Global Sage Era

Chapter 476

Chapter 472

Layers of restraint.

It is a means completely aimed at the human race.

A large number of existences at all levels have gathered around Xu Sheng at this time.

Each one is irresistible to him.

And these beings all looked at him with a very strange ‘emoji’ at this time—the fluctuations of consciousness were automatically replaced by human expressions.

The methods used by the True Sage level Soulshang were obviously specifically designed to restrain him.

At this time, it is the best situation to kill him directly, if it is to capture himself… then the situation is even worse.

“I really want to eat him, it smells good when I look at it.”

“What are you dreaming about? A human genius of this level is something you can confuse?”

“Humph, can’t you think about it?”

“I advise you to dispel this idea. I have no ability to cut off the chance of resurrection. If you encounter a human genius in the future, you must report it. In other words, it was a waste of the best opportunity.”

The surrounding souls are ‘whispering’, and the benefits of eating the human race are known throughout the world.

Every human race is the best treasure, and many of them are lucky enough to have eaten the existence of human races, their own talents will explode, and within a short period of time, they will cross the bottleneck that is impossible to breakthrough.

There is an evaluation of treasures secretly, among which the most precious things in the universe are listed, and the human race is ranked very high!

The reason why it is not ranked first is because there are many human races and their Realm is different.

Of course, such a list can only be carried out in secret. Once the human race discovers its existence, then all the existences related to this list will die.

The solution is also very simple. Follow the path of Karma from one of the holiest, and directly destroy everything at the source.

In addition to the human races listed on it, the pinnacle races are also listed on it. It has to be said that the pioneers of this list are extremely bold, and it is extremely surprising that they can survive safely so far.

The time to prepare the means is not long, just a few short years, and everything is ready to continue.

Over the past few years, Xu Sheng has been observed like a white mouse.

His actions were not even restricted, and he could continue to approach the border.

But this was just because everything about him was in the hands of the soulshang clan.

A little white mouse escaped in the cage.

But even so, Xu Sheng still did not give up.

He was still looking for the hope that was invisible.

The energy that obscures the sky and the sun is pouring out.

This was Xu Sheng’s first shot facing the true sage level.

Sadly, his level is too low, and he can’t even see the true appearance of this shot.

Don’t say anything about avoiding at all, because even if he was given a hundred years, he would not be able to escape the area covered by the attack.

But what makes Xu Sheng happy is that this is not an attempt to capture own alive and completely kill it.

Although he was about to die, he finally wouldn’t cause much damage to the human race.

In fact, the soul of this true saint level has also hesitated, whether to kill it directly or catch it alive.

After hesitating again and again, it still feels that if it is captured alive, it may have a chance to be rescued by the human race, then this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will no longer be there, it is better to kill it directly.

At this moment before the storm, Xu Sheng was extremely calm.

Under the scouring of the true saint’s power, he wouldn’t hold on for long, and he knew very well that he wouldn’t even have pain.

At this moment, the scenes that had happened appeared before my eyes.

When the equivalence of everything is open, when everyone in the class is surprised because of their ‘big talk’, when all the people in the college entrance examination are killed in battle…

Too many pictures, each one is so unforgettable for him.

But what makes him a little puzzled is that even if his own consciousness rotates fast, why hasn’t it dissipated after so long?

He looked forward with a slightly inquiring look.

Then I saw an extremely magnificent picture:

In the void, a piece of space was directly shattered into glass, and a piercing finger stretched out from it, quietly pressing on the soul of the true saint that was comparable to the size of hundreds of multi-universe universes.

It’s like crushing a fly.

The aura belonging to the soul of the true saint level is directly erased from the universe, and then there are other souls around it.

Xu Sheng’s eyes widened.

The heart beats vigorously.

He suddenly realized what had happened.

A supreme saint…come from the territories of the human race to own’s eyes!

Before Xu Sheng had any reaction, Xu Sheng felt his own body drifting towards the fingers uncontrollably, and the speed had exceeded countless times the speed of his consciousness rotation.

But he was not injured in the slightest, and a thin film of energy that he couldn’t discern enveloped him.

What kind of finger is this!

As he approached, Xu Sheng discovered that the inside of this finger was actually made up of one world after another!

Inside these worlds, there is an area that he has not seen but can guess, and countless immortals are flying inside!

This is the extremely holy world!

Xu Sheng never thought that at the moment when he was about to die, it was a Human Race Extreme Sage who would rescue him.

So far he has seen only one Extreme Sage. At that time, he heard and listened to the general inspector of the college entrance examination saying that he was watching his own growth.

But the one in front of him was obviously not the former chief inspector. He guessed that this might be the teacher’s handwriting, and it was the teacher who asked this extremely sage to do it.

He also saw the gap between Extreme Sage and True Sage, even if it was just a finger, he just smashed it at will, and the other party didn’t even have the slightest chance to resist.

Xu Sheng watched as he got closer and closer to the shattered space, and then entered the shattered space with the finger next to him, far away from the territory of the soulshang clan.

Before his consciousness completely left here, he faintly heard a roar.

“Damn it’s human race, you will definitely pay for it!”

There seemed to be other voices behind, but he couldn’t hear it anymore.

When Xu Sheng’s consciousness woke up from the chaos, the first thing he saw was a pair of star-like eyes.

He was stunned for a moment. The next moment bowed slightly and said, “Thank you, the sage, for helping me.”

The Extreme Sage in front of him, he couldn’t see clearly his appearance, he seemed to be detached to a higher level, becoming a condensate of rules.

“Hehe, you little guy is extremely dangerous this time. If your Master finds me a little later, you may be dead now.”

Hearing this, Xu Sheng’s guess was verified, and it was indeed the Master who asked the Supreme Sage in front of him to take action.

However, what surprised him a little was that Jisheng seemed to be no stranger to him in front of him, and his tone of voice was extremely gentle.

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