Global Sage Era

Chapter 454

Chapter 450: Sudden! Greystone spirit defected!

The endless Sword Ray flashes in the sky.

The pure white Sword Qi was like light from the void, beheading the behemoth in front of him.


The momentum Ascension reached the highest point, Xuan Zheng said softly, the sword in his hand was dragged flat in his hand, and then the sword moved with his heart, slashing straight towards the creatures of the early stage of the opposite hole!

This sword directly pierced the core of this behemoth, and it let out an unwilling wailing, it was only a little bit close to defeating the enemy in front of it, but…

Standing in the same place, the appearance of the intact Xuan Zheng was spouting a mouthful of blood. Numerous holes appeared from all over his body. The blood spilled downward, and there was a strange fragrance permeating. As the Martial King, Dzogchen was only one step away from the Martial Emperor. The one who decides in the distance, even a drop of blood can bring good fortune to mortal creatures.

Xuan Zheng’s momentum has changed from the high spirit just now to wilting. It can be said that he has lost the strength to fight again, but he succeeded in the end. He went up against adversity and killed a creature that was close to the middle stage of Dongxu!

He has also completely touched the next path. He is confident that after digesting everything in this battle, he can rely on his breakthrough to achieve Martial Emperor Realm. This time will never be long!

In addition, Kuang Yuan, Xuan Yi and others on the battlefield were relieved. If it hadn’t been for Xuan Zheng’s strong demands, they would have taken action. Now the entire world is the power of the Huntuo human race, and they have absolute advantages on all battlefields. How about The allocation of troops is up to them to decide.

However, Xuan Zheng has never let other people intervene in this battle. He said that even if he died in this battle, he would never regret it. As a past person, Kuang Yuan naturally understood what he meant. The leap from Martial King to Martial Emperor was indeed very good. Difficult, he also continued to have enough background through those few battles.

“Boy, do you want to surpass your Master like that.”

Xuan Yi recently scolded with a smile, he is now completely surpassed by his own disciple.

However, Sylphy’s strength is also very strong, and it is still firmly standing on the Practitioner’s third place. Although there are other Practitioners who have entered the Realm of Martial King late stage, their combat power is still not as good as him.

This war became a turning point with the departure of Xuanzheng. From the beginning of a frontal attack to a selective elimination of opponents, it only took more than ten years to withdraw from this world one after another.

And that is, half a year after everyone else had evacuated from this world, a soaring aura rose from the sky-passing city, even the cultivator in each secret realm was reborn, looking at the location of the sky-passing city.

The second Martial Emperor appeared.

The breath of the Martial Emperor was undoubtedly revealed. Standing on the opposite side of Xuan Zheng, Kuang Yuan looked at his disciple and grandson, feeling relieved and worried at the same time.

Take a look, take a look, this is my best successor no matter what, I can leave so much government affairs to freely explore the streets of Martial Dao, but because this kid doesn’t nod, I have to. Continue to stay in this position, he feels very upset every time he thinks about it.

[Record]: One of your subjects became Martial Emperor

Xu Sheng also received a notice here, but compared with Kuangyuan’s breakthrough, this time is a simple message, very common. From this point, it can be seen that the Sage panel only cares about the first arrival, which means that its own strength is reached. To a new level.

But once it reaches a new level, it doesn’t matter how many people with the same Realm are behind.

“Next, if you have five or six worlds, you can try that 42% world.”

The world level solved just now should be equivalent to 40.6%, which is more than three percentage points higher than the comprehension of the law itself.

His own law comprehension now has successfully made a breakthrough of 37%, and there is no formed entity in the body of the heart of rules, but all kinds of forces exist inside, waiting for the final digestion.

The conquest of the world is still continuing, and now each world can be resolved in 67 years on average, and the incense harvest brought is 300 billion yuan after deducting the exchange, which is already a big gain.

Before he knew it, Xu Sheng’s number of incense had reached the number of fifteen hundred billion.

At this time, almost fifty years have passed since Xuan Zheng breakthrough. After him, Xuan Yi also gradually approached the Martial Emperor.

As for the cultivator, Wang Fan made a breakthrough one hundred years before the breakthrough, but he has been in the Closed Door Training to stabilize the Realm since the breakthrough, so the outside cultivator still doesn’t know the fact that he has made the breakthrough.

On the contrary, Yuhua and Qianmin had some problems. Their advancement speed finally lags behind the other five, and their lifespan is not much left.

It was impossible for Xu Sheng to die like this when he saw it, so he exchanged the same treasure tree with Ascension’s lifespan from the equivalence of everything, and then planted it in a certain position in Minor World to guide Qian Min and Yu. The two of them went to investigate.

The exchange price of this treasure tree is extremely high. The price of a single unit has reached 1.3 billion, which is equivalent to many Spiritual Roots.

The effect is also very powerful, it can directly Ascension has a lifespan of one thousand years without side effects, and there will be ten fruits every three hundred years, which is a kind of foundation.

The rules of this treasure tree are extremely perfect, and it is impossible to give birth to such a divine object based on the current situation of Huntuo Minor World, so other human races except Xu Sheng have no ability to let their own people live so much at once.

Occasionally, the rewards in schools or other places have similar things, but once they appear, they will be scrambled by many people. In the end, only a few people will have the last laugh.

One thousand more lifespans can be regarded as making up for the energy spent on refining and pill refining by Qianmin and Yuhua, so that they will not lose the opportunity to advance because of other things.

Both of them entered the Closed Door Training state. This time they chose to die. If they didn’t make a breakthrough, they would never go out.

Coupled with the Xuan Yi on the Practitioner, Xu Sheng must pay attention to the breakthrough of the three people at once, which can be considered as involving most of the energy.

But on the day when the three breakthroughs were relatively stable, Xu Sheng received a message.

[Record]: Your affiliated race, Greystone Spirit, defected

? ? ? ? ?

When he saw this message, Xu Sheng almost didn’t react. Even after seeing it clearly, he felt that there was something wrong with his eyes.

I have never heard that the affiliated races will defect…

No, it seems that I have seen a very small number of records of defecting, but that was all because of the bad condition of the affiliated races, and they were desperately squeezed, which finally caused this result.

But what reason does Greystone Spirit have to defect?

These lazy guys eat and drink in Minor World, and there are no natural enemies, and there is no risk of death at all.

Thousands of years ago, the Huntuo people would use their power to build things, but with the addition of the Second Stage and Third Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body, they are no longer needed.

Their existence is only existence for the Huntuo people.

After letting people know, oh, know that there is such a wise race that is dependent on the Huntuo tribe to survive.

But now the Sage panel tells Xu Sheng that these guys have defected, he can’t figure it out at all!

He has not restrained the freedom of these greystone spirits. If there is a greystone spirit who proposes to return to the own ancestral land, he will not stop it. In fact, no greystone spirit has said so at all. They have already become muddy. As a member of Minor World, there is no concept of ancestral land in their thoughts.

But such an impossible thing has happened now. When Xu Sheng went to see it, he really found that the Greystone Spirit had disappeared!

This is incredible.

He could know the various situations of Minor World with a single thought, but now he was stunned that he did not know how and when the Greystone Essence disappeared.

Two hundred and thirty miles east of Tongtian City, there is a big mountain, and there are many deep pits under the big mountain. These deep pits are the marks left by the graystone spirit who once lived here, but now there is no graystone spirit here. breath.

Greystone spirits, which had grown to a scale of tens of thousands, disappeared from Minor World overnight.

Their disappearance didn’t alarm anyone–even Xu Sheng didn’t notice it, and it was even more impossible for the Huntuo human race.

In the past thousands of years, in addition to staying in the own gathering place, there are also a small number of graystone spirits who want to see the outside world and stay with the human life, and even some of them have formed a deep bond with the human race. .

At this time, the few Huntuo races who could not find a good friend had already exploded. They didn’t know how the own brother had disappeared like this.

However, Xu Sheng noticed something wrong from the memories of these people.

In the pictures they remembered before, Greystone Spirit actually had behavioral abnormalities decades ago.

When facing each other, these witnesses themselves did not feel the abnormality of the greystone spirits, but in Xu Sheng’s eyes, these greystone spirits would suddenly make some weird movements.

Those actions are by no means good intentions!

It’s like some kind of primitive fanaticism.

This picture is a bit horrible. All the normal non-human friends in front of you are actually doing actions in front of you that you don’t understand.

Naturally, the abnormality of the greystone spirit group quickly reminded Xu Sheng of the former greystone spirit world.

At first, the world of Greystone Spirit disappeared, and then suddenly appeared at a certain moment, and then after he entered, he discovered that the world of Greystone Spirit had changed dramatically.

At that time, he didn’t have any doubts, and felt that everything that happened in the world was understandable.

But now it seems that from the beginning of the disappearance of the greystone world, it is likely to be some kind of abnormality.

Various speculations arose in Xu Sheng’s heart,

The Human Race actually has a deep understanding of the abnormalities in this area. Some of the abnormalities are accidental. After all, the universe is so big that there are no surprises, but more of them may be foreign methods. They know that they dare not attack the Human Race, but they keep making small moves in secret. .

“Even if it is a subsidiary race, you can’t make you disappear without knowing it!”

Xu Sheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, The next moment opened the world channel to the world of Greystone Essence.

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