Global Sage Era

Chapter 537

Chapter 532 Gamification

A thick water shield unfolded in front of him, and all attacks against Xu Sheng were blocked by this water shield.

However, the power consumed is also huge. If his law energy is represented by a blue bar, almost one third of it has been removed by this one.

Therefore, although he can do this hard resistance attack, he must not do it many times!

The nine-headed monsters that appeared in front of them all use energy. Although I don’t know how much energy they store in their bodies, it’s certain that they add up to more than their own.

Xu Sheng also discovered that the difficulty set by the Treasure Spirit is tied to strength, which is a bit difficult, but it can be overcome by moving your mind.

“First think of a solution…”

While Xu Sheng had this idea in his mind, his body was also constantly moving.

The sound of being blasted continued, and in just a few minutes, the original small village was completely gone, and now only the original foundation and burning wood can be seen.

Originally, Xu Sheng also set up some traps in these houses, but after the actions of the nine-headed monsters, most of them have been abandoned, and only a handful of them can be used.

But it didn’t help much. The nine-headed monsters that appeared in the back were too powerful, and their physique was completely in line with the monster’s name. Even if Xu Sheng led them into the trap, it was basically useless.


The nine-headed monsters roared and roared, as if they were communicating in this way.

Xu Sheng’s expression became more solemn, not completely irrational…this is definitely worse.

“It seems that things can’t be saved.”

He also found a few items that he could use in the village just now. They were some kind of equipment, originally he thought they were prepared for later, but looking at the situation, he would use them now.

Seeing a ray of light flashed away, a ball appeared in Xu Cheng’s empty hand—a bomb-like item, thrown out would cause damage to all lives in the range.

All relevant introductions appear in your mind when you get them, and you can put them in your personal storage space when you don’t use them.

It can really be regarded as an upgraded online game… an online game played by only forty-five people.

However, this online game has only one life. The dead person will not be eligible to participate again. When the last person is left, that person will receive the highest reward of the game-a god-given treasure.

The game mechanics only show a little now. It is currently exploring and upgrading monsters. There may be a slightly weird atmosphere outside. After all, the children and women always show some grim smiles on their faces from time to time at the beginning. I felt uncomfortable when I saw it.

Obviously, he was not prepared to hide Xu Sheng and the others too much. After all, their strength occupies an advantage. If they are strong and hard to find, this first scene alone can eliminate most people.

Although the Treasure Spirit has prepared some scenes to eliminate people, they are all in the late stage. The most important elimination is between people, that is, after two people meet each other, they can choose to cooperate or be hostile.

The assessment time for a god-given treasure is at least over a thousand years, so there is still exploration in this space, and it will only take a few hours for Xu Sheng to enter here.


After Xu Sheng threw the bomb out of his hand, he directly wounded the three monsters in front of him.

This made Xu Sheng a lot easier!

The monsters obviously have no relevant memories. Although these things were originally found in their houses, the spirit of the treasures did not let them know.

From Xu Sheng’s perspective, I don’t know if these monsters are some kind of data or real life.

For the semi-holy level, there is no difference between the two. Data can also be life, and life can also be data.

Xu Sheng obtained five items in total. Except for two items that are equipment types that cannot affect the scene in front of him, the other three items have strong destructive power. He immediately used the other two items. After the failure of the three items With the intermittent bombing, the state of the nine-headed monster was all covered by a huge bed, and Xu Sheng was able to deal with it.

Naturally, Xu Sheng would not let go of such a good opportunity, while protecting himself with the force of the law, while directly finding the most injured monster and killing him.

The monster hissed and wanted to escape, but Xu Sheng didn’t give it any chance at all, it was just killed after a very short time.

As a result, the strength gap between the two sides was even greater, and Xu Sheng only took a short time to solve all the monsters.

At this time, his level was once again Ascension first-level, and all aspects of his own qualities were once again greatly Ascension. If he encountered the nine-headed monster just now, he could basically be crushed and passed.

“Such a game can only be created by the spirit of treasure. The gap between first-level is too big and there is not much sense of substitution.”

Xu Sheng shook his head. If it was really a game for the whole society, it would definitely be unreasonable. It would have crossed a level to rise to the first-level, which made people lose a lot of struggle.

After solving the battle here, Xu Sheng took the remaining food again, and then walked along thinking about the new road in the back.

It’s really the structure of the game. After opening a certain scene, a new channel will appear to go to a new map.

“Finally resolved.”

Zheng Guangming watched as the last monster was killed by himself, and the gloom on his face was finally replaced by a smile.

The monsters that appeared in the back were too difficult to deal with. Even if he used all the items he was looking for before, he still suffered a serious injury. If he hadn’t recovered most of his condition after the upgrade, he would have difficulty moving now.

A new path appeared in front of him, and after a slight daze, a sneer appeared on his face.

The spirit of this treasure really made them “play games”.

But obviously the setting of this level is extremely unreasonable, even he was seriously injured, and the other people are not as qualified as him. Isn’t it that this first level will eliminate a lot of people?

“It is estimated that the biggest advantage is not to waste time.”

He smiled coldly, and then embarked on this new road, he wanted to see what he would encounter later.

Behind the road is a hunting place, and a few dark shadows are hunting beasts in the distance.

He frowned. Could it be that the scene of turning into a monster just now?

The facts proved that they were more similar to what he thought. These hunters could become some kind of monsters or fierce beasts, and finally attacked Zheng Guangming.

In a few years, he slowly reached the first-level level of Ascension in this kind of life.

That is to say, on this day, when he was about to kill the monster in front of him as usual, an attack penetrated from the end of the forest to this side, making his complexion extremely unsightly.

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