Global Sage Era

Chapter 498

Chapter 494: Persecution Delusion

“The Su family boy is back.”

“Hey, how do you feel that he is different from before?”

“This doesn’t seem to belong to the Martial Master… Could it be that he… has become Wu Ying?”

Someone familiar with Su Rong’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe it.

In their minds, Su Rong is an ordinary person, without any special features at all. According to the truth, he is at most a Martial Master at this age, but how did he make a breakthrough?

Su Rong laughed in his heart when he heard the words of these people. This is human nature. He always doesn’t want to see familiar people surpass him.

After all, it is only a minority that can really see others well.

In fact, even if Su Rong did not have the adventure seven years ago, his talent was better than the average person. At that time, his advancement was also ranked in the forefront of the peers around him, but after the adventure, he deliberately lowered it. In order to prevent the owner from knowing the true strength of own.

He didn’t read anything on weekdays, but he read a lot of things like “Wood Show in Forest Wind Will Destroy It”.

In his mind, if he exposes his true strength, he will definitely encounter danger!

“This kid’s delusion of persecution is getting worse.”

Xu Sheng’s mouth twitched while observing Su Rong with a ray of consciousness. He didn’t know how Su Rong’s thoughts came about. He obviously stayed in the mountains and no one undermined him, but he just came naturally. Had a delusion of persecution.

Always feel that someone will be disadvantageous to him, always thinking of training the strength high enough before coming out of the mountain.

But this kid didn’t know that within a few hundred miles of him, the strongest person was just a newcomer to Martial Spirit!

With his current Martial Spirit Dzogchen, as long as he goes out, he can crush that person to death with just one finger.

The reason why Xu Sheng didn’t care was that this “illness” didn’t show anything bad. Instead, it inspired Su Rong to work hard at cultivation all the time, without wasting a minute and a second. He appreciates the idea.

This time he didn’t want to come out, but he was essentially a person who values ​​family affection, knowing that he is now at an age, and if he doesn’t come out to give his parents a reply, they will feel uneasy.

But Xu Sheng was already able to see the results.

With Su Rong’s current Martial Spirit Dzogchen strength, let alone the country girl introduced by his parents this time, even the most talented woman in the country Tu is far inferior to Su Rong.

Although we cannot talk about aptitude, in such a world, the gap in aptitude is like a chasm.

Those with higher talents can continue to breakthrough Realm, and then they can continue to extend their life.

If a genius falls in love with a mediocrity, then the end result is only a short time between Yin & Yang.

This is something that couldn’t be more realistic. Although Xu Sheng can bring someone back to life, he would never do something that breaks the Heavenly Dao cycle like this.

Su Rong stepped into the house.

His family is very shabby, with only three wooden houses on the left and right, parents and mothers are ordinary people, and the family fund saved is not thin.

Of course, if Su Rong wants, he can instantly make his home resplendent, but he is still “ill” now. Rather than being caught in danger, he might as well endure for a while. As long as his own strength is more Ascension, he can fully demonstrate. NS.

Some, really just some.

“Rong’er, your time outside is getting longer and longer. My father and I are getting old. If you continue to do this, we will have only a handful of time together.” An ordinary-looking woman was secretly wiping tears. She is actually only fifty years old this year. According to the lifespan of Martial Master Realm, there are still more than one hundred years to live.

However, Su Rong’s expression remained unchanged, and he had long been accustomed to the acting of his mother.

Now that she has done this, the purpose is obvious-

“My father and I are crazy to want to hug grandchildren. Look at the second cow who grew up with you. He has given birth to three calf cubs!”

“And the iron egg that played with you in the mud when I was a kid, he…”

“Soohwa is also…”

Su Rong’s head was as big as a fight right away. Since last year, he will encounter this once every time he comes back.

That’s why he didn’t want to come back more and more.

I really can’t stand the bombing of my old lady!

The more uncomfortable is yet to come.

The door was pushed open, a middle-aged man came from outside, and then joined the persuasion.

The two of them had very clear intentions, this time the girl was really good, they were already optimistic, and they waited to send Su Rong into the bridal chamber.

Su Rong was also wondering, it was obvious that neither his own family nor himself was considered outstanding, so why would anyone still be able to look at it?

If it wasn’t that his current strength was already strong enough, he would really doubt whether his father and mother were the hidden powerhouses.

Xu Sheng looked at Su Rong who had a headache, but gradually smiled.

But slowly, his smile faded.

Compared to Su Rong, although no one came to ‘urging marriage’, he wanted someone to persecute himself so much.

Even if it’s cheap parents, it’s okay to come to this world. In the first eighteen years of entering Ganjing University, he ate alone again and again when he was extremely lonely.

“In short, the matter is settled. If you don’t give birth to a few children for our Su family this time, I won’t have your son.”

Su’s father blew his beard and stared, there is no way, now this kid is stronger than himself, he can’t do it if he wants to clean it up.

Naturally, it was impossible for Su Rong to fight back, but it was still possible to run when he was beaten. As long as he moved, his feet would be smeared and he couldn’t catch up with Su’s father no matter how he chased him.

Three days later, Su Rong saw the girl like Celestial Immortals in his parents’ mouth.

As he had expected, he was an ordinary person. In terms of appearance, he was pretty decent. The talent was just average, without any surprises.

If you just want to find the advantages, it may be that your butt is bigger…

He strongly suspected that this was the reason why the old lady fell in love with this girl.

Although he spends most of his time in the mountains, he still understands some basic common sense.

It’s just that he is really not interested in this girl. Although he dare not expose his true strength, he also knows that he can have strength at this age and is absolutely top-notch. His future companion must be similar to himself.

He was quite interested in the princesses and heroines in those storybooks. If a princess came in front of him, who was beautiful and had similar aptitude to him, then it was actually not impossible to consider.

Just think about it, he knows that he now looks like an ordinary person in the eyes of others.

A few days later, news of Su Rong Petrochemical came.

The other party… didn’t like him.

have to.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to dismiss this marriage, but he didn’t expect that he was rejected.

Of course, I feel a little bit upset in my heart. I think that a Martial Spirit can refuse it at Dzogchen. Do you know what I missed?

“Ha ha.”

Xu Sheng laughed. This Su Rong was definitely the most interesting subject he had observed in the past 20,000 years.

His own personality is really interesting. If he is depressed, look at his Life and it is estimated that the haze will be wiped out.

Su Rong didn’t even know his every move, and Xu Sheng knew about it every time he thought about it. He was still thinking about what to do in the future.

“Since there is no destiny, your mother and I can’t force you. We only hope that you can find the right one as soon as possible. It’s best to walk outside instead of staying in the mountains all day.”

Su’s father exhorted him, although his own son is always invisible, but since seven years ago, he would bring back some prey every time he came back, which is considered to have changed a lot for Life.

He knew that his son was a thoughtful person, and somehow, he always felt that this kid was hiding something, and it was nothing trivial.

It’s just that he is his own son after all. No matter what is hidden, as long as it is good for him, his father will not take care of it.

He remembered that when he was young, he didn’t want his parents to control too much, but when he wanted them to control, they were already dead in the battle.

Tu Guo is in an embarrassing position. The surrounding countries are stronger than it, and they all want to annex him to expand their strength. Although they have other countries as a constraint, they dare not invest too much strength, but some small actions are still constant.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely bring you back a group of grandchildren.”

Su Rong banged his chest. The ghost knew how he had children with him in the mountains. There were only various beasts, but there were no women.

The next day, Su Rong left home again and went to the mountains.

Spring went and autumn came, and soon half a year passed. Su Rong finally went home again half a month ago and saw a slightly older father and mother.

There was a sudden change in his heart, and he felt that he was really sorry for them over the years, and he didn’t spend much time with them at all.

At this time, Xu Sheng, who was in the heaven-given realm, focused his attention even more on him.

He was a little surprised to find that because of this emotional change, Su Rong actually showed signs of breakthrough.

Martial King in his twenties…

If breakthrough is successful, he will undoubtedly become the first genius of the current generation.

The so-called generation can be regarded as almost fifty years, and those ‘contemporaries’ who have been dozens of years older by him are not as strong as him!

That is to say, on a night of thunder and lightning, Su Rong, who was cultivating in a cave in the mountain, suddenly felt in his heart.

He stepped out of the cave and walked into the air with one step against the thunder and lightning above.

The aura of his body also continued to rise with his ascending height.

Until a certain critical point!


There was no sadness or joy in Su Rong’s eyes. At this time, he seemed to be the most authentic.

In this corner where no one knows, the most talented person in the history of the Huntuo race is undergoing his first transformation!

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