Global Sage Era

Chapter 506

Chapter 502 Neutral Battlefield

One of the two powerful arms was scrapped, and the creature of the opposite sex in front of him had been greatly traumatized.

Both Xu Sheng and Kang Su felt each other’s weakness immediately.

Without any conversation, the two of them took the opportunity to suppress it, making them less control over the world of light spots, less control over those intelligent beings, and even worse for themselves.


There was another loud bang, this time it was the disappearance of a head, and Kang Su’s people solved one of the worlds.

It was about the same time as Xu Sheng, but Kang Su didn’t feel much happiness in his heart.

The burst of that arm before has already explained to her: Xu Sheng’s strength has surpassed her.

She had always thought that Xu Sheng’s strength was still some distance away from her, and the sudden overtaking made her feel a little dazed for a while.

Xu Sheng could not know Kang Su’s mood, but even if he did, he could not say any comforting words. He has always been surpassing others. Before, Deng Huan, Han Yu and others, and then became Xiao Feng Fang Suzhi. Liu, then became the sophomore Lin Zhiyan and others, and now… the subject has been replaced by the junior Kang Su.

In his mind, the goal has always been students who surpassed the juniors, and now they are still far from those people. Those who are in the forefront of the juniors are all half-sages, and they are fast approaching the quasi-sages.

Soon after more than ten years passed, Xuan Zheng and Wang Fan finally resolved their opponents and were exterminating other lives.

From this we can see the difference in strength. Although they are at the same level, their strength is even worse than Kuang Yuan and Yin.

In terms of qualifications, the four people are all at the same level, but the reason for this difference is naturally the reason of their own experience.

Some things seem unimportant, but they are very clear at critical times.

Two arms were abolished, and the three-headed six-armed god and demon became two-headed and four-armed, and its breath was greatly weakened.

Once the creatures of the opposite sex begin to become weak, then waiting for them is a stronger blow, and the human race will not give them any breathing opportunities.

Huntuo Minor World once again opened four world channels, this time aiming naturally is the remaining four arms.

What surprised Xu Sheng was that these four arms also contained life at the combined level, but the strength of these four lives was weaker than that in the previous four worlds, and it was almost equivalent to a newcomer.

This kind of strength is already quite different from Yin and the others. After some consideration, Xu Sheng decided to identify the people who will play this time as Yuxu, Qianmin, Xuanyi, and Huang.

Yuhuan and Qianmin have been a little weaker due to pill refining and refining. Xuan Yi focuses more on Dahuang. The Kuangyuan above is closed door training, and his own disciple Xuan Zheng is almost counted as A sword idiot, in desperation, he can only do more things, and slowly the strength is worse than that of Xuan Zheng and others.

As for Huang, he is the strongest among the seven people including Yin. His identity as a beast trainer makes him extremely powerful, almost on par with Xuan Yi and others—Xu Sheng has always cultivated him. It has been in the next level since, although it has always been in Ascension, but it is still only a candidate, and it has not entered the final training list.

The conquests in the previous four worlds caused a lot of losses to the Huntuo people, but most of them were resource consumption. Most of the people who died in battle returned through resurrection items such as the Hall of Valor. Xu Sheng has always been in this regard. Not skimp on incense.

The accumulation of incense is also very rapid. Now the incense obtained by an alien creature is several trillions. If it is placed before, even the exchange of the Chenhuan Dao body can only be collected in one world.

However, Xu Sheng’s strength has changed even more. With an 80% understanding of the law, he is not far from becoming a semi-sage. It is normal to obtain more incense.


[Sage interface][User]: Xu Sheng

[Respect Taboo]: Tongtian

[Rule]: 80.07%

【Dao Guo】: None

[Origin]: Water (320,000 points)

【Dojo】: Not obtained


[Sect]: Cut off

[Subject]: Huntuo people

[Incense]: Thirty-five trillion yuan

【Bonus】: Zero


This is his current information. The number of incense sticks can be said to be a very large number, but the fourth stage of the Ninth Stage battle body is still a bit worse.

The exchange price of the Fourth Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body is eighty-two trillion yuan. According to the current accumulation rate, it can be collected in a few thousand years.

Kang Su quickly solved the remaining two heads. At this time, the alien creature was almost a fish to be slaughtered.

She glanced at Xu Sheng again, and then adjusted her gaze to a few light spots in the body of the creature of the opposite sex.

There are two light spots in the torso, one on each leg.

She chose to attack the two worlds of the torso at the same time.

She moves very fast here. Compared to other positions, the two worlds in the torso position are worse. Her people can easily destroy them, but what she didn’t expect was that her side was just over, Xu Sheng. The four battlefields on the side actually ended one after another, and the gap between them was only a few months.

At this time Xu Sheng had already wiped out eight worlds, but Kang Su would only have five.

“Sister Kang, you and I will each have the remaining two legs.”

Xu Sheng’s voice passed into Kang Su’s ears.


Kang Su knew that Xu Sheng still kept his hands, otherwise Xu Sheng would be faster here, and he could completely bring the remaining two worlds into the attack range together.

Xu Sheng quickly opened the last world channel.

He left one for Kang Su because he didn’t want to eat too ugly. An alien creature only has fifteen worlds. Now eight of them have been destroyed by himself, and they are all powerful ones. At this time, if the rest is left If you swallow two more, it would be too disregarding of other people’s ideas.

Three years later, Kang Su also began to attack the last world.

After another five years, the huge creature of the opposite sex in front of him was completely gone, and the core was in Kang Su’s hands.

Kang Su was silent for a while, and said softly, “Thank you.”

If it weren’t for Xu Sheng, she would never get the core in front of her.

Xu Sheng shook his head and said, “It doesn’t have to be this way. I was able to get those high-level cores because of the help of Senior Sister Kang before.”

Kang Su nodded again, and then silently absorbed the energy in the core.

This time, because the core of her absorption is higher than her own level, her Ascension is significant, which is 0.6% directly.

Naturally, it is impossible to have a percentage point like Xu Sheng did before. What he will use is the core that exceeds his own strength by five percentage points.

After absorbing the core, her people will continue to grow, and within a few hundred years, they will be able to narrow the gap with the Huntuo race.

However, it is impossible for Xu Sheng to overtake. First of all, it is impossible for Xu Sheng to gain nothing for hundreds of years. In addition, even if this 0.6% is added, her strength is still not as good as Xu Sheng.

After going all the way, almost a hundred years later, Xu Sheng and Kang Su also discovered a few powerful beings on the way, all of which are beyond the 85% level. They can’t deal with it now, they can only temporarily remember their position and wait for their strength. If it’s enough, come back and see if it’s still there.

Only when Xu Sheng didn’t expect it, on a certain day, Kang Su suddenly stopped and said something unexpected and reasonable to him.

“Xu Xuedi…I want to discuss with you.”

Seeing Kang Su with a tangled expression on his face, Xu Sheng smiled, “Is it the people’s side?”

“Yeah.” Kang Su’s mood is extremely complicated now. Although she has been persuading herself, in the end she still can’t deceive own heart.

If she hadn’t fought with Xu Sheng’s people, she would not be able to pass the hurdle in her heart.

In Ganjing University, fighting is a very common thing, which can greatly improve one’s fighting ability, and the fighting tower is also a place where students often go.

Among them, only Xu Sheng is a stranger. His strength is too fast. Let alone students of the same level, even the first-level people are not his opponents.

And his strength Ascension is too fast. Those who are better than him will soon be overtaken by him. This also makes it difficult for him to find a fixed teammate, and he can only stay alone with Ascension strength.

Up to now, Xu Sheng has fought in a handful of times in the battle tower, but this does not mean that he has little experience in battle. You must know that he has the equivalent of everything, and the recovery of the strength of his people is extremely rapid. He can fight the world very frequently.

[Record]: Connecting to Minor World

[Record]: The neutral battlefield is being opened

The connection of the two Minor Worlds is not only a way of forcibly connecting, breaking through the world barrier, but also a peaceful neutral battlefield.

A brand new area appears in the two worlds, and people can be sent into it.

The opening of a neutral battlefield requires the power of the laws of both parties, and the cost is not small, but it is still within the scope of tolerance.

“Don’t keep your hands.”

Kang Su looked at Xu Sheng with a serious expression.

Xu Sheng smiled lightly: “Don’t worry.”

The people of the two people appeared from two sides, and their bodies were entangled with the power of the two people. Once they encountered an attack that exceeded their limit, they would be automatically teleported to Minor World, which was a protective measure.

It is not like a full-scale war to learn from each other. Both sides only sent millions of cultivators.

When all the cultivators on Xu Sheng’s side appeared, Kang Su was not surprised by not seeing the combined cultivator or Martial Venerate, she had already guessed it.

From the cultivator and Practitioner in the front, she felt an aura that she had never felt from her own people.

“Fight by leapfrog…”

She is a little bit envious and bitter. She has never cultivated such a cultivator. It is required for various factors such as aptitude, luck, and resources, and none of them can be lacked.

Yin and the others also know what the situation is like this time, and they have experienced similar things before.

The people below are a bit ignorant, but it doesn’t matter if they know they won’t die. It’s extremely rare to have such a chance to exercise!

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