Global Sage Era

Chapter 508

Chapter 504 God-given Treasure!

“Quickly, the last world is coming. With this core, I will definitely be able to achieve 90% rule comprehension! This way, I will not be far from the first echelon!”

The leader of Feiyun Team, Tan Mang shouted hoarsely.

According to the previous rules, the core at this moment should be obtained by the old fourth Tai Mingming, but because his strength is about to ascending to a new level, he may be able to ascending to the next level of the strength of his people. Staying at the early stage of the fit, he originally thought that he might have a breakthrough earlier, but he didn’t expect that the understanding of the law of own was ascension three points, and the people still hadn’t crossed that hurdle.

It’s entirely because of its own strength that Ascension is too fast, and the speed of Ascension gradually can’t keep up.

“Okay.” The other four people responded, and one after another issued a heavenly order for the people to carry out the final general attack.

There were 21 spots of light in the alien creature in front of them. Instead of cutting off the strongest spot, they chose to gradually weaken the opponent’s strength from weak to strong.

This is also a method often adopted when the strength is on the weak side. Xu Sheng and Kang Su have also adopted this strategy many times in the process of cooperating with Kang Su.

With a bang.

The last world of light spots was also destroyed, and the core was right in front of him.

Tan Mang’s eyes showed excitement, and the figure disappeared and reappeared before the core.

The other four people watched from the rear, with a trace of desire in their eyes, but they were all suppressed. Feiyun team has always been dominated by Tan Meng, and they have long been accustomed to this distribution method.

But when Tan Mang stretched out his hand to fetch the core, something unexpected happened suddenly.

An extremely dazzling golden light erupted from this core, piercing to an infinite high point like a pillar of heaven.

This beam of light existed for a breath of time and then disappeared.

The five were stunned for a moment, and then they showed ecstatic expressions.

Godsend treasure!

The representative product of the first phase change of secret realm!

Just follow the direction of the beam of light and find that god-given treasure in the end!

Most of the godsend treasures are items of the Ascension law, in addition to the buff type, carrying type, and treasure type… it is a kind of opportunity that is higher than that of alien creatures!

They had all heard that heavenly treasures might appear in various ways, but they didn’t expect to get such an opportunity in an ordinary hunt!

“Quickly, we must rush over as soon as possible. There must be a lot of people who can see this golden pillar!” Tan Meng reacted abruptly. He didn’t have time to absorb the core, and went straight to the direction where the golden pillar pointed. The four people behind were also there. It wasn’t much slower, they all followed, and the speed was mentioned as the fastest.

“God-sent treasure!”

Xu Sheng and Kang Su yelled at almost the same time after seeing the changes that followed.

Both of them were very surprised and pleasantly surprised. They didn’t expect that a godsend treasure had appeared at this point in time, and they were so close to them.

Although looking at this situation, the godsend treasure must have been triggered by Feiyun team, but it doesn’t matter. The acquisition of godsend treasures needs to meet certain conditions, and it is not whoever triggers it.

If Feiyun team used this reason to keep them away, they would not agree.

“There must be many people who have seen it. According to the information of previous years, the light of this heavenly treasure almost covers a small part of the heavenly secret realm. Calculated according to this ratio, there are at least 30 people and as many as 50 or 60 people.”

The number of godsend treasures is extremely scarce, and each one can greatly Ascension’s own strength. If Xu Sheng can obtain two or three godsend treasures, it is not impossible for Xu Sheng to surpass everyone.

Of course, if others can obtain it, they will have the same effect. They will quickly step through all the stages before Semi-Holy, and initiate a restart to Semi-Holy Realm at a swift speed.

“Let’s go quickly.” Kang Su wished to teleport there immediately. Although the chances of getting it won’t be increased by first arriving, there is always an advantage. Just like a lottery, the person who draws first can at least catch his fate. In your own hands, without waiting for others to fail.

“be careful.”

Xu Sheng reminded that Feiyun team’s wind evaluation is not good. Sometimes they will use whatever means when doing tasks, and they have conflicts with many teams.

The conflict is nothing more than focusing on the same resource, and then starting to compete with each other.

Generally speaking, the methods of the human race are required to be upright, but the Feiyun team will always make some small moves, which are the kind that can’t be studied but are frowning and disgusting.

This is also the reason why Xu Sheng and the others did not leave directly when they exchanged ideas when they saw the Feiyun team.

“I don’t think they are any good people.” Kang Su sneered. She knows Feiyun team better than Xu Sheng. She was forced to retreat once. Although the loss is not a big deal, it can be regarded as a sigh of relief. , Their approach was too overbearing, which made many people feel uncomfortable, but there was no way. The strength of Feiyun team belonged to the middle and upper teams among all junior teams, and ordinary teams really couldn’t help them.

“I feel their breath, over there.”

Not long after Xu Sheng and Han Su moved forward, they felt the five auras on the other side.

When Xu Sheng sensed them, obviously they also felt him. Xu Sheng could feel five ill-intentioned auras in an instant.

Xu Sheng’s eyes narrowed slightly. His previous knowledge of Feiyun Team was limited to rumors, but now he really feels it.

“Feiyun Team…”

This was the first time Xu Sheng had a bad feeling for a team—the one in Gensokyo didn’t feel bad. After all, he didn’t have any loss from beginning to end, but because they gained a heart of rules.


A more violent impact came, Xu Sheng and Kang Su’s expressions were on the side, and their figures were forced to retreat.

Kang Su’s face was ugly and said: “As always, domineering.”

Xu Sheng was silent for a while, and then said: “It doesn’t matter, as long as you can get the godsend treasure in front of them, it is already the best revenge.”

Kang Su nodded and said, “Yes, you must make them regret it!”

The conditions for the godsend treasure are random, even she has a lot of possibilities to get it, of course, Xu Sheng next to him may get more, but that is the evildoer who is known as the first genius of the human race!

The two did not fight back. There is an indisputable fact that there is a gap between their strength and the Tianci squad. Even if they force a counterattack, the impact on them is minimal. In the end, it will only slow down the own speed. Maybe this is what Feiyun team wants to see. Arrived.

A place far apart, King Xing Zheng opened up 22 world channels at the same time, oppressing the alien life in front of him extremely severely.

His current law comprehension has 92.67%, although it is only 1.3% compared to the Ascension when he first came in, it is already extremely rare.

This Ascension speed is much faster than outside.

“It’s time to end.”

His expression was very flat, and he was about to mobilize the power of the law to suppress the alien life, but he suddenly felt a throbbing.

He looked back subconsciously, and then his pupils contracted violently.

A golden pillar just appeared in his eyes.

“God-sent treasure!”

The expression in his eyes suddenly became condensed, and the next moment he directly consumed a large amount of source value, which greatly Ascension the strength of his subjects.

In just over a year, 22 worlds have been shattered one after another, and he also took this core in his hands!

Then he stopped delaying and went to the golden pillar.

And just in the eighth year he was there, a powerful breath that was not weaker than him came from the other side.

“Nan Qingtian.” His heart sank. He didn’t expect this guy to be so close to him, and he was attracted by the treasure that day.

This time, among the 100 people who entered the secret realm, King Xing, Nan Qingtian, and Zheng Guangming are the top three people. The comprehension of the rules of the three is very close. From the data point of view, King Xing is slightly higher. Zheng Guangming and Nanqingtian ranked third.

However, in terms of true strength, Nanqingtian is faintly higher than King Xing. As for King Xing and Zheng Guangming, they are inseparable. Unless it is a battle of life and death, they are almost indistinguishable.

“I didn’t expect you to be in this area.” Nan Qingtian’s surprised voice came. He felt that his own luck seemed a little too good. He just met Zheng Guangming not long ago and competed with him for a core. Unexpectedly, in just a few hundred years, I met King Xing again, and I counted that there were no fewer than ten people he encountered along the way.

He was also a little helpless in his heart, if it would be great to replace these people with alien creatures, now he has at least 94% of the law’s comprehension, unlike now it is only 92.61%.

At the same time, he also felt the breath of King Xing, his law comprehension was slightly higher than his own, and the progress of both sides belonged to the same level.

“It’s worthy of being a person who came up from behind step by step. His Ascension is very stable.” Nan Qingtian also admired King Xing in his heart. He asked himself if he was in the position of King Xing, it would be difficult to do this step.

At Qianjing University, the more difficult it is to cultivate, the more important it is, the more important is the sense of frustration. Not everyone can quickly recover from the psychological imbalance.

Before entering the university, who was not the pride of heaven?

But it was just a summer vacation time, everything changed, they suddenly realized that they were not a genius at all, compared to those who are really enchanting, they are just a stepping stone.

“That’s what I want to say.” King Xing’s voice is very strong, which is in line with the impression he gives, and it is this calm and rocky character that gives him his current strength.

The goals of the two are the same. Obviously, they will compete in the near future, but the two sides did not have any conflicts because of this. Instead, they had conversations along the way.

Gradually, the topic of the two came to Xu Sheng.

“That enchanting evildoer known as the first genius of the human race? Ha ha, you and I have seen him before entering the secret realm, and can only say something unexpected.”

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