Global Sage Era

Chapter 513

Chapter 509 Ecstatic Treasure Spirit

Xu Sheng is poorly qualified?

Anyone who hears this will laugh. If he has poor aptitude, then everyone in this world is mediocre.

But if you ask Xu Sheng himself, his answer must be that he has poor qualifications.

Because so far, he has been able to Ascension to this point by relying on the equivalence of everything.

In terms of qualifications, I was always counted down before the opening of the equivalent of everything, and the area of ​​Minor World developed was the lowest grade.

But now, in this tower that relies on aptitude to be faster, Xu Sheng has actually surpassed everyone with his own talent, and the equivalence of everything has not played a role in this.

So… either the tower is not based on personal qualifications, or the tower is wrong.

For the former, the ascending speeds of the other 41 people all met their own qualifications. Only when Xu Sheng had a problem, this was definitely impossible.

The latter… God-sent treasures are not when there are no mistakes, but the probability is not high, because it is not low in level, and it is not difficult to test the qualifications. In addition, Xu Sheng has always been inferior in understanding of the law. Slow, the Ascension after entering the law tower is very fast, at least others use the same Ascension law items, the effect is no better than him.

If Xu Sheng knows the current situation, he feels that he has to fall into contemplation and start to think about deeper things, everything about the equivalence of everything, but now he knows nothing about all of this, he just subconsciously quickly passed through the tower. And try to break away from this one now and move on to the next one.

“Everyone else should be undergoing the test right now… I don’t know if I am the last.”

Xu Sheng couldn’t help thinking like this when he closed his eyes to bear the impact of the law.

While ascending layer by layer, he already understood that this was the test of the godsend treasure.

The vast land in front of you is the assessment space, and the content of the assessment is also very simple. Pass as many towers as possible within the limited time.

The towers of different colors correspond to different origins, and the power that emerges when you encounter the origins that match you will be the law of your own comprehension.

When you encounter it, you need to disassemble the power of the law, and after breaking the orifice in it, you can ascending the level.

The difficulty increases with the number of towers entered, and the first tower at the moment is just the simplest, and everyone can pass.

It is also possible to enter the towers of other colors, but the difficulty of comprehension will be doubled by then, but once passed, the evaluation will also be ascending, which is a place to fight.

There is also something Xu Sheng didn’t know about… This assessment space was not prepared for him alone, everyone shared an assessment space.

Build a game framework similar to a godsend treasure, and then Xu Sheng and others are players. Now they enter their own independent room. Everything they encounter in the game is the same, but it is a stand-alone player.

In Xu Sheng’s perception, the difficulty of the first tower in front of him is indeed very low. In it, he can continue ascending as long as he finds the key points in it step by step. It didn’t take him long before he reached the seventh floor.

Since I only spent so little time, other people must spend less time… after all, those people are true geniuses.

It took seven days before and after, Xu Sheng finally passed the first tower. The speed of the process was relatively constant, about one floor per day.

“Hey, the connection with Minor World seems a lot clearer.”

Xu Sheng suddenly felt that the Minor World in his heart was suddenly obvious. It seemed that with the passage of the first tower, some of the ‘bans’ were broken.

“It looks like it may be necessary to pass a certain number of towers before Minor World can be completely lifted.” Xu Sheng is not willing to delay any time. Although there is no problem at the moment, who knows how long he will stay here, in case it lasts. For thousands of years, then Minor World will definitely be messed up, and he doesn’t want to see that happen.

He soon came to the second tall tower, still seven floors.

All the towers here are seven stories, and even the shape is roughly the same.

Xu Sheng pushed the door open, this time it seemed a little easier than before.

It’s just that before he was puzzled, the more violent power of the law struck, which let him know that the difficulty of pushing the door is not the same as the difficulty of passing the tower.

The passage of the tower will make one’s own control of power more perfect compared to a combing of one’s own abilities, but the amount of Ascension is not large-of course there are but not many.

The difficulty of the second tower increased sharply, and Xu Shengguang spent three days on the first day, which was three times that of the first tower!

However, after he got familiar with it, the subsequent levels didn’t cost him more time. They were all passed in three days, and the second tower was passed in the last 21 days.

At this moment.

The progress of the forty-two people is different. Except for the fastest Xu Sheng who has reached the third tower, the other ones who reached Xingwangnan Qingtian and the like did not reach the fifth floor the fastest.

The slowest, such as Kang Su and others, are still struggling on the fourth floor.

From this point of view, except for Xu Sheng, the fastest and slowest is the gap between the fourth and fifth levels. The gap between them is extremely small, and may even overtake.

In fact, it is normal. After all, the rankings of these forty-two people are very close. If they are subdivided, their qualifications are indeed high and low, but they are still roughly at the same level, and there is no absolute crush.

As for Xu Sheng’s existence, he shouldn’t be here.

According to his external strength, it should be the small group of people who can compete with him. By the third year of high school, this small group of people are Xiao Feng, Fang Su, Lu Shan… But in fact, In the previous competition, even they had long been unable to see Xu Sheng’s back.

So in the dark, a consciousness that was watching was a little ecstatic.

It never thought that such a person would enter the own assessment space. It has been a long time since it was born. It also knows that the students that Human Race put in each time are not the best batch. A, but I didn’t expect that this time a peerless genius really appeared!

Of course its consciousness is still very immature, this ignorant consciousness belonging to a god-given treasure has only the most instinctive feeling.

Its body can be seen as the assessment space itself, or as the countless towers, which can not only deepen the grasp of their own strength, but also directly release the power of the law, and the understanding of the law of people is greatly Ascension , It’s just that it consumes a lot of time to do so, and it will take a lot of time to recover afterwards.

This release is not harmful to it itself, it is equivalent to emptying the blue bar.

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