Global Sage Era

Chapter 497

Chapter 493 The Second Golden Luck


The core in front of him kept shrinking with the sound, and all the energy contained in it was incorporated into Xu Sheng’s body.

His comprehension of the law has once again improved by leaps and bounds, reaching 73% in just a few years.

“Sure enough, the gap gets bigger as you go back.”

Xu Sheng opened his eyes, realizing his current strength, and couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

Previously, the Ascension was nearly one percentage point, but now the two cores are just over one percentage point.

“It’s already pretty good. The time flow here must be more than five hundred years. In less than a day, the Ascension is 2%. This kind of Ascension speed is really terrifying.”

The secret realm bestowed by heaven is worthy of being specially used to advance to the semi-sage. If you can find opportunities here, it is far easier to become a semi-sage than the outside world.

Minor World.

The ocean is widening, the land is increasing, countless terrains appear, and occasionally there is the breath of the birth of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

A short teenager hiding in the forest, his eyes widened as he looked at the area that suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Will the ground… still get bigger?”

He muttered to himself that he, who is only thirteen years old this year, doesn’t know too much.

However, after all, he inherited the strength of the Huntuo human race. Even at a young age, the life and tearing of tigers and leopards could not be easier. Now he has naturally grown to the Seventh Stage of body refining, and he can reach tens of meters in one jump, even if it is. With hundreds of high hills, he can also reach the top of the hill in a few breaths.

At the current growth rate, he was able to enter the Qi Sea realm when he was about fifteen years old, and then he entered the Martial Master Realm when he was sixteen or seventeen following the Cultivation Technique handed down from within the clan.

Already considered to be a first-rate genius, under normal circumstances, the Huntuo tribe would not be able to become a Martial Master until they were twenty years old.

But compared with the top batch, it’s nothing. At the age of ten, he gathered Qi Sea, twelve percent of Martial Master, fifteen out of Wu Ying, twenty percent of Martial Spirit…

The record of Huntuo Practitioner has been refreshed time and time again.

As a cosmic race, the horror of the Huntuo race is gradually showing up.

The earlier you get promoted, it means that when the high-level cultivator falls behind, you can replenish your vitality at a faster rate.

Even if the Huntuo race is now facing the world of the same level, the lost power can be quickly replenished in decades.

The cultivation speed on the cultivator is also increasing. Now the hundred-year-old Ningying, two hundred into a god, and five hundred into a hole are also many people, catching up with the ancestor Realm at an extremely fast speed.

The boy just watched that a piece of land suddenly appeared in front of him, and more importantly, there was still a fruit in the center of this land.

“Ample energy, this must be a treasure!”

His eyes were bright, and he stomped hard on the tree in the next second, and he reached the fruit.

At this time, he could see the whole picture of the fruit more clearly. The whole body was red, with traces of mysterious lines walking around it, and it seemed that there was essence locked in it.

The boy had never encountered such a scene before, he hesitated again and again, and finally he gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to touch the fruit.


The boy screamed, he looked at his hot red palm, and couldn’t believe it showed that there was no abnormal fruit that seemed to have such a temperature.

“I don’t believe I can’t take you off!”

He got angry in his heart, lifted his own clothes, and Xizi took it off like a heart.

It’s still hot, but with the isolation of clothes, it can be considered tolerable.

What’s more peculiar is that when the crimson fruit was picked off by him, the original high temperature quickly faded, and it became normal temperature in the blink of an eye.

The boy stayed for a while, and took it to his eyes with his hands.


He bit on the fruit.

The entrance was sweet and the flesh was silky, and he subconsciously swallowed, and the flesh of the first bite fell out of his stomach.

The boy stayed for a while, then turned into a gluttonous food, and ate the fruit in a few bites.

But after eating, his expression suddenly became painful, his stomach was overwhelming, and there seemed to be magma flowing in it.

Gradually, his struggling and painful cry became smaller, and the whole person remained motionless, as if half dead.

The scorching sun in the sky unknowingly moved to the west, and then completely hidden under the ground.

When the silent night came, the sound of insects became clear.

It was also at this time that the corpse of the teenager who was originally lying on the ground moved.

“What’s wrong with me?”

The boy looked around in a ignorant manner. His head hurts, his body hurts, and his stomach hurts. What happened?

A Daoist shadow stood silently in a place where the boy couldn’t see it, seeming to have stayed for a long time.

Measured the distance and found that there was only ten feet between the two. It was clearly visible at such a close distance, but the young man did not see the standing figure from beginning to end.

“Sure enough, it is a great fortune.”

Xu Sheng whispered to himself, everything that happened just now was seen by him. According to normal laws, eating such a fruit with the strength of a teenager should die and not die again, but he just survived. And also got great good fortune from it.

[Tribe People]: Su Rong

Destiny level: the fifth stage of the universe

Age: thirteen

Spiritual Roots: Ground Spiritual Roots

Talent: Chen Huan Dao Body, Ninth Stage Battle Body Third Stage, Soul Baking Furnace

Root: fifth rank

Comprehension: Nine Grades of Earth Level

Lucky: Gold

Ability: None

Realm: Ninth Stage

This is the information of the boy at this time, and his message before eating the fruit is like this——

[Tribe people]: Wang Fan

Destiny level: first-order cosmic level

Age: thirteen

Spiritual Roots: Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots

Talent: Chen Huan Dao Body, Ninth Stage Battle Body Third Stage, Soul Baking Furnace

Root bone: Xuan level third rank

Comprehension: third rank

Lucky: Gold

Ability: None

Realm: Bodybuilding Seventh Stage

A world apart!

It can be said that his talent has undergone earth-shaking changes!

His previous aptitude was at best slightly above the middle of the entire Huntuo race, but now, it is undoubtedly the top batch!

Especially his destiny level, it has become the fifth stage of the universe!

This is already the highest destiny level of the entire Huntuo race, and it is in the same ranks as Yin and the others!

And what created all of this was the previous Wannian Zhu Guo!

Wannian Zhuguo can actually have Ascension’s heaven-defying spiritual material in the cultivator of Mingzhao. Even in the multiple expeditions, this kind of spiritual creature does not appear many times.

This time it was also born in his Minor World based on Xu Sheng’s law Ascension, but he didn’t expect that he would have been eaten by a little guy who didn’t even practice Qi when he was just born.

Naturally, Xu Sheng could stop it, but he felt some kind of guidance, so he finally chose to watch.

Of course, the most important thing is the golden luck of the youth.

This is the second golden luck of the Huntuo people after Kuangyuan!

In the past 20,000 years, hundreds of billions of people have finally reborn a golden lucker!

The difficulty of its appearance is evident!

Xu Sheng has experienced golden luck. If it were not for Kuang Yuan, he would have been unable to grasp many of the previous opportunities.

Of course, now a mere golden luck will not make him have too many psychological fluctuations, at most he is a pretty good citizen, whether it is to be cultivated depends on the follow-up performance.

But in terms of pure attributes now, this young man’s talent is already enough.

It not only has a strong Martial Dao talent, but also extremely high-quality Spiritual Roots. In the future, it is feasible whether it is the way of the Practitioner or the way of the cultivator.

Before he was a teenager, he was just a mixed Spiritual Roots. This kind of aptitude was far inferior to his Martial Dao talent. After thinking about it, his parents gave up letting him practice.

Cultivation generally has to leave the parents, so many people take this aspect into consideration and will let their own children follow the path of the Practitioner.

Now in the Huntuo race, Martial Dao is no worse than practice, everyone can choose freely.

“The second golden luck, I don’t know how you will grow in the future…”

After confirming that the boy was indeed okay, Xu Sheng left here.

He came here as an avatar. Although Minor World is big, his current avatar fits the peak strength, but he can span a large area in an instant.

Xu Sheng did not tell Yin and others about the information about the teenager.

He is ready to let this young man grow up without interference, anyway, with his talent, even staying at this border is enough to become a strong man.

Right now, this area is the country of Tu, hundreds of thousands of miles away from Dahuang.

Tu country is a small border country, and the country’s lord is just a Martial King. It can barely protect itself in the battle with surrounding countries.

But the Realm is still too low to withstand any big winds and waves, so Tu Guo is like duckweed in the wind, it may be wiped out by a little bit of rain.

Young Su Rong grew up silently in such a small country.

When Tianjiao from the outside world continued to emerge, he was still alone in this vast forest.

The mountain is his bed, and he uses the sky as a blanket, and he cultivates wherever he steps on it.

Year after year, in a blink of an eye he had reached twenty years old and became a young man.

And his strength has reached the Martial Spirit Dzogchen in this obscurity.

No one knows how he cultivated, it seems to him that cultivation is as simple as eating and drinking water.

Suddenly, one day, he received a message: his father told him a girl and asked him to come back and get married.

Su Rong was speechless, because of a certain caution, he has not told his parents the true Cultivation Base until now.

They are just ordinary people. Although they barely have the Martial Master Cultivation Base, they are only downstream among the people around them. Originally, their best hope for Su Rong was to find a job in Tu Guo, so that their Su family would be considered stable.

But what they didn’t expect was that whenever they mentioned this matter, Su Rong vehemently opposed it. Although the husband and wife were helpless in their hearts, they couldn’t help Su Rong, and in the end they could go with him.

In this way, Su Rong stayed in this vast forest and exercised his strength with confidence most of the time.

In the process, he also encountered some people with good intentions, but when he showed his true strength, these wicked people were all killed by him on the spot.

The second and third letter came again.

Su Rong was helpless, and in the end he chose to go back. This matter needed to be resolved.

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