Global Sage Era

Chapter 509

Chapter 505 The Sacred Path Should Be Contended!

King Xing frowned slightly.

How could it be said from Nan Qingtian’s mouth?

Although the two of them don’t have much contact, they have dealt with each other before, and the other person doesn’t feel like such an unwise person.

First of all, no matter what, Xu Sheng’s strength and progress are real, and even the true saint accepts him as a disciple. This is the best explanation.

“Although I haven’t communicated with Xu Sheng, I feel that he has a special temperament in him, which is more unforgettable confidence than everyone I have ever met.”

It was a very hidden temperament. He still remembered how he felt when he first saw Xu Sheng. He was like an ordinary person, without any arrogant expressions of evildoing, but as long as he observes him for a while, he will find that no matter what he encounters The self-confidence that anyone sees everything is unchanged, it seems that he has the confidence to step over no matter what difficulties are in front of him.

Comparing himself, he is very clear that he does not have this kind of self-confidence, and his knowledge of aptitude is very clear. He knows that the things that evildoers can easily do on his body can’t be done.

Nan Qingtian was taken aback when he heard King Xing’s words, and then understood what the latter meant, and couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed: “Wang Brother Xing didn’t think I looked down on Xu Sheng, right?”

This will change to Xing Wang stunned, he subconsciously replied: “Isn’t it?”

“Hahaha.” Nan Qingtian laughed again, “How can I look down on Xu Sheng, how can I look down on him, am I qualified? Right now, my strength in this heaven-given secret realm can be said to be platoon. In the forefront, but if it is placed in the entire grade, it won’t be a big deal. If Xu Sheng arrives at this time, it is estimated that the quasi-sage is not far away, right?”

Nan Qingtian is indeed a person who can recognize himself very clearly, and he is also good at taking care of people around him. He is talking about his own strength in this secret realm, instead of saying “you and me” to add King Xing. Although I don’t know if King Xing will care, it’s better to pay attention.

King Xing understood that he had misunderstood, he couldn’t help scratching his face in embarrassment, “It turned out to be like this.”

“Yeah, what I mean is that he is lower-key than I thought. In my impression, the top-ranked people are all arrogant and boundless. It seems that they can enter the Holy Land at the next moment. …And Xu Sheng didn’t give me this feeling at all, maybe this is what makes him different from others.”

Good guy, King Xing didn’t expect Nan Qingtian would actually play a rainbow fart on Xu Sheng, and this evaluation is too high, right?

Seeing King Xing’s somewhat surprised gaze, Nan Qingtian smiled and said: “Don’t look at me like that. Although I have met Xu Sheng once, I know a lot about him. Senior Huang Xuanlang who has just entered the Holy Realm… is actually My cousin.”

King Xing’s eyes widened suddenly… Senior Huang Xuanlang turned out to be Nan Qingtian’s cousin? Suddenly he felt that he had eaten a lemon.

Huang Xuanlang is indeed the cousin of Nanqingtian, but he is far away. He didn’t pay New Year’s greetings in the past, and it was only after he was admitted to Qianjing University that the two families gradually had contact.

It can’t be said of reality, but the hard contacts of different circles are just clinging.

In addition, although Nan Qingtian’s parents are not Sage, they are all semi-sages who are not weak, and the family is not bad.

“Then your relationship is very close. It seems that I will have to be careful about your two teaming up later.” King Xing joked.

Nan Qingtian chuckled, then the two of them skipped the topic and talked about other things.

At their current level, the most important thing is definitely to talk about becoming semi-holy.

It is almost impossible to become a semi-saint in this heaven-sent secret realm. What they are looking for now is to shorten the time as much as possible and catch up with those in front of them.

Entering the heaven-sent secret realm is both luck and strength. Their strength happened to have not crossed that line. After going out, those who once pressed them will be overtaken by them. It is not a problem to rank hundreds of Ascension at one time.

Both of them are ambitious, even if their current strength is not even visible in the first echelon, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Four years of university is indeed important, but it does not mean everything. After they graduate, the chasing for each other has not stopped.

There is no way to give up on the holy path. There are those with superior talents to lead, and there are those with less talented ones waiting for the opportunity to overtake.

Everywhere in the heaven-sent secret realm, one person after another noticed the light of the heaven-sent treasures.

Although there is a time difference between before and after, the final difference is not too big. If you have nothing to do, you choose to rush right away. If you have something on your hand, it will be resolved quickly.

No one gave up going.

God-given treasures are extremely precious, and there are even more rumors that can lay a solid foundation, even after becoming a semi-holy, they will still be helpful.

Before they came in, the class guide had told them not to miss any opportunity to fight for the god-given treasure.

The holy way should be contended!

At this time, no one will back down, even if the human race environment is harmonious, but what you should strive for cannot be given up.

A group of figures approached the place of the beam of light.

Even though the beam of light disappeared in the back, there still seemed to be a beam of light in everyone’s eyes.

Forty-three people!

Nearly half of the people noticed the light of this god-given treasure. Everyone felt one or several powerful auras rushing there as they progressed. After discovering the people represented by these auras, each one was in a mood. Becomes heavy.

Every time one more person goes, the competition will be greater.

Although the difference in strength between each other in this heaven-sent secret realm is not very big, the strong can also be one opponent!

“Are you actually beside here?”

“Heh, can you see it?”

There are also people who don’t usually deal with it. After discovering the other party, they will be screaming. It can be foreseen that these people will also fight the hardest in front of the godsend treasure.

There are not a few people who have contradictions, and there are also people like Feiyun team who have bad reviews. Their existence is not good news for others.

In addition to the Feiyun team, there is only one team in small teams, and this time only three teams came in as small teams.

There are two teams here, it can be said that there is a very small probability.

Although the other pair is slightly weaker than the Feiyun team, they add up to a level of King Xing, and they are also favorites for obtaining god-given treasures.

Of course, there is only one god-given treasure. After the treasure is obtained, the team will have to make some choices. At that time, it will not be the priority of the team leader. It is also necessary to set a rule to see who can get it in the end.

In this way, the expectant people approached the direction pointed by the beam of light.

When these people arrived, they were quickly attracted by one of the people who had already arrived.

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