Global Sage Era

Chapter 515

Chapter 511

All Xu Sheng’s mind was put on the clearance.

At the moment, all his goals are to build the source tower of water through all 1,742.

He didn’t know how long it would take, and he didn’t have the effort to think about it.

The news he learned right now was that he could only pass all the source towers if he wanted to leave here.

Of course, if someone else takes the lead in completing one step, they can leave, but it means that he has no relationship with the godsend treasure at that time, and coming here is just a waste of time.

Although the source tower can strengthen his strength, faster than his normal cultivation speed, but this is not considering the factors of those alien creatures, if it is outside, such a long world is enough to find more than ten alien creatures, then the law Comprehension is estimated to be a few percentage points of Ascension.

Although Xu Sheng didn’t know if own speed was too slow, he wanted to fight for it as long as there was a glimmer of hope… Maybe it was him who succeeded in the end?

Even if he understands that his own aptitude is not good, he can have today’s strength basically relying on the help of all things equivalent, but he still won’t give up.

When he first got the equivalence of all things, he was actually reluctant to admit that all his own strengths depended on the equivalence of all things. In his mind, if he hadn’t been working hard, he would not get enough incense. The own factor occupied a lot. part.

But to this point, he has not shy away from these things. What is created by the equivalence of all things is that all things are equal for a long time, so what?

From this point of view, Xu Sheng’s mind became stronger.

He knows this too well. He often examines himself, can discover the changes over the past year, and is delighted with the changes.

The towers are constantly being passed.

Xu Sheng gradually realized that there were still many shortcomings in the protection laws he thought he had mastered. During this time, he continued to absorb more skills to make his own strength stronger.

Skills and quantity are two aspects. In the case of constant quantity for a short period of time, constantly letting own skills Ascension can also increase the strength.

However, the time to pass through the tower gradually becomes, from a tower less than a year can pass through to become one year, and then slowly become two years.

Five hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye, and now Xu Sheng has passed only three hundred and seventy-two towers.

Only more than one-fifth of the total.

If this trend continues to increase, it may take more than ten thousand years in the end.

Even if he knew that the flow of time in the secret realm was not low, he still felt a little sinking in his heart.

If too much time is delayed here, then the original intention of entering will be lost.

Although godsend treasures can increase the foundation and will continue to work after entering the semi-holy, it is not without other methods in comparison.

More importantly, forty-two people compete for a god-given treasure, and the probability of obtaining it in the end is too low.

If it is simply faster than Ascension, he is not afraid of having the equivalent of everything in his body. He is almost certain that he will win in the end, but now that the equivalent of everything is useless…

Just when Xu Sheng was thinking about more things, the practice of Yin and Kuang Yuan in Minor World had come to the final stage.

As the most powerful Practitioner and cultivator of the Huntuo race, they have been cultivating for nearly 20,000 years.

The life span of Martial Ancestor and Mingzhao cultivator is only 20,000 years.

They have already begun to achieve a higher Realm breakthrough.

The progress of the two has always been the same, and one side will lag behind the other by a few hundred years at most.

Hundreds of years are too small in the face of 20,000 years. It can be said that the two have always gone hand in hand.

So when Kuang Yuan told Yin that he was about to start Closed Door Training breakthrough, the latter also smiled slightly and said that he would come later.

Combining Realm means combining the own soul with the body. At this time, there is no longer a weakness, and the physical fitness of itself has also begun to Ascension. Although it is impossible to reach the level of Practitioner, it is equivalent to the original one. Big Ascension.

Martial Venerate is just an honorific title, and it doesn’t have much to do with the power it owns. Practitioner’s Realm is like this. After all, they have always been related to the power of the world, not like the cultivator.

There are ten realms of cultivator, and the combination is the eighth Realm. The next two are Transcends Tribulation and Mahayana. Only in the Minor World, which are half holy and quasi holy, can there be enough laws to support.

Practitioner ten realms, Martial Venerate is divided into Wu Xuan and Martial God, consistent with cultivator.

These are the ten Realms of the Mortal Realm.

Other cultivation systems can roughly fall into these two systems, even if the power systems are different, but most of them have the same goal by different means, either cultivation of the body or cultivation of the spirit, which emphasizes Taoism and nature.

The only thing about Realm is that the Huntuo people have always known very clearly, and all the records are very clear in the classics.

Even if it was Yin who had just stepped into the way of cultivation, when he was a little cultivator, he had already begun to yearn for the demeanor of a fairy.

But at that time, he was just an imaginary. He had such a goal in his heart, but he knew that he was too far away from this step, and he also didn’t know how long it would be.

Facts proved that he was completely right. After almost 20,000 years passed, he finally reached the end of the seventh Realm of the cultivator and began to climb to the eighth peak.

After this tall and steep eighth mountain, he could faintly see two taller and steeper mountains, which were daunting to look at, but he still wanted to take a look at the foot of the mountain, and then worked hard to open it up. Create a path up the mountain, so that latecomers can follow their own footprints.

“For 20,000 years, I asked Hong Chen.”

It’s still the familiar quiet room, the difference is that the enveloping formation is completely different, as if it can envelop a world.

Yin was wearing a white Taoist robe, his face was old-fashioned, and he was constantly wandering between young and old. After watching for a long time, he would realize that he was still the young man who hadn’t changed his original intention.

The Chengxian Sutra is constantly running in the body. This heaven-reaching method was given by his ancestors. Even though he has been cultivating it for so long, he is still amazed by the ideas in it, sometimes even if he wants to modify it slightly. I clicked, but found that even a word and a punctuation cannot be changed.

No matter if it is deleted or added, it will break the harmony of this sutra. It is like a perfect item that has been created by God, and it is only a shock in people’s hearts.

This time Closed Door Training, Yin told several of his own apprentices that it was just an ordinary Closed Door Training, but he had secretly decided in his heart that it was a closed door.

The so-called closed door, that is, either breakthrough the current Realm, or sit in Closed Door Training.

Yin can feel that the breakthrough of the realm is a huge barrier, even if he now has Spiritual Roots, the probability of breakthrough is still not more than 50%.

Life and death, half and half.

The so-called Spiritual Roots can naturally have a large probability of Ascension breakthrough, but even the top-level Spiritual Roots cannot necessarily become immortals.

Breakthrough is related to aptitude, but not completely related. Perception, luck, experience, mood… all kinds of influencing factors finally constitute a complete breakthrough.

On the other side, Kuang Yuan’s situation is similar.

In the previous several breakthroughs, his golden luck always saved him from danger, but this time the breakthrough was just as dangerous to him. Even the golden luck can only increase his 10% chance of breakthrough. He is now The breakthrough probability is about 60%.

Sixty percent is indeed very high, but it is like letting you hold a ten-round pistol with four bullets in it. If you turn the wheel, you are sure that you won’t hit the first shot of the trigger?

But both Yin and Kuang Yuan have experienced countless people. They have the most basic worries in their hearts. This is human nature, but they are not afraid.

“Start breakthrough.”

Xu Sheng, who had broken through the 400th tower, was suddenly recalled.

He thought about it for a moment, and finally didn’t intervene.

For Yin and Kuangyuan, this is also a test. Although they can help and increase their breakthrough probability in various ways, this is not a good thing. If they can breakthrough with their own ability, their future will undoubtedly be brighter.

Of course, if there is an accident, there is still the equivalent of everything, even if the cost of resurrecting them is extremely high, he at least has the right to choose.

However, because he had never resurrected a person who had fallen from a normal breakthrough, neither Yin nor Kuang Yuan had any dependence in their hearts.

Once they fail and die, he chooses to resurrect them, which may cause them to become more dependent.

Regarding these considerations, Xu Sheng has always been weighing them, and in short, it is a very headache.

‘Hurry up… Hurry up…’

In the dimension that Xu Sheng couldn’t see, the consciousness that belonged to the god-given treasure was a little anxiously urging. Although it knew that Xu Sheng could not hear own words, it still couldn’t help saying so.

In its observation, Xu Sheng has now passed 400 towers, and the fastest of the others is only 113, and the gap is getting wider.

It is not that it does not want to directly determine that Xu Sheng is the winner, but the comprehension of this source tower is also a fusion with it, and it can only be taken away if all the source towers are comprehended.

It knows the form of own existence, and the items that can be helpful to the semi-sacred Realm are naturally not comparable to mundane items.

Xu Sheng, who was walking towards the 400th tower, suddenly showed a trace of doubt on his face, and he subconsciously glanced at the sky.

In the eyes, there is no other, very normal sight except for the white clouds.

He has been watching for a long time, and finally he withdrew his gaze after he finally determined that there was nothing.

He continued to walk forward, and after walking a few steps, he quickly glanced up again, but this time, again, he didn’t notice anything and everything was normal.

“Wonder… Obviously there is a feeling of being peeped.”

Xu Sheng didn’t think that was an illusion, he had a vague guess in his heart.

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