Global Sage Era

Chapter 507

Chapter 503

This is the first time Xu Sheng has opened a neutral battlefield.

Such a friendly way of discussion generally requires a better relationship between the two sides, because the strength of the other side can be understood through the neutral battlefield.

The legal composition of the neutral battlefield itself is also somewhat special, and it is more inclined to protect the people.

The two sides will not use the source point and other gaining methods, and their own guidance is very little, and most of the situations are determined by the people themselves.

Of course, if you do not want to guide it, it will be difficult for the other party to find it if the method is concealed-but this is meaningless.

At this time, apart from watching the battle silently above, Xu Sheng and Kang Su had some conversations at most occasionally.

With millions of cultivators and practitioners of the Huntuo tribe, their average strength is higher than that of Kang Su’s people. Even without the combined cultivator and Martial Venerate, they will not lose in the frontal battle.

On Kang Su’s side, there are only five combined cultivators and Martial Venerates. The top combat power is not as good as Xu Sheng’s side. Eight people including Yin have the ability to leapfrog battles. The life in the world of the creatures of the opposite sex that fought before was the same.

The battle of millions of cultivators is not a head-to-head battle from the beginning. The two sides start with probing and slowly establish their own advantages. Even if the Huntuo tribe has some chances of winning, it is not a full-scale war after all. The advantage of the national Martial Master It hasn’t been shown yet.

In addition, the Huntuo people have a great advantage in their strong recovery ability, which can last longer in the ongoing war.

Noting that Han Su’s attitude was too serious, Xu Sheng couldn’t help but said softly, ‘Sister Kang, don’t care too much. ’

After hearing the words, Kang Su nodded and replied as if it were harmless: “I didn’t care too much.”

Heh… This Senior Sister Kang is still too real in her heart.

Xu Sheng knew that own words couldn’t affect her thoughts, so he just let him go.

The two played together while advancing, and it was not too late in time.

After passing through the early probing stage, the advantages of the Huntuo people quickly revealed. Xu Sheng gradually gained some advantages and almost eliminated 100,000 of Kangsu’s people. The Huntuo people only paid 70,000 people. The price.

The number is seven to ten, but if you count the strength, it has reached one to two.

Xu Sheng’s advantage here is still obvious, which is exactly what his strength should show now.

He didn’t release the water just because he took care of Kang Su’s Face. He knew that the latter didn’t want to do it herself. She had her own pride. Although she was unwilling to be overtaken by others, she was able to accept it when the real thing came.

At the beginning, Kang Su would have some exchanges with Xu Sheng, but as time changed, she became more and more silent, Xu Sheng could faintly feel an anxiety, she wanted to change the current disadvantage of the owner. .

Sometimes the kind of impatience she showed even made Xu Sheng think that she would give some guidance secretly, but the facts proved that these were his delusions, Kang Su had his own ethics, she had never had such an idea.

The twelfth thought of the competition, Kang Su’s first combined cultivator retired. In the frontal battle, he was suppressed by Kuang Yuan, bombarded by Thunder Ocean from start to finish, and he didn’t even have the effort to breathe.

After this, the remaining four combined cultivators and Martial Venerate have all retired. On the Huntuo tribe’s side, Yuhua, Qianmin, and Xuan Yi have not taken any action yet. If the three of them and Huang fought against each other’s combined cultivator, then At the very least, the fighting time should be cut by more than half.

All the top cultivators retired, and the situation could be said to be one-sided. On the frontal battlefield, Kang Su had almost no ability to resist.

But after all, this is a discussion, and the Huntuo human race did not follow it closely, but after each victory on a level, those who defeated it kept their hands.

At the back, more than half of the Huntuo human race entered the state of watching the battle, except for Xuan Yi who needed to command the army to continue fighting, the remaining seven people no longer shot.

Kang Su let this scene last for more than a year. One day, she suddenly looked at Xu Sheng, with an expression of unwillingness on her face first, then became relieved, and slowly said, “I lost.”

“Acceptance.” Xu Sheng arched his cupped hands slightly.

“Although I knew it would be such a result, I couldn’t help it after all… It’s fine now, the facts have proved everything, and I feel much better in my heart.” Kang Su unexpectedly showed a purer expression on his face at this time. Smile, this is very rare in Xu Sheng’s impression, and he has a slightly higher evaluation of Kang Su. If she can always have this mentality, she can’t say which Realm she will go to in the future.

The neutral battlefield slowly disappeared, and the Minor World of the two returned to each other’s hearts.

This time the discussion is not without gain. He has never fought with the human race, so he can test his own strength most directly. The facts have proved that the Huntuo human race is more than five percentage points of his own strength.

The two continued to move forward, looking for more lives of the opposite sex.

About forty years later, they felt a strong aura. The fluctuations far exceeded their current level of strength, and they were simply not something they could solve.

The two were not ready to go there at first, but later he discovered that there were a few weaker auras around this powerful aura, and they immediately understood what had happened.

Someone else has united!

Xu Sheng didn’t meet the second person after entering this heavenly secret realm, and now I want to see how many other people’s Ascension is.

Although he can be sure that the speed of his progress is fast, it is still unknown how fast he ranks.

“The two of us should be more careful. When we get to the side, let them know that we are here.” Kang Su is more experienced in such things. After hearing this, Xu Sheng felt that there was no problem, so he nodded.

A few years later, the two arrived at the battlefield.

At this time, in their eyes, it was five human races besieging a powerful alien creature.

The comprehension of the laws of the opposite sex is 91%.

Among those who besieged, the most powerful one was 89%, and the remaining four were 88%, and their strength was very average.

“Feiyun Team.”


Both Xu Sheng and Kang Su recognized each other’s identity for the first time.

As one of the complete squad among a hundred people who came in this time, Xu Sheng had learned a little about all five of them before.

When the strength of the five people came in, the comprehension of the law was three points lower than it is now, which is similar to that of Kang Su in the case of Ascension, or slightly slower.

The rankings of the five of them are also connected, ranking 54, 55, 56, 57, and 58 in the middle of the 100.

If the strength of the five people is combined, it is almost equivalent to a person in the top 30.

It’s just that there is also a small team among the top 30, and the combined strength of the five of them is close to the top ten or even the top three!

Don’t talk about this team, even if they meet Feiyun team Xu Sheng and Han Su, they have no ability to compete.

Fortunately, so far the two sides have not directly competed. After all, the alien creatures that the two hunted are of different levels and completely staggered.

But this kind of thing will not last forever. According to the information Xu Sheng was told before, after a certain period of time, there will be some god-given treasures in the Houtian’s secret realm. These treasures can be obtained as long as they meet certain requirements. People of different levels produce Ascension.

At that time, it will be a direct competitor. Xu Sheng has always been swift. Ascension’s strength is also for this moment.

“Their efficiency is much higher than ours. The five people’s ability to deal with such a life of the opposite sex will only get faster and faster.” Although Kang Su had guessed that this happened, he was still envious after seeing it.

She has a team of her own, but unfortunately the other four are either more powerful or not strong enough, and only one of them is in the range.

“Not necessarily. As long as we follow the current rhythm, Ascension’s speed is only faster or slower than them.” Xu Sheng did not make a decision just because of what he saw.

Although Feiyun squad has an advantage right now, the counterattack of alien creatures also puts them under great pressure. Moreover, they are five people, and it takes five times for the cores to be obtained before one turn. It takes time for the people in the middle to replenish their strength. A lot.

He believes that the speed of replenishing the strength of those people is by no means as fast as his own.

“Xu Sheng? Han Su?”

A dull male voice suddenly rang in the ears of the two of them. Xu Sheng and Kang Su looked at each other, then nodded and said, “It’s us.”

“Unexpectedly, the two of you would walk together… and Kang Su’s strength is very close to you among the people who came in. If you want to cooperate, it is indeed a good target.” There is another sharper voice. The female voice joined in.

Although Feiyun Squad is dealing with alien creatures, it has not relaxed the guards around it. Although Human Race strictly prohibits internal fighting, it is inevitable that some people will have abnormal thinking. If they sneak attack nearby and carry out’robbing monsters’ at this time, then they There is nowhere to go crying.

At first they felt nervous for a moment when someone approached, but when they saw Xu Sheng and Kang Su, they were relieved.

Although I don’t know what method these two people used to ascension their strength so much, any one of them can cope with this strength, and there is no need to worry about any problems.

Xu Sheng did not answer. The other party’s words were not polite. He knew that he was in the Feiyun team and his impression should not be very good.

This is also a normal thing. Since Kang Su is kind to himself and can cooperate, he will naturally be hostile to himself and like himself unlucky.

“Let’s go.” Xu Sheng whispered to Kang Su secretly, not to mention that he didn’t plan to steal the blame, and the opponent’s strength was not something they could cope with. This is an indisputable fact.

Kang Su gritted her teeth and nodded. She was uncomfortable with what the other party said, but what could be done?

The two skipped the battlefield of Feiyun Squad from the edge, and quickly moved forward for more than ten years. When they were about to continue their previous search for life of the opposite sex, the rear suddenly changed!

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