Global Sage Era

Chapter 510

Chapter 506 As long as I am not embarrassed, you will be embarrassed (seeking a monthly pass!)

“He actually came too.”

“I didn’t expect to see him here.”

“Have you noticed his comprehension of the law… hiss, is this a monster?”

“It’s worthy of being known as the’first genius of the human race’.”

Whenever a new person comes, he will be able to notice Xu Sheng at the center for the first time.

Although the aura is not strong, the calmness of the air shocks everyone.

What surprised them even more was Xu Sheng’s law comprehension. They all remembered very clearly. When they first met him, his law comprehension was only about 70%, but now it is over 80%!

The strength of the people who entered the secret realm is actually very close. For example, Kang Su, who had an 81% rule of understanding, ranked 96, and King Xing, who ranked first, was only ten percentage points higher than her.

It is equivalent to a ranking difference, and the difference between rankings is only 0.1% of the rule of comprehension.

With such a weak comprehension of the law, if the state is good, the people are restrained, or the guidance is compared, it is possible to surpass those who are ranked higher than yourself in the battle.

Although everyone will not easily fight with others and will try to avoid them, there are always times when they cannot avoid them.

For example, now, if the requirement of the godsend treasure is to be obtained by the person who fights and supports it to the end, then everyone has no choice but to fight for it as much as possible.

Now that they have all come here, they are naturally prepared to pay all the price, even if they sacrifice most of the people, they will not miss it!

Even if the people die, as long as they leave behind some seeds, they can recover for most of a thousand years. How can a god-given treasure be exchanged for thousands of years?

Take King Xing as an example. For more than three thousand years after entering the secret realm, he has only gained a more understanding of the laws of Ascension, which is not comparable to the treasures of the heavens.

“Sure enough, being with an evildoer like you is always a little less ‘noticeable’.”

Kang Su jokingly said that she and Xu Sheng have been here for several years, and she is also trying her best to train the people of the owner, so that their strength can keep up with the understanding of Ascension’s law after she absorbed the core, but until now The results are very small, and it is difficult to make up for it without a few hundred years.

They almost arrived with Feiyun team. The latter was on the other side at this time. Although the two sides were not close to each other, there were only two people in between.

Kang Su himself has never been noticed so much. Although there are many people who know her, in general, it is not obvious in the junior year. At most, it is relatively strong in the eyes of the students of the Xuanzi and Huangzi classes.

“Senior Sister Nakang must be familiar with this feeling.” Xu Sheng smiled slightly.

Kang Su naturally understood the two meanings of Xu Sheng’s words, and he couldn’t help but smiled, lifted his chin slightly, revealing some Tsundere’s appearance on purpose.

She can be regarded as a beautiful woman. If Xu Sheng is in a world, there must be a lot of boys in the school who are jealous for her, but no one in this world gives her preferential treatment because of her appearance, and wants to be recognized by others. Only own strength and will.

When the two communicated, they suddenly heard a depressed exclaim.

With a move in their hearts, they turned their heads and looked around, and then they saw King Xing and Nan Qingtian coming together.

Xu Sheng’s heart sank immediately. Unexpectedly, the appearance of this first god-given treasure directly attracted the two of the first three, one is the law first, and the other is the hidden strength first.

There was a bitter smile in his heart. Although the number of people who came was a little bit less than he expected, the difficulty of this time can be said to be full.

“Why are they here too…”

Whoever had the most ugly face in the field was undoubtedly a few members of Feiyun Team. It was clear that they triggered this heavenly treasure, but no one cares about them now.

It’s true that no one cares about them. You trigger the godsend treasure, so does it treat you in any way?


Nothing is right. What does it have to do with you? Even if it is not triggered by you, it will be triggered by others sooner or later. The godsend treasure is always there and it is impossible to run.

This is the idea in most people’s minds. It is impossible for you to fail because it was triggered by you. It is better to let you get it.

“Look who it is.” Wang Xing slapped his lips.

Nan Qingtian couldn’t help but smile when he saw it, “I didn’t expect to meet him here too.”

“Don’t say hello to him?” King Xing could still remember that Nan Qingtian and Huang Xuanlang were cousins.

“No, I’m not the kind of person who catches up.” Nan Qingtian shook his head, but when he finished saying this, Xu Sheng in the distance seemed to feel his arrival and turned to look over here. , Almost subconsciously, a warm smile appeared on his plain face, and then nodded.

King Xing opened his mouth slightly. He found that his previous knowledge of Nan Qingtian was wrong. Is this the Nan Qingtian he had in mind?

Nan Qingtian also reacted to this meeting. It would definitely be embarrassing to change to an ordinary person, but is he an ordinary person? Obviously not, so he resumed his plain expression and said: “He has seen it, so he has to show it.”

As long as I am not embarrassed, others are embarrassed.

King Xing was convinced, he couldn’t help but shook his head and said, “You fellow…”

the other side.

“Nan Qingtian knows you?”

Kang Su asked with a little surprise. She and Xu Sheng had originally heard the exclamation of the person next to them before looking at them, but they did not expect to see Nan Qingtian with a smiling face. The latter also nodded at this side. The appearance of a deputy old acquaintance.

She knew that she was unfamiliar with Nan Qingtian, and the latter must have such an expression on Xu Sheng next to her.

But in the past time working together, I haven’t heard Xu Sheng say this…

Xu Sheng shook his head and said, “Except for seeing him when I came in, I haven’t met him at any other time.”

He was also a bit strange, he didn’t understand why Nan Qingtian was so friendly to him.

That kind of polite friendliness is different from what Nan Qingtian showed, which is still very easy to distinguish.

After a few more years, no one came back. Everyone counted and found that the final number was forty-three.

This should be the final quantity.

More than two-fifths of the people, the competition for godsend treasures is really great, and everyone is under pressure when they know their opponents later.

At this time, Xu Sheng was not the one who was paid the most attention by others, and their attention was more attracted by King Xing and Nan Qingtian.


A very small sound appeared.

Everyone was attracted instantly, and then they saw that a faint light appeared where the original beam of light had disappeared.

Bang, bang, bang…

Everyone’s heart beats violently.

Godsend treasure… is on!

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