Global Sage Era

Chapter 462

Chapter 458: The Peak Race!

In the boundless darkness of the foggy area, a figure is constantly moving through it.

In the mist, an invisible line of sight continued to spread around him. Although he was eventually obliterated by the figure, he also paid the price of declining strength.

In a hundred years, Xu Sheng’s law comprehension has dropped by 1.43%, and the power that can be exerted is only over 36%.

In such a long time, he has reached the boundary of this foggy area, but when he tried to break through, he was blocked by an extremely thick barrier.

But he didn’t gain anything.

At first, he felt that this place was just a relatively special area, just like the hinterland of the puzzled clan at the time. When he came here, he would find the alien races that existed here after a certain distance.

But when he spent nearly a hundred years reaching the border to go out, he has gradually ruled out this option.

The remaining answer is a worse situation for him: he is currently in the body of an alien race!

Countless alien races have various forms of existence. Although the human race’s form can be expanded in the universe, he is not a semi-sage after all, and it is normal to exist in a semi-sacred body.

Like the multi-universe system, it is easy to enter its body as soon as it enters the area where it is located, so even if the strength is the same, the power will be suppressed.

“There are not many races still possible now, I hope it’s not that…”

Based on the information flow he knew, Xu Sheng had eliminated most of the interference items, and now only seven or eight of them are extremely consistent with the current foggy area.

These seven or eight races or power systems are strong or weak, the weakest is just a semi-holy power system, and the strongest…

Anyway, if it is in its body, then there is a core after all.

At that time, whether it is attacking the core to force it to spit out or directly destroy it, it will be able to get out of the current predicament.

The latter Xu Sheng felt that the possibility of own power was unlikely. The area in front of him was so vast, at least it was a semi-sacred existence, so even if the core of existence was let him attack for hundreds of years, it would not be possible to destroy it.

Another dimension of the fog area, here is an area of ​​‘nothing’.

It’s like the transparency inside a water drop.

At the most central position, a piece of color is slightly darker, as if a gray area exists.

The area without fog is a superposition state.

Occasionally, a figure can be seen diving in the foggy area, and sometimes it penetrates directly when it reaches the gray area.

Continue to raise the line of sight.

The endless void suddenly appeared.

There are dots of starlight all around, it is the light that flickers from one world to the next, and the colors are different. Some are just ordinary low-energy worlds, but some are shocking just by looking at them.

The boundary of the fog area is also transparent relative to the world, showing a gap between the two.

Just like a jellyfish in the sea, this foggy area is the “jellyfish” in the universe.

Of course it is not a jellyfish, but one of the most peaked races in the world: Soulshang.

In the world, in addition to the human race occupying the highest position, there are very few races with the most holy level of existence below are called pinnacle races.

Each of them occupies an extremely high-energy region, which is as special as the region where the earth is located, and is also an existence that makes other races jealous.

As the pinnacle ethnic group, Soulshang naturally has its own ethnic division.

It can be roughly divided into four stages: Soul Seed, Soul Mist, Soul Domain, and Soul Sorrow.

That is, corresponding to the four levels of the holy way, semi holy, quasi holy, and Sage of the human race.

Of course, there are more subdivisions, but the human race only emphasizes these four levels as statistics, and it is also the time when the power of the soul is qualitatively changed.

In addition, from their names in the same rank segment, it can be seen that within the pinnacle of the soul group, in fact, only after reaching the Sage level will they be recognized as the same race and will be regarded as the soul soul, and the others are just Primary Stage.

Obviously, this misty area in front of him is the soul mist stage of Soulshang, which also represents the semi-holy level.

Soulshang this race does not have many face-to-face encounters with Humans, because they do not have any advantage on the frontal battlefield. Human Sage does not use the original world at all, and directly dives into Soulshang’s internal solution core to completely kill a Soulshang. die.

Before encountering the human race, Soulshang had no worries in this regard, because they were the strongest in the same Realm, and even other peak races could not beat them.

But after the human race appeared, they immediately suffered heavy losses, and the dead souls were innumerable. Then they became smarter. If they did not fight directly with the human race, they would hide behind other races and consume the power of the human race through long-range traction. .

This method is very rascal, but the effect is also very significant, causing great trouble to the human race.

It’s just that this time the Soul Sorrow in the Soul Fog stage used methods that Human Race had never seen before, and it was obviously only recently that they had been mastered by them.

Judging from the way that the subsidiary races could be quietly pulled away from the previous secret, it is definitely extremely dangerous to the human race.

Although Xu Sheng seldom uses subsidiary races, the subsidiary races are a huge part of the power of other people. If the subsidiary races are rebellious like Greystone, then the human race will be hit hard before the war begins. , Terran Sage will not allow this to happen.

Obviously, the soul mist at this time hadn’t noticed that there was an extra’unusual factor’ in own’s body.

It is just a step-by-step Ascension with its own strength, working hard to enter the soul domain stage as soon as possible.

At every moment, it will swallow massive amounts of matter from the universe, turning it into mist, and enriching its own power.

It can be seen that the shining world is swallowed by it, as if entering a certain front position, the light will quickly dim, and the solid world barrier itself will be melted before long.

If Huntuo Minor World was not protected by Xu Sheng from the heart of Xu Sheng, it is now like these worlds, it will become a thin mist in a short time.

At a certain moment, the consciousness of the misty soul suddenly awakened.

Just now it received a message from a soul, and there seemed to be movement on the human side, so that it would be more careful when swallowing matter in the future, so as not to cross the boundary.

The area where the human race is located has always been a forbidden area for the souls, and no souls are allowed to approach it.

The special state of existence of the soul is very beneficial to the understanding of the laws of the human race, almost as long as it is discovered by the human race, it will be overtaken!

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