than 10 million people died in 69 years. If calculated only by cold figures, it would be around 200,000 a year.

Compared to the Huntuo race’s volume of more than 3 billion, 200,000 is only less than one-tenth of a million, and it is too insignificant.

Xu Sheng is also used to it…or numb.

He gradually understood the thoughts of those Sages.

I also know why so many Sages take the path of sacredness.

Indeed, compared to himself, the death of ordinary life is far too common.

If you don’t focus on the people, but replace it with those destroyed worlds, there are more than trillions of intelligent lives that die because of your own decision?

Now he is not even a semi-sage, because he decides that Death already has so many intelligent lives.

After half-holy, quasi-holy, and even Sage, life has truly become a number.

Hundreds, billions, billions, billions, billions… and there are countless billions of billions, which are still the same at all, they are just things that go away with the wind like nothing but dust.

In other words, even if the suffix after this billion is changed from life to the world, it will not affect it.

“Life…how small.”

Xu Sheng felt that his own thoughts were changing where he didn’t want to see before, but he couldn’t stop this process.

Unless he stops his current behavior and no longer considers blasting incense from external channels, only through the spontaneous generation of the people, otherwise as long as he launches a war outside and becomes an aggressor, it will be difficult to avoid going in that direction.

“The life in this world is so strong, one level stronger than those encountered before.”

In the new world, the sky will not be blue, but a purple sky.

Practitioner and cultivator stood under the sky and felt some unspeakable fluctuations in all directions.

This world is indeed different.

The worlds that the Huntuo people dealt with before were all below the 40% level, and this world…crossed the 40% line!

Crossing 40% means that there are middle stage lives of Dongxu in this world, as well as early life of Dongxu with at least seven or eight heads, as many as dozens of hundreds.

However, at this time, there were two figures standing in the Huntuo human race.

Like the thunder of the sun, it was extremely radiant.

A breeze is mellow and natural.

Kuang Yuan and Yin, both of them exuded the same level of power fluctuations, and they unconcealed their existence to the top beings in this world.

Just stand here!

That’s right, Yin also succeeded in breaking through at this time, and entered the realm of emptiness!

After emptiness, his eyes have the ability to perceive falsehood, and there is no concealment method to avoid him.

At the same time, he can send himself to the sky and the earth, advancing at an unimaginable speed in the void.

At the same time, he also has the ability to absorb the world. Spiritual Qi has made himself huge, so that he can handle it better when facing giant opponents.

Yin’s breakthrough time lasted a little longer than Kuangyuan, it took a full 230 years, and then it took more than 100 years to stabilize the Realm, where he had no weaker than Kuangyuan when he first came out. the power of.

Right now this world is also the first time Yin has participated in the war five hundred years later.

“Which one do you choose?”

“Your strength is more suitable for single combat. I will choose the early existence of the hole.”

Yin himself can also face the life of the middle stage of the hole, but if it is efficiency, he is still not as good as Kuang Yuan, but he has a better way to deal with multiple enemies.

“Then it’s settled, let’s compare who will solve the opponent first.”

Kuangyuan laughed. He knew that Yin had always had such a personality, and he would always consider others during the war.

He himself is more inclined to one-on-one, and it is too annoying to have to guard against back attacks when everyone is on the go.

The two disappeared from the same place after they agreed.

The Practitioner and the cultivator are at a loss. They are still in sight just now. Why is it just a blink of an eye?

People with low Cultivation Base thought it was blinking, but those with high Cultivation Base didn’t blink their eyes from the beginning, but they still lost the target.

“Master’s Cultivation Base has reached the point where I can’t understand it. I don’t know when I will be able to make a breakthrough.”

Xuan Yi sighed on the side that although he is now in the realm of Dzogchen, he still doesn’t have much clue about breakthrough. If he hadn’t taken a lot of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures for life extension noodles all the time, I guess he would be dead now. To die.

“I believe Master, you can do it.” The expression of Xuan Zheng next to him did not change much. His progress was a little faster than Xuan Yi, and he was about to touch breakthrough now.

However, the method of Practitioner breakthrough is different from that of cultivator breakthrough. He can breakthrough even in battle, so he has not stayed in Closed Door Training for a long time to conduct Closed Door Training.

He wants to break through himself in battle and become the second Martial Emperor!

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