Global Sage Era

Chapter 516

Chapter 512 Are you over when we just started?

Treasures are spiritual, and it’s normal for heaven-sent treasures to be spiritual at this level.

Ordinary objects can naturally breed primary souls in a high Spiritual Qi environment, not to mention godsend treasures.

In the past data, although not all god-given treasures have obvious consciousness, not many are quite aware.

There is even a god-given treasure with great wisdom. Its body is a heavenly disk, which can automatically predict some major events, which can be called semi-sacred AI wisdom.

You must know that the speed of the half-sacred Realm’s thoughts is in trillions per second, but the Spiritual Sense of the machine on that day is countless times higher on this basis, and its ability is extremely powerful.

With the help of the Heavenly Secret Disk, the person who obtained has been continuously optimizing the composition of the own citizens. The strength Ascension is extremely fast. Originally, he could only be ranked in the 100th place when he entered the Heavenly Secret Realm, but after he went out, it was less than a year. Time entered the top 100, and when he finally graduated, he graduated with an excellent score of 43. Now he is already a high sage, working hard for the breakthrough true sage.

But what makes Xu Sheng a little puzzled is that since this heaven-sent treasure is showing wisdom right now, why does it never communicate with him?

“Is it because my speed is too slow, or it doesn’t meet its requirements, so I don’t plan to communicate with me?”

Xu Sheng’s heart sank at the thought of this. If this is the case, it proves that own progress is indeed very slow and lags behind others.

Just as everyone notices those excellent people, ordinary people can’t attract too much attention. Even if they sometimes encourage people who are behind because of compassion, he really appreciates these people from the bottom of his heart. NS?

If you really are fancy, these laggards must also show other characteristics that can make up for the lack of qualifications.

But Xu Sheng thought for a while, and didn’t feel that he had displayed any different qualities in the process, and it was impossible for the spirit of treasure to take a high look at him.

At the same time, the Treasure Spirit is not Human Sage. It will not treat itself differently because of its reputation in the past. It will only treat everyone extremely objectively, allowing everyone to start on the same level.

‘too slow…’

If you want to talk about wisdom, the spirit of the treasure at this time is probably equivalent to a child over a year old, with an extremely immature consciousness.

Different treasures have different focuses, and the difficulty of generating consciousness is also different. Even those alien beings may not have enough wisdom before the semi-sacred realm, and the situation of god-given treasures is the same.

But even this extremely weak consciousness does not have a comprehensive understanding of the outside world. What it thinks now is that it can quickly leave with Xu Sheng.

It is accustomed to being alone, but it doesn’t like this feeling. In the past, it has felt that many lives have come. There is something they are a step away from itself, but it does not want to approach them, so even if both parties reach out It can be touched, but it also seems to be in a different dimension, and it can never be touched.

This time, it felt a very special breath, and under the impact of this breath, it almost couldn’t bear to show its own existence, letting that breath notice itself.

And now, this breath is extremely close to itself, it knows that the other party wants to touch itself, but because of the constraints of the rules, it can only wait for the two parties to reach a perfect fit.

So it has been urging, it is not doing useless work, it knows that as long as it shouts enough times, the other party can already hear the voice of own and understand the meaning of own.

All of this is out of instinct, even if it does not have a strong enough consciousness, it still does so much.


Xu Sheng, who passed the five hundred and seventeenth tower, once again felt the sensation of being peeped there. Besides, he also heard a very immature voice.

“It’s saying… slow?”

Xu Sheng began to be honest. From the current situation, the existence that has been peeping at own and trying to communicate with him is the spirit of treasure.

He was thinking about why the other party has not directly communicated with him. Now that he hears that extremely immature voice, he can probably know that the other party does not want to communicate with him, but can’t do it.

Of course there are other possibilities, but this kind of possibility is the closest right now.

If communicating with yourself is really the spirit of treasure, then the first thing you can know is that you are by no means unnoticed. The spirit of treasure has been paying attention to yourself from the beginning.

This is undoubtedly an exciting thing.

As long as he is paid attention, it means that there is still the possibility of obtaining God-given treasures, and his thousand years of time have not been wasted-yes, he has now spent a thousand years in this space, and he is currently making three minutes of progress. None of them arrived, but time was flowing like water.

“It dislikes me for being too slow, does it not meet its requirements?”

Xu Sheng began to think again. When he heard a slow word, all he could think of was the relevant information.

He naturally doesn’t feel that he is fast. If he wants to speed up, he can’t do it, but it doesn’t make sense. At most, it lasts for a little bit of time, and eventually he will be beaten back to his original shape.

“It would be nice if I heard more.”

Xu Sheng sighed, and after not hearing it for a while, he gave up listening and continued to pass through the next tower.

Things are not forced, and when the time comes, I can naturally hear the voice of the spirit of the treasure.

The Spirit of Treasure is not angry because of Xu Sheng’s actions. Its thinking is very simple. Just talk about the emotions you want to convey again and again.

When a baby is hungry, it will cry loudly. During this process, it will not get angry because the adult hasn’t fed it in time. The situation of the spirit of treasure is almost the same.

The six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred…

It is another thousand years, Xu Sheng’s progress is finally over halfway, but now the time to pass a tower has become three years.

Just when he was mentally prepared to spend more time passing the next tower, the accident happened.

It seems that what he has mastered has broken through a certain critical point. In this tower, he suddenly felt like a fish in the water. The first level of passing time only took one hundred and ninety days!

Time is already less than the previous tower!

The time spent on the next few floors is getting less and less. When the last whole tower passed, Xu Sheng only spent thirty-two months!

Xu Sheng was naturally excited, and immediately made persistent efforts to walk to the 802nd tower.

This time, the time spent continued to decrease, and it only took 31 months and 28 days!

Although the reduction rate is very small, if the reduction trend can be maintained, at least it will be able to reduce the time by thousands of years compared with the original!

Eight hundred and three, eight hundred and four…

Nine hundred seats!

A thousand seats!

One thousand and one hundred!

One thousand and two hundred!

One thousand and five hundred!

For a total of 700 towers, Xu Sheng spent only 983 years, and an average tower only takes more than a year!

However, after waiting for a thousand towers, his time to pass through each tower is about the same, sometimes a little Ascension, and sometimes a little less, almost at the current speed.

Only the last two hundred towers remain. According to the current time, it will only take three hundred years.

Just when Xu Sheng was about to finish all his efforts, there was a sudden change in Minor World.

Yin and Kuangyuan made the final change almost at the same time!

“What kind of broken tower, it takes me almost ten years to pass just one, and it’s getting longer and longer. Doesn’t it take the year of the monkey to the month of the monkey when everything is done?”

In another dimension, when Tan Mang passed through the 312th tower, his boredom had reached the extreme.

For three thousand years, he hasn’t even made one-fifth of his progress. Seeing that the time to come will be even longer, is it possible that it will take three to five thousand years to become a godsend treasure?

During these three to fifty thousand years, what can I do badly, have to carry out the test of a god-given treasure for you?

In addition to being bored, he also has a faint anxiety. If there is no other way to leave, it means a test. One or two months have passed on the earth. Then the secret realm that he has finally won is not only not given. Any benefit brought by oneself also greatly slowed the progress of own.

It was originally ranked more than one thousand, and there was a delay, maybe it fell behind three or four thousand!

As long as he thinks that such a thing may happen, he will have a kind of crazy emotion in his heart, wanting to destroy this assessment space.

The level of the godsend treasure is indeed very high, stronger than the students, but the students are not without the ability to resist. Those who can stand here are the best of the same age. Although the others are not like Xu Sheng with a paperweight. This kind of treasure, but there are still a little bit later.

For example, Tan Mang had a Boundary Breaking Orb in his hand, if he wanted to, he could break this place forcibly and leave.

It’s just that he hasn’t completely made up his mind, he is still waiting, if the change does not appear, he will use the Boundary Orb.

His psychological bottom line is five hundred years. Once the time comes, if the situation has not improved, he will leave it alone.

Not only Tan Meng, but the other forty people also have more or less questions in their hearts.

Is it normal that the assessment of a god-given treasure takes so long?

Could there be a problem with this godsend treasure?

Even if it is as calm as King Xing, there are also doubts in his heart at this time. The current assessment is too unreasonable and does not conform to the previous records.

But everyone did not know that there were no problems in this assessment.

For them, it does take tens of thousands of years to complete the assessment, but for those it wants to test, it only takes three to five years.

Simply put… the assessment is not for them.

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