Global Sage Era

Chapter 541

Chapter 536

The wind is circling.

There was a fishy smell floating in the air.

A trembling atmosphere is unfolding invisibly.

In front of the bonfire, a Daoist shadow nibbled the barbecue in his hand as usual, staring at the surrounding light more and more without paying attention.

Roughly counting, the number of shadows has exceeded a hundred.

Finally, as if reaching a certain critical point, a howl suddenly sounded behind Xu Sheng’s side.

In an instant, the positions of all the shadows changed.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

The sound of breaking through the air one after another.

At this time, the true appearance of these gloomy lights really appeared, and they were all beasts like the beast Xu Sheng was eating!

This beast is obviously a gregarious creature. When Xu Sheng killed one of them, his breath was recorded. Now the beast regards him as an enemy, and the purpose is to bite and kill him. !

In terms of individual strength, the difference between them and Xu Sheng’s strength is huge. Xu Sheng is now at level 17. The individual levels of these creatures are all at level 15. One-on-one encounters are only crushed, even though they are now five in number. At sixty heads, the pressure brought to Xu Sheng was also within the scope of coping-although in their feelings, Xu Sheng’s aura was not strong and difficult to resist.

But how can these creatures think that a human race like Xu Sheng whose strength is sealed, all aspects of their own experience are not imaginable by ordinary beings.

“Killing them should reduce my experience slot Ascension by half.”

Xu Sheng roughly estimated some, and finally came to a conclusion that made him a little bit pleased.

Generally speaking, it is not easy to find suitable prey, and it is even rarer to take the initiative to send it to the door this time. If he is asked to look for it alone, he does not know how much work it will take.

I don’t know if it was set by the Spirit of Treasure. The creatures in this forest are extremely vigilant. Once they find that their strength is not as good as theirs, they will quickly escape. Xu Cheng has hunted most of the time in his hunting career for the past 20 years. Go home empty-handed.

The smell of these beasts left around is really obvious, and his senses are extremely sensitive, they were discovered by him when they changed a little, so the situation he kept here was waiting for them to attack.

Right now he had just achieved what he wanted, and when the leader of this group of beasts chose to attack him, then their positions had completely changed!

Xu Sheng randomly punched to the right, just avoiding a beast bitten from the left, and then the fist penetrated the head of the other beast.

First head.

Xu Sheng remembered it in his heart.

There are a total of fifty-eight beasts that resemble wolves and tigers, and now there are fifty-seven remaining.


Another companion’s Death made these beasts crazy, their eyes gradually turned red, giving up all defenses, and attacking Xu Cheng desperately.

Xu Sheng’s expression remained unchanged, but this situation was a good thing for him.

A layer of blue water emerged from his body and gradually became a protective cover to protect him. When these beasts were about to bite Xu Sheng, the offensive was completely blocked by the protective cover, and it failed to cause him the slightest damage. damage.

The tenth-level level allows Xu Sheng to use the power of the law is not weak, and it takes a long time to break the defense with the attacks of these beasts, and in the process, it is enough for him to take the group of beasts. The number has been reduced to an extremely low level.

From the perspective of group habits, this wolf-like tiger-like creature should be more wolf-like, but its monomer quality has some tiger characteristics, making them more threatening in predation, but…

“You killed a tiger wolf and gained 3,200 experience points.”

Xu Sheng’s fists are more threatening than them. Even if no protective measures are taken, as long as they hit them on the head, they can directly cause their deaths.

The experience value given by the fifty-eight tigers and wolves is nearly 200,000, which is only a small part of his current experience of several million. If he wants to continue to upgrade quickly, it is not as simple as this time.

Only ten seventh-level to ten eighth-level requires millions of experience points. It can be thought of what a huge and terrifying number after waiting for the hundredth level, but Xu Sheng is also a habit of being trained by everything. With trillions of numbers at every turn, he estimated that this experience value would probably not be so terrifying.

In addition, he also found that killing higher-strength beasts and monsters does not have as many experience points as Ascension. Even creatures of the same level as him need more and more Ascension first-level.

“There is a problem with the setting of Treasure Spirit. If this is a real game, it is estimated that this difficulty has dissuaded most people.”

Xu Sheng thought in his heart that although he was not a heavy game player in his previous life, he still played some well-known masterpieces. Those games have undoubtedly achieved the ultimate in playability. Compared with this world, he is now in this world. , Except for the “holographic”, there is nothing else to do.

In the end, Xu Sheng just thought about it and killed all the remaining tiger wolves, and the tenth-level experience bar reached the 10% mark.

Ascension is so much in most of the day. If this efficiency is always the case, then the first-level Ascension is ten days and a half month.

However, monsters and beasts can run. Under normal circumstances, they will run away with their tails between them when they feel the threat of the target. Although those with weak strength do not feel threatening, they have an empirical punishment mechanism, and no matter how much they kill There is not much Ascension.

The ground was full of corpses of tigers and wolves. After thinking about it, Xu Sheng gave up the idea of ​​getting a few leg straps. After a little trimming, he went on the road again.

After completing several tasks accumulated before, Xu Sheng’s experience value has also reached more than 50%, and it took five months.

The speed of this Ascension is too slow, that is to say, his current strength has not changed from five months ago.

They are not like those players in online games. As time goes on, they will always have more skills and more equipment. Because their strength is sealed, they can no longer Ascension in terms of skills, even if it is a long time in the past, their level No change, the same strength.

If it is this time to meet Zheng Guangming, then the final result can only be that the two retreat. Five months are enough for Zheng Guangming’s level ascension, so luck is extremely important.

“Several people should have entered the seventh-level by now.”

Xu Sheng roughly estimated that Zheng Guangming’s level should be considered extremely high, and the rest of the people are at most about the same grade as him, and there will be a one-month or two-year progress in the future.

Those who are at the bottom are not without opportunities, as the difficulty of upgrading becomes more and more difficult, they are also likely to catch up slowly.

And according to the difference of the original strength of each person, the combat power at the same level also has subtle changes, generally speaking, who has the more initiative in the battle.

Xu Sheng had gone through the training of the Source Tower before, and had basically made up all the shortcomings. In the battle of the same level, it is difficult for anyone to catch up with him.

After no tasks, Xu Sheng could only increase his experience through ordinary hunting. Nine months later, with the last point of experience being completed, his level was finally Ascension again, reaching ten eighth-level.

When he was tenth-level, he could run a distance of about 100 meters in a second. Now he has directly Ascension reached 130 meters, and his jump height has also become more than 30 meters. In addition to the power of the law again Ascension a bit, if these tiger wolves attacked it, even if they stood still, they would not be able to break the defense.

“The time needed to continue the Ascension level should be about three years…I am now ahead of others by more than half a year, and I can eliminate people according to the plan.”

In the past more than a year, there has not been a second knockout. Obviously everyone is more cautious. On the one hand, they are trying their best to Ascension own strength, on the other hand, not letting others discover themselves.

Xu Sheng believes that there must be a factor in Zheng Guangming’s elimination. Many people who were ready to move must think that even Zheng Guangming will be eliminated, and the chance of them being eliminated is not small.

Taking time to chase others and then weed them out is a thankless thing in the early stage. After all, there is no benefit to weeding out others. You can only reduce one competitor. But when you have fewer competitors, other people It is also less, but the time you spend is not spent by others, and the intangible advantage is reduced.

So there are several trade-offs.

If it would be beneficial to eliminate others, the situation would definitely not be so harmonious. Xu Sheng guessed that this should be deliberately done by the spirit of treasure.

The reason why Xu Sheng wants to eliminate others is because he wants to save time as much as possible. Twenty years later, he has found that the strength of his own body will not be ascension in this process. It is not like in the source tower. Valuable, if you spend hundreds of years and a thousand years in this, then it’s just a waste.

“There should be someone over there…”

He turned his gaze to a certain place. The hunting in the previous few months had allowed him to find some traces. He knew that there were other people in this area nearby, so this person was set by him as the first target.

However, for several days, Xu Sheng did not find the slightest trace. It was certain that no one was there in his heart, but that the person already had a certain sense of danger.

Just like now, if some creatures aim at him, he will also have a slight sense of crisis in his heart, and will make avoidance in advance.

“Some trouble.”

Own’s lead is limited, and he can’t delay too long in this regard. His psychological bottom line is one month. If there is no gain in one month, he will give up this plan.

One month passed quickly, and in the end Xu Sheng still couldn’t find this person by his side.

The plan is well set, but if it fails to be implemented even once, it has already been declared a failure.

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