Global Sage Era

Chapter 529

Chapter 525 Su Rong and Kuang Yuan

“The hero is sad for the beauty off…the persecution delusion is also sad.”

Xu Sheng couldn’t help but sigh with emotion when he watched Su Rong show his true strength in front of outsiders for the first time.

He didn’t know that Peach Blossom calculation was not a kind of atmospheric luck, but at least Tianyao Holy Maiden was quite suitable for Su Rong.

After this incident, Tian Yao Holy Maiden will undoubtedly be more devoted to Su Rong.

A man chasing a woman, the mountain is separated; a woman chasing a man, a layer of yarn.

Su Rong himself has almost ended Tianyao’s Holy Maiden, and it is foreseeable that the relationship between the two will get closer after this, and the official dao companion relationship will not be far away.

“With Su Rong’s personality, he shouldn’t enter Dahuang so quickly, but with Tianyao Holy Maiden on the side, he will enter Dahuang in at most a hundred years.”

Su Rong has sufficient qualifications and lifespan. Even if he does not enter Dahuang, he has a great probability of breaking through to Martial Venerate Realm.

But Tianyao Holy Maiden is different. She is not much different from Su Rong in age. She has survived for thousands of years now, but Cultivation Base is only in the early stage of Martial Emperor. If there is no opportunity, she will probably stay. In the current Realm, Su Rong will still be alone.

It’s just that her luck is obviously good, and in the information Xu Sheng saw, it is also a red level, and obviously, meeting Su Rong is her greatest good fortune in this life.

Although Su Rong is in the late stage of persecution delusion, he pays more attention to the people around him than most people. Although his parents are limited by his own qualifications, he can’t help them too much, but he still makes them safe and sound.

And Tianyao Holy Maiden’s own qualifications are actually good. Outside of Dahuang, Cultivation Base Ascension can be reached to this level. It is already considered the most outstanding category. If you enter Dahuang, not to mention entering Martial Venerate, at least Martial Ancestor level is still very promising.

As for Su Rong himself, not to mention that he is now Xu Sheng’s key training object, just to say that his current character and aptitude have reached a very high level.

Xu Sheng is almost certain that even if he doesn’t do anything to help, his breakthrough Martial Venerate Realm is still okay. It may be a little bit more difficult, that is, the step of ascending to the immortal.

Here to mention, Practitioner is also on the top of the last Martial God, which is also ascending to the fairy world.

In fact, it is just a name. If Xu Sheng wants it, he can also name the immortal realm to be opened up in the future as the spiritual realm or the mysterious realm…

As for Practitioner Immortal Ascension, Realm is also immortal, but they walked the way of Wuxian, just like Ghost Immortals, agreeing to be immortals.

As Xu Sheng thought, after solving the Tianyao Sacred Land issue, the two only stayed outside for more than 20 years before entering Dahuang together.

Before leaving, Tianyao Holy Maiden chose a new Holy Maiden preparation. After meeting the requirements, the Holy Maiden of the heart will appear…At the same time, because of her own circumstances, she also left the matter of the marriage of the destiny.

Maybe in countless years later, a certain Holy Maiden will encounter the same thing with himself.

Things in this world are just such a coincidence.

Su Rong of Martial Ancestor Realm, not to mention walking sideways in Dahuang, at least no one can provoke him.

At his current age, he is almost the youngest batch of Martial Ancestors. Other Martial Ancestors do not have half of his lifespan, so most of them are in the Realm with a higher Closed Door Training Insight, hoping to one day. You can enter Martial Venerate Realm.

Now the connection between Martial Ancestor and Martial Venerate has been opened up. Several people have already walked through this road. These latecomers can only follow along. Therefore, many people are working hard at this step and want to get there as soon as possible. arrive.

Tianyao Holy Maiden’s appearance is indeed the top batch, after all, although Dahuang is strong, it is not as good as the total of the outside countries in terms of population.

The beauty of Tian Yao Holy Maiden can be imagined for being able to leave a reputation in such a large area.

So Su Rong also encountered a lot of trouble along the way.

After considering this for a long time, he finally stopped keeping his own Cultivation Base at Martial King, but increased it to Martial Emperor late stage.

In this way, the trouble encountered was reduced, but it was not completely eliminated, because he seemed to have some trouble-attracting trait in him, and no matter how he changed, someone would follow him.

In desperation, he cleaned up three Martial Ancestor early stage and one Martial Ancestor middle stage.

It was only then that Su Rong was surprised to find that he could actually leapfrog.

Not to mention Tian Yao Holy Maiden next to her. She was already dumbfounded. She thought that Su Rong was a genius enough, but she did not expect it to be.

However, Martial Ancestor is not a commodity of bad street after all. After several consecutive Martial Ancestors were destroyed by him, they finally attracted Kuang Yuan’s attention.

The moment Kuang Yuan saw Su Rong, he was able to determine that he was the same type of person as himself, and more importantly, he also discovered a certain breath he was familiar with… the breath that was paid attention to by his ancestors.

When Kuang Yuan appeared in front of him, Su Rong felt that the entire world in front of him was occupied by the figure in front of him.

Mu Qingci felt a great horror even more. She didn’t even dare to look at Kuang Yuan, and she fell into a panic.

Su Rong had not seen Kuang Yuan before, but at this moment, he subconsciously imagined Kuang Yuan’s name, and then he whispered: “I have seen senior.”

Kuang Yuan took back the breath of temptation. His burly body seemed to hide the power to suppress the world. He looked at Su Rong and then at the Tianyao Holy Maiden next to him, and smiled: “Haha, interesting, interesting.”

Then his figure disappeared.

“Just now…” Tian Yao Holy Maiden’s body is still a little trembling until now, she can’t control it, the pressure brought by that breath is too strong, this is an instinctive reaction.

Su Rong’s situation was only later, he finally knew that his decision was correct all the time, Martial Ancestor? It looks strong, but compared to those who stand on top, it is still weak.

“It’s the emperor.” Su Rong didn’t expect to see the rumored person so soon. He always believed that he would meet him eventually, but he didn’t expect the meeting to come so abruptly and it ended so quickly.

“So strong.” Tianyao Holy Maiden’s eyes were full of awe. Before that, she had wondered why Dahuang could be Immortal for 20,000 years. At this time, she understood that as long as this one is there, even if it is more than ten and twenty thousand. In the next year, Dahuang will still stand in this center.

“Let’s go.”

“Where to go?”

“Go to Tongtian City and find him.”

Tian Yao Holy Maiden was taken aback. It was so difficult to meet like this just now. If you go to the legendary Tongtian City, wouldn’t you even be unable to speak?

But she did not refuse, nodded and said: “Okay.”

Su Rong looked at her silently for a while, then smiled on his face: “Let’s go.”

In the rear, there seemed to be the sound of hands touching.

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