Global Sage Era

Chapter 528

Chapter 524

The fight between Fufeng Sacred Land and Tianyao Sacred Land has been going on for thousands of years.

The grievances between the two Sacred Lands can no longer be resolved, and they can only end with the disappearance of one party.

There are many similar Sacred Land.

After all, with a population of one trillion as the base, some strong Martial Emperors can always be born.

Sacred Land mostly drifted out of Dahuang, and a small part of it slowly advanced, slowly from the small school of Ascension to the scale of Sacred Land.

In fact, in terms of the level of destiny, there is not much difference between the outsiders and the Dahuang people. Ten thousand years ago, the two were exactly the same.

However, as the resources obtained are different, the concentration of the bathing Spiritual Qi is different, and there is gradually a gap between each other.

However, the people outside may still have the same qualifications as the Dahuang people. If they go to Dahuang, they may still catch up with the progress of the Dahuang genius.

So if there is really Sacred Land in the world, then only Dahuang is the real Practitioner Sacred Land.

The cultivator has no Sacred Land. The cultivator has only the source, which is the Huntuo tribe.

However, the Huntuo tribe is too small and can accommodate too few people. Throughout the ages, there have been very few people who have had the opportunity to enter it, and most of them can only learn about such a location from those rumors.

The reason why Fufeng Sacred Land dared to attack Tianyao Sacred Land this time is because Tianyao Holy Maiden is outside, but it only accounts for a few factors. The most important thing is that they have a relationship with Dahuang. Source…want to take over their power.

When Fufeng Sacred Land once left, it was just a trivial force. I didn’t expect that after so many years of development, it would already have such a power. Even for them in Dahuang, it would be considered a benefit. So, they just Several Martial Kings were sent to assist.

As for Martial Ancestor…they only have one, that is the ancestor of their line, they can’t let the ancestor do anything.

Martial Ancestor is regarded as the top power in Dahuang, and has almost ignored the following competition.

More importantly, the movement of Martial Ancestor was restricted, and the emperor did not allow them to take action at will.

The destructive power of Martial Ancestor is too strong. If you fight in Minor World, the damage to the environment will be devastating.

Therefore, the most powerful Practitioner that walks outside is generally the Martial Emperor Realm, and the frequency of shots is also extremely low. This is where the high frequency of Martial Emperor hands will appear in such battles as the battle between the two Sacred Lands.

In front of Tianyao Sacred Land, Tianyao Holy Lord was a one-on-three, and it was already a dangerous situation. Among the three Martial Emperors on the opposite side, except for the Fufeng Holy Lord, both Liang Wai were fresh faces, but their Realm Not as strong as Tianyao’s Holy Lord, but faintly stronger, obviously coming from Dahuang.

“Even if Mu Qingci came back, it could not be their opponent.” Tian Yao Holy Lord was sad and angry, but he didn’t expect this Fufeng Sacred Land to be so despicable.

“Just grab it with your hands, this time the gods are here, and they won’t be able to save you Tianyao Sacred Land!”

Fufeng Holy Lord said gloomily, disintegrating the fighting spirit of Tianyao Holy Lord.

But what everyone didn’t expect was that after he finished saying this, a completely strange voice appeared on the court.

“Oh? Then I really want to see if the gods can’t save it.”

I don’t know when, a man and a woman have appeared on the battlefield.

People in Tian Yao Sacred Land became excited when they saw the woman, “It’s Holy Maiden!”

“Holy Maiden is back!”

“It’s saved!”

In the eyes of ordinary disciples of Tianyao Sacred Land, Holy Maiden can solve everything when he comes back.

But what they didn’t know was that this time Fufeng Sacred Land was so powerful that even Mu Qingci came back to no avail… but this time he did not come back alone.

When the eyes of ordinary disciples were focused on Mu Qingci, the most powerful Martial Emperors on the court were all attracted by the figure beside her, and then everyone began to tremble subconsciously.


The teeth of the two Martial Emperors beside the Holy Lord of Fufeng were trembling, and a feeling of extreme timelessness was born from the bottom of my heart.

This sudden Martial Ancestor came back with Tianyao Holy Maiden, so it was self-evident which side he was on.

Almost subconsciously, the two wanted to turn around and escape, but their reason told them that doing so in front of a Martial Ancestor was just a quicker death.

“Is this her destined person? But isn’t it rumored that the other party is just a Martial King?”

Tian Yao Holy Lord guessed the identity of Su Rong from the closeness of the two bodies, but what he didn’t expect was that the rumored Martial King had now become a Martial Ancestor!

He quickly realized that Su Rong was just hiding the Cultivation Base before… but this Cultivation Base also hides too much.

“Senior, this is the grievance between our Fufeng Sacred Land and Tianyao Sacred Land…” Fufeng Holy Lord is now sweating all over, but he still had to bite the bullet and come out.

The faces of the two Martial Emperors next to them were earthy. They knew the power of a Martial Ancestor, especially in this person, they felt the aura fluctuations stronger than the old ancestors. They already realized that they had kicked the iron plate this time. .

It is impossible for a Martial Ancestor to exist without name. This is an existence beyond their level of handling. It is very likely that both of them will stay here this time.

Tianyao Holy Maiden had already seen the tragic situation of Tianyao’s Sacred Land at the moment when she returned. Many familiar disciples of the disciple had already been killed in the battle at this time, which made her extremely heartbroken and full of hatred at the same time.

Su Rong roughly felt Tian Yao’s Holy Maiden’s thoughts, so next he didn’t ask the latter’s meaning, just waved his hand gently.

The faces of the three Holy Lord Fufeng and Holy Lord suddenly changed.

“Do not!”

“You can’t kill me…”


This was the last word in the lives of the three. With the arrival of the power of Martial Ancestor Realm, the three were killed almost without any resistance.

After killing these three people, he never made any more moves. With three fewer Martial Emperors, Fufeng Sacred Land was already at an absolute disadvantage.

“Thank you.” Tian Yao Holy Maiden’s eyes were full of gratitude, she subconsciously took Su Rong’s hand.

Su Rong smiled gently: “Go.”

Tianyao Holy Maiden is not an ordinary woman who has no power to bind a chicken. She has experienced a lot along the way, so in the next battle, she killed a lot of powerful Practitioners from Fufeng Sacred Land.

From beginning to end, Su Rong watched quietly, as long as Mu Qingci was not in danger, he would not take action.

Tianyao Sacred Land doesn’t have much to do with him, and he will shoot because of Tianyao Holy Maiden.

In terms of his current strength, the existence of Sacred Land is too weak. Although it can add some benefits, it will bring more troubles and require a lot of energy. It is best to have no concerns.

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