Global Sage Era

Chapter 477

Chapter 473 Return to Earth

“But you can be considered a meritorious service. If you hadn’t entered the area of ​​the Soul Sorrow Clan, we wouldn’t have discovered that they were targeting our human race so early.”

Xu Sheng didn’t feel any pride when he heard it. This time he was completely misunderstood. In general, it should have caused more trouble. Every supreme sage has everything to do, because he is like this.’ The little guy made a special trip, which undoubtedly took a lot of time.

“Well, since you are okay, go back, your Master is waiting for you over there.”

Xu Sheng only felt the world spin for a while, and when he could see the scene in front of him clearly, he found that the Master was standing not far from own.

There was guilt on his face, “The disciple is causing trouble to the Master.”

Ancient Shiyi didn’t mean to blame, but rather softly comforted: “This time, you are not to blame. It is normal that your Realm cannot resist the guidance of the semi-holy level… But from this time, it’s normal. You should know that alien methods are impossible to guard against.”

When was the other party tempted?

If you insist on going back, you might have been tempted when the Greystone Spirit defected, and if you look forward, you might have been recruited unknowingly when you entered the world of Greystone Spirit for the second time.

At that time, his strength was even lower, and at the same time the paperweight Erxiang was not completely donated, and the move was just a matter of instant.

“Teacher, the very sage just now was…” Xu Sheng asked in a low voice.

“It was the first president of our Qianjing University.” Gu Shiyi’s words surprised Xu Sheng.

It turns out that this one has become the ultimate saint?

The above information about Sage is not something students like Xu Sheng can know. They only know about how many Sages there are in the school, but they don’t know what each Sage is specifically called or what the experience is.

Peng Yuanshang is the fifth president of Qianjing University and has been rumored to be the most powerful president.

After all, the strength of the human race is getting stronger and stronger. The later the principal will become stronger. This is a matter of course, but what Xu Sheng did not expect is that the first principal has become the ultimate sage.

No wonder he was so kind to own just now…

“Actually, you have already seen him. When we went to the territory of the Ten Thousand Clan, his old man was behind to support everything… At the same time, he guarded the back for us during the Battle of the Heart Clan.”

Xu Sheng’s long-held doubts were solved.

During the Battle of the Confusion Clan, he faintly realized that things were not that simple. A battle lasted for so long. It is impossible for the Alliance races of the Confusion Clan to have not reacted for such a long time. It turned out that the first principal was behind it. .

An extremely holy guard, unless it is the pinnacle race, it is impossible for the pinnacle race to break through.

The pinnacle race might be so easy to take action. When they were watching the human race’s every move, their actions were also being monitored by the human race.

Therefore, even if it is just the extermination of a middle-level ethnic group, the overall trend of the human ethnic group will actually be operating later.

“Although you stayed there for a short time this time, the law has already affected your body. In the next half month, you should not leave school. Make up for the shortfall and continue to the endless return. Market.”

As a true saint, Gu Shiyi can see Xu Sheng’s current situation clearly with just a casual glance. Although he did not look into Xu Sheng’s Minor World, he can also guess that Xu Sheng’s people may also have Realm Ascension. On the problem.

He has encountered similar problems before. Things in the universe are ever-changing, and it is normal for them to stray into certain dangerous areas and be dragged back.

“Does it take so long?” These things were beyond Xu Sheng’s expectations, but he changed his mind to think that his current foundation has been laid down, and he took advantage of this opportunity to use up his credits, “disciple knows.”

Xu Sheng was taken to the direction of the earth by Yi in ancient times.

The speed was so fast that he could only see two long colored ribbons in his peripheral vision.

It didn’t take long for him to feel that the speed was full, and a spaceship stopped not far away.

“Go up.”

Xu Sheng just wanted to ask the teacher. He found that Gu Shiyi’s body turned into particles and disappeared in the void. Then he knew that what had come was just a projection of the teacher, but with this projection, he also felt the same as the body. almost.

‘The teacher seems to be stronger again, isn’t it…’

Xu Sheng secretly thought in his heart that if it was really the same as he thought, it would undoubtedly be a good thing for Human Race, the school, and him.

Half a month, for Xu Sheng, it was a race between life and death.

As the spacecraft gradually docked, a sense of peace of mind gradually appeared in Xu Sheng’s heart.

He checked the time, it was 2:32 pm on February 14, 2178.

In other words, the hundreds of years that I have spent in the Soulshang Clan area are only half a day on Earth.

It is also because the flow of time over there is so fast that it makes his body a little unbearable.

When walking out from the secret realm, many people greeted Xu Sheng along the way.

Only then did he realize that there were already so many people in the school.

There is still half a month before the start of the next semester, but most of them have already returned.

I also met a few classmates from the champion class. They would naturally not have seen Xu Sheng as the monitor.

But what made them a little surprised was that they couldn’t see through the breath of Xu Sheng now.

At the end of the first semester, Xu Sheng’s law comprehension was only around 20%, but now in just one and a half months, his law comprehension has doubled to more than 40%. This time it has made great progress. Even if they knew Xu Sheng again, it would be impossible to think of it.

At this time, one of them suddenly looked at a junior senior who he knew, and compared Xu Sheng’s breath with him. The final conclusion made him a little bit unbelievable: Xu Sheng’s breath was even worse than this junior senior. powerful!

Although the strength of this junior is not strong, his grade ranking is only middle and lower, but as far as he knows it is also 38%, but now…

The person next to him noticed the horror on his expression and couldn’t help but whispered: “Did you find anything?”

“He… the law comprehension is probably over 40%!”


A high-pitched shout caught the attention of the people around him, and even Xu Sheng, who had already walked far away, couldn’t help but look back.

But he quickly turned his head back.

Just now when he came back, he subconsciously sent a message to Su Linrui, asking her whether she was in school or Luyuan now.

Originally, he didn’t hold much hope, but he didn’t expect Su Linrui to reply’at school’ almost immediately.

After Xu Sheng hurriedly made an appointment in the cafeteria, he walked quickly.

For some reason, he felt that he wanted to see Su Linrui and wanted to chat with her now.

After arriving at the cafeteria, Xu Sheng accidentally discovered that Su Linrui had arrived.

She sat in the position that they used to do, with her hand on her cheek and looking sideways to the door. The golden sunlight shone on her face, making her face transparent.


Xu Sheng felt his own heart beat violently.

An unspeakable emotion filled my heart.

The irritability, restlessness, and boredom that had been going on all the time disappeared in an instant, and the arc of the original serious face became softer.

His footsteps slowed down involuntarily, and walked gently and slowly towards Qianying who was sitting by the window.

However, this lightness and slowness did not last long.

Xu Sheng saw a pair of eyes that could smile, her cheeks moved away from her squeezing hands, and then she waved enthusiastically towards this side.

The steps became hurried again, even faster than before.

He walked to Li Ying, who seemed more lively in the sun, and smiled: “Long time no see.”

Su Linrui froze for a moment, then narrowed her eyes into a crescent smile and said, “It’s been a long time since I saw her.”

A warm current flowed through his heart, and he suddenly blamed himself when he saw such a considerate girl in front of him.

Xu Sheng sat down in the opposite position, looking directly at Su Linrui’s eyes.

At first, Su Linrui didn’t have any special feelings, because when we met before, Xu Sheng always looked at her generously, but gradually, she realized that Xu Sheng’s eyes were different from the usual so many times this time, on her face. Some crimson rushed into the air, and he lowered the head slightly.

When in the soulshang clan, Xu Sheng most often thinks of not Luyuan, not Qianjing University, nor his own people.

What came to his mind most was the scenes of getting along with Su Linrui.

But in the end, he found that he didn’t spend much time with Su Linrui.

Obviously there are so many opportunities to get along, but I don’t want to stay for a while and spend more time with her.

In fact, did you really not notice anything?

How could it be, it’s just self-deception.

At the moment before Death arrived, most of the picture that emerged in his mind was Su Linrui’s voice and features.

Only then did Xu Sheng understand Own’s intentions, and before she knew it, Su Linrui had already walked into Own’s heart.

Yes, I want to share any happy things with her, and I will think about what she is doing in my free time… This is too clear.

Su Linrui is an exquisite woman. How can she not notice Xu Sheng’s changes? While happy in her heart, she can’t help but wonder. What has happened to Xu Sheng in the past half a month that made him change like this? ?

Xu Sheng naturally couldn’t tell the experience in the Soulshang clan, he also noticed what Su Linrui might be thinking, and could not help but actively recount his half-month experience…Of course, the Soulshang clan’s experience was taken in one stroke.

Even if Su Linrui thought about her exquisiteness, she couldn’t help but be led away by Xu Sheng at this time, and she was fascinated by Xu Sheng’s rich experience.

But as always, she was happy and lost at the same time.

But this time is destined to be different.

“When you can go outside the domain, how about we team up?”

Suddenly raised his head.

Su Linrui looked at the extremely brilliant face in the sun and nodded heavily.

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