Global Sage Era

Chapter 540

Chapter 535 Everyone Shocked

As soon as the notification sound of the Treasure Spirit sounded, everyone who was left was greatly shaken.

Those who have discovered the pursuit before will not say anything about it. People who didn’t know beforehand almost reacted the same: their eyes widened and their mouths wide open.

This is an unexpected notice.

At the same time when the notice appeared, everyone figured it out. Every elimination was announced. In other words, Zheng Guangming was the first one to be eliminated, and this was confirmed in the words of the Treasure Spirit.

No one thinks that Zheng Guangming will be eliminated in the early stage. The idea in their minds is that people like Zheng Guangming are one of the most difficult opponents on their way to get the godsend treasure.

After slowing down, the first reaction is surprise. The exit of such an enemy is naturally a good thing for them.

Of course, a question inevitably appeared in their minds now: What kind of monster Zheng Guangming got into, so that he could not even escape?

The various levels set by the spirit of treasure have always been clear. The scenes that must be encountered are not mortal situations. If you are good at searching, you will definitely find life. Those where there are powerful monsters will not be forced to deal with. , So in their opinion, the reason Zheng Guangming was eliminated so early was definitely the idea of ​​hitting monsters that he couldn’t reach, then playing with fire and being killed.

There are more or less gloating in their hearts. After all, although they have thoughts in their hearts, they will not do it at all. They still need to have a knowledge of themselves. At the same time, they warn themselves that they must not seek their own death like Zheng Guangming.

No one thought that Zheng Guangming was actually eliminated.

In fact, this is the idea of ​​normal people. Putting it in their place, even if they meet someone, they will not have disputes so quickly. They have met other people more or less in the past, but they found that their strengths are not much different. , So the final result is a tacit distance away from each other.

If the strength depends on the latter, there is still a possibility of being eliminated, but Zheng Guangming… who can eliminate him?

If you really think from this perspective, it is not difficult to come to Xu Sheng’s conclusion, but everyone didn’t even think about it at first. Xu Sheng may indeed outperform Zheng Guangming, but this is only possible, not to mention that there is no such thing. What a coincidence, the two met so soon?

This probability is almost equivalent to the first round of the finals and semi-finals in the audition. Normal people would not think of such crazy things!

“Zheng Guangming was indeed eliminated, and he still failed to change the result.” The person who first discovered Xu Sheng chasing Zheng Guangming was silent for a while. Although he knew that such a result was more likely, he still found it. The unspeakable feeling in his heart, actually is not sorry for Zheng Guangming, but if Zheng Guangming’s position is replaced by himself, can the result be changed in the end?

The answer is naturally no. If he is caught up by Xu Sheng, there is no possibility of escape.

After standing there for a while, a firm expression appeared on his face, and then he gave up today’s hunting plan and went to the place he had always wanted to go but dared not go.

“It’s obviously a good thing, but I can’t be happy.”

“Hey, why was Xu Sheng discovered the godsend treasure this time? It is too much pressure to have him as an opponent.”

“…When our team gathers, there will be no problem even if we meet him, we are all worried.”

The expressions on the faces of the three gathered together are a bit similar. People are creatures that are good at associating. After the final result appeared, they all seemed to’see’ the scene where they were eliminated.

“I was so unlucky, I met Xu Sheng both times.”

The most depressed people are naturally those who have also participated in the fight for the source tower. Why do they have to compete with such evildoers? There is hardly any chance!

No one would deny that Zheng Guangming was powerful, and such a powerful person didn’t even have the opportunity to fight back after meeting Xu Sheng, and it was even more impossible for them to do better.

“Xu Sheng!!!”

A ray of light flashed in the void outside the assessment space, and Zheng Guangming’s figure appeared here.

At this time, he was enveloped with a terrifying aura, and the 93% rule of heyday comprehension made the surrounding void collapse a little, and the Minor World in his heart was extremely bright, and the mood fluctuations that followed him were constantly flickering.

His consciousness remained at the last moment in the assessment space. He originally thought Xu Sheng would tell Xu Sheng something, but in the end he didn’t even say a word, so he eliminated himself.

He felt a kind of ignorance, this ignorance even surpassed the pain of being eliminated for a time, this is a kind of insult to the personality and dignity of others!

At this moment, his only idea is to break Xu Sheng’s Minor World and let him bear his own pain at this moment-even so, he never thought of killing Xu Sheng.

Just like Xu Sheng’s last life, even if the two of them had a great feud, they would hardly have the idea of ​​killing. The sound of the law made everyone unwilling to bear the consequences of doing so. It would be nothing more than burning jade and stone. The earth in this life, The existence of the holy is more perfect in this respect, even if a lunatic is absolutely afraid to challenge the authority of the holy.

Although Zheng Guangming was so angry that he couldn’t wait to rush in and eliminate Xu Sheng, he knew that he couldn’t enter at all.

The idea of ​​staying here and waiting for Xu Sheng was only expelled by him in an instant. The time for the assessment is not known how long it will last, and it is impossible for him to delay too long here.

The next encounter was either a chance encounter at the back or a secret realm bestowed by heaven.

What he didn’t want to admit was that if Xu Sheng got a god-given treasure in this competition, his law comprehension would probably come from behind, and out of the god-given secret realm, Xu Sheng’s Ascension speed would be much faster than his own. …So it is very likely that this enmity will not be avenged.

He had never been so painful for a moment, knowing that his own enemy was there, but there was no way.

As for borrowing from the earth, he couldn’t borrow Xu Sheng.

A faint sorrow appeared in his eyes. Is this really going to be the case?

Do not! ! !

He roared in his heart.

After a long time, all his emotions were restrained and he left the void.

Assessment space, boundless forest.

It took Xu Sheng several days to return to his previous position.

He still left a lot of layout here, and the surrounding environment has also been proved, so it is impossible to leave so many advantages and choose other places to explore.

This time he came back without urgency, so he also noticed the breath of other people on the way.

What made him laugh dumbfounded were those who were aware of his breath, and they fled like a frightened rabbit in the first place. Before he had any reaction, the people were gone.

The most exaggerated thing is that once he felt a breath interweaving with the breath of another monster. The breath of the monster was obviously weakened to the extreme, but after he appeared, the person’s breath suddenly became disordered, and then fundamentally. Regardless of the monster’s breath behind, he ran straight away.

“I am like the source of disaster now, anyone who sees me just wants to run.”

Xu Sheng smiled and didn’t care too much.

He also knew that his behavior of chasing Zheng Guangming did scare these people. In other words, he was also afraid of such a person suddenly aiming at him… Of course he wouldn’t do it. Generally speaking, as long as it’s not the kind He has noticed a dangerous target, he will not deliberately take care of it, and will only remove it when it gets on his head.

Even Xu Sheng himself did not realize that after the source tower determined that own qualifications belonged to the top level, he overflowed with confidence from the inside out.

In the past, he believed that own strength is basically brought about by the equivalence of all things. If the equivalence of all things awakens to another person, the other person can do things that are not much different from him, although he deliberately did not think about it. , But this kind of cognition has always existed faintly.

Now that he has clarified his own qualifications, such hidden thoughts have completely disappeared. He knows that even if he does not have the equivalent of everything, he can still live well on this earth.

“But it cannot be ruled out that other people will unite because of what happened this time…” Xu Sheng quickly thought of another possibility. The pursuit of Zheng Guangming by himself would definitely make some people feel crisis. Let go of the team at the beginning. Not to mention those who come in, those scattered people will also gather their strength.

But this was also predictable from the beginning. Even without his behavior this time, the only way for the weak to overcome the strong is to gather their strength together.

Xu Sheng naturally does not think that he is a weak person. What he has always lacked is time. In this god-given secret realm, this lack of time is gradually being made up, even if it is such as Wang Xing, Zheng Guangming and others… As far as he is concerned, he is actually only the weak.

He has no opponents among his peers, and now he is just seeking to climb higher mountains.


A creature that resembled a wolf and a tiger suddenly appeared in front of Xu Sheng and roared at him, interrupting Xu Sheng’s thoughts.

Xu Sheng looked at this opportunity with a little curiosity in his eyes. Did this guy know that he has no food and he sent it to the door specially?

The latter result is also very common. This beast was killed by Xu Sheng without much resistance at all. Xu Sheng then removed the meat in the best position on its body, set up a grill and started roasting.

Ascending to a common life is also good. At least the appetite can be satisfied. In the body state, these things are basically insulated, and it is far less refreshing than it is now.

As he was roasting, Xu Sheng suddenly felt faint lights illuminating around him.

He glanced at it, and then stopped caring, and when the hind leg in his hand was roasted, he feasted on it.

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