Global Sage Era

Chapter 514

Chapter 510

“The time is getting longer and longer. If I were to pass all the towers, it would take more than thousands of years.”

Xu Sheng is now in the fifth tower, and now the time spent on each floor has become seven days.

It took him thirty-five days to pass the third tower and forty-three days to pass the fourth tower.

It may take about fifty days to reach a tower.

If it takes more than a year to come to the two towers in this way.

On the vast ground in front of me, there are thousands of blue towers that are the source of water.

If the difficulty of each tower increases, he really does not know how long it will eventually take…

Of course, there is also good news. In the past, he felt that the ban on Minor World had disappeared a lot from the five towers. At the current rate, a few dozen more towers could be completely unblocked.

As long as Minor World is unblocked, it doesn’t matter if the time is a little longer. After all, choosing to come in at the beginning is to prepare for the worst. Even if the time spent later is not profitable, it is only the result of own choice.

‘that’s all! ’

Joyful emotions are flowing in the immature consciousness belonging to the god-given treasure. Although it can see the situation of all forty-two people, it has basically ignored the other 41 people, and all its attention is attracted by Xu Sheng. .

Different god-given treasures have different criteria for choosing people. If it is other god-given treasures, some strange selection methods may be adopted, but for it, aptitude is the most important. It only works with people with high aptitude, the better the aptitude. The greater the role it plays.

“What a shit tower! This is a waste of my time!”

In a certain dimension, Tan Meng who was in the second tower let out an angry roar.

It’s too slow. It has been almost half a year. He has only now entered the second tower. There are thousands of towers of his own origin on this land. Is it possible to spend tens of thousands of years in this way?

The flow of time in the secret realm is not too much. According to their previous calculation, it is between 800 and 1,200 years. If tens of thousands of years have passed, then the time they spent here in the end would be equal to the earth. For more than a month, what is the significance of his entry here at that time?

The assessments of godsend treasures are different, but they are roughly divided into categories, some are based on the appearance, some are based on the inspiration of the mysterious, some are tested as strategies, and some… are the most simple test of aptitude.

The last item is something that all juniors, including him, don’t want to see. If it’s a test of aptitude, what are they better than having that evildoer here?

Everyone can quit directly, which saves time the most.

Even though I don’t want to admit it right now, things that everyone doesn’t want to see seem to have really happened. The assessment of this god-given treasure in front of me is roughly based on aptitude!

These towers are undoubtedly a means to test their qualifications. What’s more Damn it is that it separates everyone else, and it doesn’t give any exit options, otherwise it would be so tormented now.

It was precisely because he was vaguely aware of this order that he was so angry at this time.

In fact, he was extremely unwilling to do so. Why can people with enchanting aptitudes like Xu Sheng still enter the secret realm that belongs to them? Are they not getting enough resources? The school is too eccentric!

But he only dared to think like this in his heart, and didn’t dare to resort to it. The power of the Sages is unimaginable. Maybe this is some kind of complaining thought that is related to them and will be sensed. He doesn’t want to be told by the Sages. ‘miss’.

After roaring for a while, the irritable mood in his heart was released a little bit, and then he settled his mood and continued to clear the level now.

Although the tower’s ascension to itself is minimal, it is still faster than the cultivation under normal conditions.

No matter what his personality is, Tan Mang’s ability to possess today’s strength is dependent on his own efforts, but what he complained about, waited for him to choose the path he chose in the end.

Tan Meng is not the only person with negative emotions. In such a space with only oneself, many people will show their truest side.

Faced with the unknown, everyone responds differently, and cannot be blamed for anything.

Of course, those who are emotionally stable from start to finish, and are not impatient or impatient, are more worthy of recognition.

For example, King Xing, his mood has not changed from beginning to end. He walked step by step and encountered too many situations. At present, no matter what type of assessment of God-given treasures, as long as he goes all out to do it, Even if he didn’t succeed in the end, he didn’t regret it.

For example, Nan Qingtian, a person with a hesitant personality, has unexpectedly clear goals in this situation. From the beginning to the present, he has maintained extremely high efficiency through the tower, even generating excess negative emotions. The environment is not there.

In a blink of an eye, thirty years have passed.

At this time Xu Sheng had passed 46 tall towers.

“As long as another one is passed, the ban on Minor World should be completely lifted.”

Xu Sheng sensed the Minor World at his heart, and realized that the gap between them was only the last layer of window paper.

He looked at the forty-seventh tower in front of him and walked over.

The arm touched the door, and then used force, pushing it away without too much effort.

It seems that as one’s own adaptation, the obstacles of the gate will become smaller and smaller, which is different from the difficulty of higher and higher towers.

After entering the tower, the power of the law that came in was much higher than that of the previous one, involving a deeper level of law application.

Unsurprisingly, it took him a little longer to pass, and it took fifty full days.

However, the number of layers in the back remained fifty-one days, which was the same as the beginning.

When this tower also passed, the ban at the heart disappeared completely.

It was at this moment that Xu Sheng’s consciousness could once again overlook the entire Minor World, everything about the Huntuo human race entered his line of sight, and he could also lower the heavenly orders at any time.

For thirty years, the overall appearance of the Huntuo race has not changed, but Yin, Kuangyuan and others are closer to the fit period and Martial Venerate Realm. As his strength grows stronger, the difficulty of their promotion is also reduced.

The Huntuo race did not react to his ’30 years of disappearance.’ After all, they have been used to not receiving information from him for decades. Even if there is no order for two to three hundred years, it will not be a problem. Yin Kuangyuan High-level Practitioner cultivator are all used to it.

“So I’m relieved.”

Xu Shengxin completely fell. As long as he could guide the development of his people at any time, he would have no worries about the future.

Right now he has only one thing left to do: pass the assessment and obtain the treasure.

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