Global Sage Era

Chapter 512

Chapter 508 The Mystery of Xu Sheng’s Qualifications

Cold and fuzzy.

When Xu Sheng’s consciousness woke up from the darkness, what he felt was the long-lost basic human senses.

This is not the same as on the earth, because although it is a suppressed state on the earth, just ordinary people, but the essence has been Transcendent refined.

It seems to have completely restored to the appearance of the previous life, and is the most ordinary human being.

Xu Sheng’s heart tensed. He suddenly remembered the time when he was ambushed in the Battlefield of the Douxin Clan, five of the confusion clan teamed up against him, making himself forget who he was.

But soon, he realized the difference. With the restoration of the light in front of him, he saw a vast land.

On the ground, tall towers stand.

The appearance of these towers is very similar, the difference lies in the color, almost all colors in the world can be found here.

Right now, he was standing in front of a tall tower.

This tall tower has seven floors, the whole body is blue, pure color like the sea.

Xu Sheng looked down again and found that his own heart was no longer Minor World, but his original heart.

But Minor World didn’t disappear. He could feel that the connection with Minor World still existed, but he couldn’t see Minor World anymore, let alone issue a heavenly order.

“This is a godsend treasure…”

This method was Xu Sheng’s first experience. He didn’t know what kind of ability could weaken the connection between himself and Minor World to this point.

But he still didn’t panic. In this case, keeping calm is the best course of action.

In the same way, he did not feel the breath of other people on the vast land in front of him. It seemed that everyone entered the light group into an independent space.

“What the hell do you mean, do you want me to walk through all these towers?”

Such a thought emerged in Xu Sheng’s heart. He pondered for a few seconds, and then stepped into the tower in front of him.

The gate of the high tower was tightly closed. He climbed up the stairs. The red gate was extremely heavy, and he almost used all his strength to push it open.

That is, at the moment of pushing away, the power of infinite law envelops him.

It was an aura that he was very familiar with, and belonged to the law of protection.

“It turned out to be like this…”

Suddenly, he had enlightenment in his heart, and he probably knew the reason for the existence of the tower in front of him.

“Where is this place?”

Kang Su cautiously walked on the ground in front of her, with tall towers standing upright, each one giving her a very special feeling.

When she first woke up, she found herself standing in front of a high red tower, not far from the gate, as if she wanted her to push it away and walk in.

But she certainly wouldn’t just walk in so hastily. When she didn’t figure it out, she would act at will and look for death.

“Everyone is an independent space, is it a kind of test?”

Kang Su also went through a lot of experience, and at the same time went to Gensokyo and other places. She had some guesses about the current situation, but she was not sure whether her own guess was true.

The godsend treasures that appeared this time were a bit too weird, not quite similar to those in the previous rumors.

She remembered that most of the god-given treasures in previous years were relatively straightforward, directly putting the rules of obtaining in front of everyone.

It’s a bit like a secret realm inherited by Master Chosen.

She has walked on the ground for a long time, her original location is no longer visible, and there are still so many tall towers in front of her, and the colors are still different.

Finally, before walking to a red tower again, she stopped. Although she didn’t know the difference between these towers, she felt that the red tower was the safest.

She looked around carefully, then stepped forward and pushed the door open.

“Good weight.”

She frowned, but she didn’t expect this door to be so difficult to open.

The moment the door opened, the power of the familiar hot law enveloped her, causing her eyes to open slightly, and then she knew the secret of this land.

Forty-two people, everyone sees the same scene. If you put the forty-two people on a monitor that is divided into forty-two frames, you will find that everyone encounters exactly the same environment, and the earth is the same. Yes, the number of towers is the same, and the color distribution of the towers is also the same.

Even they were in the same position when they first entered.

It seems that the forty-two of them stood in the same place from start to finish, but they were in different dimensions to each other.

It can be seen that a cautious person walks around the first time he wakes up, and it takes a lot of time to enter a tall tower.

People with straightforward personalities immediately opened the gate of the tall tower in front of them after the initial surprise.

Everyone’s choices are different, but there is no doubt that they all end up in the tower.

In the upper part that no one can see, there is a huge counter, which records the time when everyone enters the tower.

Godsend treasures have their own set of selection methods.

At the moment, the appearance of numbers means that the choice has already begun.

But this is not the same as a race. It’s not that the sooner you are, the better. Maybe in the judgment standard of a godsend treasure, the longer the time is, the better it is.

After each tower is opened, the power of the law corresponding to the law of each person will gush out. This power of the law can choose to absorb or feel it, and it can have a certain Ascension to itself.

However, the magnitude of this Ascension is very small, far less useful than the core.

After everyone has passed the first floor of the tower, they will ascending to the second floor, and then the same law of power will gush out again, but the amount is a little larger.

There are fast and slow speeds.

When the fast people are over on the second floor and start to walk on the third floor, the slow people still stay on the first floor.

Strong people like King Xing and Nan Qingtian belong to the fastest group, and after them, the five members of the Feiyun team are also above average.

Kang Su was considered slow in it, her talent was undoubtedly relatively low among the forty-two people who entered. Right now, the tower related to Movement Technique is obviously related to aptitude.

If everyone is in the same space, they will soon be able to discover the difference, but now everyone is independent, and they cannot see the progress of others.

Of course, Kang Su was not the slowest. There were four or five people behind her who were slower than her. Right now, they were only halfway through the first floor.

However, among all the forty-two people, although the speed of King Xing and Nan Qingtian were fast, they were not the fastest. One person was far faster than all of them.

When the others entered the third floor the fastest, he had already stepped onto the seventh floor and was about to come out of this tower!

This person… is Xu Sheng who has always thought that he has poor qualifications!

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