Global Sage Era

Chapter 463

Chapter 459: The Realm of Absolute Death!

“Now only three ethnic groups are still possible…”

As each possibility was eliminated, Xu Sheng became more and more clear about the current situation, and at the same time, the haze in his heart became bigger and bigger.

There are only three ethnic groups left, and the peak ethnic group he put on the list at the beginning is still there!

Even in the same Realm, the difficulty of facing a peak race is definitely many times higher than that of an ordinary race!

“According to the description, the probability that I am in the Soul Mist phase of Soul Sorrow is more than 67%…”

The reason why it hasn’t been completely determined is because Xu Sheng has never encountered Soulshang before, and there are many races in the universe that are very similar to Soulshang.

Until now, the probability of the second possible Sea of ​​Fog on the Road is still 58%, but compared with Soulshang, it is just an ordinary ethnic group, and there are many ways to deal with it.

In fact, from a morphological point of view, this place is more like a sea of ​​fog, as high as 90%, but when he tried several ways to get out of the sea of ​​fog, its probability has been directly reduced to the present. 58% of the total.

Terran’s understanding of the soul is fairly clear, and dozens of solutions are listed, but in combination with his current Realm, there are only two hopefuls.

And one of them is to completely hit the Universiade and find a place connected to the outside world. Although the human race has summarized some rules, but just want to get away from this, it is completely naive, and generally it is used for real. There is no way. , In order to pin our hopes here.

The other method, even if it finds its core, will directly use the paperweight to attack in two directions to force a breakthrough in the fog area.

This method is also only used by people like Xu Sheng who have the treasure of self-defense. If other people of the same level are trapped in the soul fog without the treasure of self-defense…then the first method is their only way, except to hit the big one. There is no other way outside the transport. If you don’t know before your own strength completely disappears, you can only die with unwillingness.

For peak races such as Soulshang, if they know that they have killed the human geniuses, it will surely allow the Souls of the Extreme Sage level to use special methods to directly eliminate the possibility of resurrection, and it is impossible for the Extreme Sages of the race to shoot the geniuses. Resurrection.

It was also with this method that once a top genius of the human race died on them like this. If he can survive to the present, at least he is also an extremely holy, and may even attack the most holy Realm.

Xu Sheng didn’t think about the soul in the first time, so he didn’t use those methods to find the core.

In the following time, he tried one by one according to the level of possibility. Now, it is finally his turn to find the core.

Even the breakthrough point at the core is the most dangerous place.

Xu Sheng can be sure that the other party hasn’t discovered the existence of own, otherwise, with their attitude towards Human Race, it is impossible for him to reduce his strength for so long.

And the core is related to their lives, and its importance is higher than the significance of the Origin World to the human race, so as long as he enters the core, he will be discovered immediately, and then he will encounter a devastating blow from the opponent.

Even if he has a paperweight two-way existence, if he doesn’t even support the core, he can’t lock it with the paperweight two-way.

At that time, the role of the two-way paperweight has completely become the guardian of oneself, and the power of the soul will continue to consume the power of the two-way paperweight.

The Paperweight Erxiang itself could not be destroyed by it, but when the energy was exhausted, Xu Sheng lost his greatest defense, and it was too easy for him to be dealt with by a semi-holy level of Soul Fog Phase Soul Sorrow.

Although he has now affirmed that his own spirit has been affected, otherwise he wouldn’t come over so recklessly, but it’s done, and regret is of little use.

There are too many powerful existences in the universe, and Semi-Holy can barely protect themselves in the universe. A saint like him, the strength is still too low, and those powerful existences can easily erase themselves.

This is the worst situation in the soul fog stage.

Although it is not completely certain at the moment, Xu Sheng’s hunch has told him that the situation he is facing is likely to be like this.

Next, he started searching in this foggy area in the same way as he found the core.

Several methods have not been found in succession.

But he didn’t have any relief, because it didn’t mean it wasn’t a soul sorrow, but because it happened to not be found.

Just like catching fish in a river, there are many ways to catch fish. You can put down the cage by hand, with a fork, and by means of diversion…

If no fish is caught after all these methods are used, does that mean there is no fish in the river?

Naturally not, it’s just that it’s possible that the fish hasn’t been here in other locations.

If the time lasts a little longer, then it will eventually be caught.

It was during this continuation that Xu Sheng perceives a special channel appearing in front of own’s eyes.

It seems to be between the virtual and the real, a gray area stands there.

His heart sank, and the worst may be fulfilled.

He is indeed in the body of Soulshang now!

“The soul of the soul fog stage, the half-holy level…the specific stage of the half-holy stage is not something I can know.”

Xu Sheng whispered in his heart, the gap between the semi-sages is bigger than the gap between the saints.

Just as he can turn his hands and destroy the saints with 1% strength, and the saints with 90% rule comprehension or above can easily kill himself, the semi-sages who are close to the quasi-sage level can also easily kill the semi-sages who have just entered. The existence of a new level.

The stronger the strength of this soulshang, the lower the probability of Xu Sheng’s success in breaking away.

The situation is the worst right now, and if it is discovered later that this soul is on the verge of promotion, it will be a desperate situation.

Now it depends on luck.

Xu Sheng feels that although own luck is not good, it is not too dark. It is still possible to be better in the future.

The channel discovered was also half-empty and half-real, and Xu Sheng could not directly reach the core area of ​​Soulshang through it.

But its existence is like a murloc who sees a fish. As long as you continue to adopt methods, you will be able to succeed.

He strictly followed the experience summed up by his ancestors and proceeded cautiously in a certain direction of the foggy area.

In the process of searching, people on the shore may also be found by fish, so Xu Sheng must be extremely careful to ensure that he is not found by the other party before entering the core.

Maybe he was cautious enough, maybe his luck was good enough, when Xu Sheng’s eyes changed and the original fog area disappeared and became completely transparent, he was not discovered by the other party.

In front, a gray area is so conspicuous.

As long as you use a paperweight to attack there in two directions, you can get out of here!

But before Xu Sheng had time to be happy, a feeling of radiating his soul suddenly appeared!

The extreme danger instantly enveloped him!

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