Global Sage Era

Chapter 538

Chapter 533

“It’s you?”

“It’s you.”

Xu Sheng and Zheng Guangming said these words at the same time.

Xu Sheng’s expression is slightly strange. It’s not that he has never thought about meeting people, but he didn’t expect the time to be so fast, and the first person he met was Zheng Guangming.

Zheng Guangming is the strongest among the people this time. Regardless of the specific tendencies of the assessment, he is extremely threatening in most people’s hearts, almost in a similar position to Xu Sheng.

But right now, this assessment has only been a few years old, and the two have already met.

“It shouldn’t be the arrangement of the spirit of treasure.” Xu Sheng had such a thought in his mind. The spirit of treasure itself still doesn’t have so many twists and turns. Besides, if he is the spirit of treasure, he would not deliberately let himself be with Zheng. The light came across.

He is very clear about Zheng Guangming’s comments, and he said unceremoniously that in his mind, Zheng Guangming is classified as the incompatibility category.

Both sides took a deep look at each other, and did not intend to continue communicating, each stepped back and headed in the same direction as before.

Because they are all upgraded step by step, there has been no be lazy, so the two are of the same level.

After the level is reached, more and more experience points are needed. By the tenth level, it is already a relatively large number. It often takes several months to advance to the first-level. Therefore, the combat power of the two is not much different, even if they have No idea can have any influence on the other party.

Only when the time gets longer and longer, the gap between each other will widen.

If possible, Xu Sheng would definitely want to eliminate Zheng Guangming here and reduce a strong opponent. Unfortunately, such an idea is currently impossible to achieve.

He believed that Zheng Guangming had similar thoughts. He had clearly seen the eagerness in the eyes of the other party just now, but was finally suppressed by force. Neither of them was stupid, knowing that it was impossible to eliminate others at all.

Even if the last person comes in, it will be able to maintain the same combat power as everyone else in a few years.

Unless it happens to encounter a situation where a certain person is upgraded, then there is a gap in strength.

However, the forest is so big right now, and the chance of such a coincidence is not great. If it does happen… I can only say that I am out of luck, and that this time the god-given treasure is not destined for him.

“Zheng Guangming doesn’t have many items, and it seems that his opportunities are not great.” Xu Sheng recalled the details just now and discovered more.

As the so-called superiority arises from the contrast, in terms of the items on each other’s face, his side is better than a lot.

Xu Sheng looked down at the leather armor on his body, the weapons he took, the shoes he wore, the accessories he brought…yes, they were all the power-increasing items he obtained along the way. At the very least, his strength increased. The two steps greatly enhanced his combat power. ,

What Zheng Guangming just showed was rather shabby, and he should have had less experience along the way.

After more than ten years, Xu Sheng did not meet Zheng Guangming again, but occasionally he could see the traces left by the other party, so he also knew that the other party was still close to the own area, and maybe he would be able to meet him sometime.

In more than ten years, Xu Sheng’s level of Ascension has reached ten seventh-level. At this level, he has physical fitness that allows him to run 100 meters in one second. Although he can’t fly, he can jump up. It is tens of meters high, and the abilities brought by this physical fitness are extremely strong. He can almost be crushed even when he does not encounter a large number of enemies at the same time.

The object of his hunting is not only the existence of human race that can turn into monsters, he will solve all the enemies he encounters in this forest.

One day, when Xu Sheng resolved the goal, he felt familiar fluctuations in front of him.

Without even looking, he knew who was standing in front of him.

Zheng Guangming!

More than a decade later, the two met again.

This time, the levels of both sides have been ascension a lot, and the strength has also been greatly ascension.

“His strength is not clear, but it seems that he is not as strong as me…”

After Xu Sheng observed for a while, he came to a conclusion that surprised him a bit.

And just when he thought so, Zheng Guangming, who was a few hundred meters away, made an unexpected move–

He…turned around and ran away!

After Xu Sheng saw this scene, the guess in his mind suddenly became a reality, and his heart began to get excited, The next moment chased Zheng Guangming directly!

Zheng Guangming did sense that his own strength was insufficient. In order to prevent being caught by himself, he chose to run away!

There may be cooperation in this assessment, but for Xu Sheng, Zheng Guangming is definitely not on the list of cooperation. In the usual rumors of Zheng Guangming, many people who teamed up with him have encountered bad luck. Kind of, people like this are still at ease by eliminating them directly.

“He must feel that I am chasing him, and he should encounter obstacles set by him along the way.”

After chasing for a while, Xu Sheng had already thought about many things clearly.

Even he himself has prepared some defensive methods in various positions. If the strength is not too big, there should be no problem. Even if the strength is different first-level, he is sure to retreat with the help of these defensive methods.

In his heart, he felt that even if someone had a great Ascension surpassed him because of certain adventures, they would only be first-level at best, and it would be impossible to surpass two levels at once.

Even Zheng Guangming in front of him, he believes that the latter is only a few months behind himself. If he meets him a little later, then the two sides can only take a long look and leave.

“Xu Sheng, don’t force me.”

Xu Sheng’s level is higher, so he is faster than Zheng Guangming. When he feels Xu Sheng catching up, Zheng Guangming’s expression becomes a bit hideous.

In addition to being uneasy in his heart, he is more unwilling. Why is it not as good as Xu Sheng that he has been working so hard to upgrade?

Xu Sheng can see the traces left by him, and he can naturally see the traces left by Xu Sheng. He knows that Xu Sheng has always been near his own, so he has always wanted to upgrade quickly, and he has imagined meeting again in his mind countless times. When Xu Sheng’s strength surpassed Xu Sheng, he was asked to chase Xu Sheng into a bereavement dog.

But who thinks the reality is just the opposite, now he is chased by Xu Sheng and dare not even look back.

But even so, the distance between the two is still shortening. According to the current trend, maybe he hasn’t reached the places he prepared in advance before he will be overtaken by Xu Sheng!

If such a thing happens, even if he uses all the items hidden in his body, there is a high probability that he will be eliminated by Xu Sheng!

He must not let such a thing happen!

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