Global Sage Era

Chapter 542

Chapter 537

“so close…”

In a hidden cave, a young man with fragmented long hair patted his chest.

A month ago, he suddenly felt a terrifying existence staring at him. At that time, he almost didn’t even want to put down the things in his hands and began to flee frantically. He ran thousands of kilometers along the way and almost arrived. At the border of the forest.

The infinite forest, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, seemed huge when everyone was at a low level, but now that they are now in the dozens of levels, they can cross over in a short time. The reason why everyone is still in the forest. In, because there is a barrier on the edge of the forest, no matter what method they use, they can’t get through this barrier.

Like the air wall in online games, there is the border of the map.

Of course, everyone guessed in their hearts that they should have the level of Ascension to a certain level before they could leave.

At first they thought it was level ten, but it turned out that this conclusion was wrong, and now it is likely to be level twentieth.

So now the goal of most people is to quickly Ascension to level 20, leave this forest and see what’s outside. After all, they are now qualified. Although they can continue to upgrade in the forest, the difficulty of upgrading has become more difficult. It’s coming higher.

After sensing that the danger seemed to be fading away, the young man could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but he still did not dare to return to his previous position. After hesitating in this cave for a while, he finally gritted his teeth and went to a certain Direction away.

He decided to team up with someone. Before, he worried that two people would affect the speed of upgrading. Now it seems that if he continues to stay alone, he is likely to be eliminated if he can’t reach the 20th level.

Zheng Guangming’s example is there. He will be eliminated. It is not impossible for him to be eliminated.

Without Xu Sheng’s knowledge, more and more people began to team up. Although two years have passed, the impact of Zheng Guangming’s elimination continues. The remaining forty-four people, except for Xu Sheng has no idea of ​​teaming up. Most of the remaining forty-three people tend to be with other people… No matter how bad they are, teaming is not exclusive.

These people’s ideas are also very simple, no matter what the final result is, at least the previous period will be passed first.

And many people think that those who are stronger should tend to be alone, so that they will have an advantage in teaming with others-these people never expected it, because of Zheng Guangming’s factors, even if they had the advantage in strength. People, at this time have already started looking for teammates.

A strong combination like this will be a huge threat to everyone, even Xu Sheng, who has a strength advantage, will have some pressure when encountering these combinations.

Naturally, this situation will also force those who are weaker to continue to unite until a balance is finally reached.

In the end, several forces will be formed, and the total amount of force per share is not much different, but the composition of the number of them is different.

Terran is a race that is good at cooperating, and has been taught this knowledge when they were in school, so it is just too normal to unite in this situation.

After confirming that he could not eliminate others quickly, Xu Sheng once again devoted all his energy to leveling. With his full dedication, the speed of leveling was finally a little faster.

Eighteen to nineteen, nineteen to twenty, the number of experience points needed is even greater. In the end, it took him a full twelve years to get his level to twentieth. At this time, he entered this endless forest. It has been 35 years.

I have been in this forest for thirty-five years. If I changed to an ordinary human race, I would already be crazy, but for people like Xu Sheng who have long been accustomed to loneliness, it would be a blink of an eye.

“Your level is Ascension to level 20, the space blockade has been lifted, and now you can go outside the forest.”

At the right time, the voice of the spirit of treasure reappeared in Xu Sheng’s ears.

A white dotted line appeared in front of his eyes, extending to the horizon.

“I didn’t expect it to be this way.” Xu Shenglue glanced at the sky unexpectedly. This kind of guidance method hasn’t appeared in the past few decades, but it is indeed much more convenient.

Could it be that it heard the voice in its own heart?

After thinking about it like this, Xu Sheng felt it impossible again. If he snooped forcibly, even the semi-holy level would be sensed by them, maybe it was some people’s self-talk that made it understand.

Xu Sheng put aside the irrelevant thoughts, and walked along this dotted line all the way.

On the way, he felt some human breath again, but before he could react, those breaths had already avoided like a frightened rabbit.

Xu Sheng didn’t think it was innocent. After all, he did have the idea of ​​eliminating others first, but the final result told him that there was no way.

However, from the reactions of these people, it can be determined that only oneself can see this dotted line. Others should be guided after reaching level twentieth. As for whether they are going to the same place with them, I don’t know.

After a short while, Xu Sheng has come to the edge of the forest. There is usually an air wall here, and his hand will be blocked when he touches it. But at this time, in his eyes, a real path appeared somewhere, it seems Follow it to get out.

Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and then stepped onto the path. When his body reached the position of the original air wall, the obstacle he had felt never appeared again, so he stepped out of the forest.

There was no expected duke as the world was changing, and when he stepped out of the forest, the next step was still consistent.

He turned his head in surprise and found that there was still a real forest behind him.

“This road has always existed.”

Xu Sheng understood immediately.

There are still trees ahead, but at this time it can no longer be called a forest.

The trees are very sparsely distributed, and when they are hundreds of meters away, only one or two can be seen occasionally.

At a farther position, there seemed to be a huge shadow.

Not some kind of beast, but some kind of building.

Bringing along with it, there is also a familiar Qi machine.

A smile appeared on Xu Sheng’s face immediately after he felt the qi.

Sure enough…After you leave the forest, you will have more opportunities to upgrade.

The forest continues to retreat, and the black shadow in front of Xu Shengli is getting closer and closer. Unfortunately, no one has seen the scene when he walks out of the forest. Otherwise, it will cause an amazement. Those who are still in the forest are making the fastest progress. Ten eighth-level, but Xu Sheng is now at twenty-level.

The gap between the two levels, even if the other four or five people unite, it is difficult to be Xu Sheng’s opponent.

As the black shadow got closer and closer, its full picture also appeared in front of Xu Sheng’s eyes.

This is a city with tall walls erected to resist the ferocious enemies that may come.

There was a faint shadow moving on the wall, and it was the guard watching vigilantly.

But when Xu Sheng got under the city wall, he realized that he was different from what he thought. These guards were not the familiar appearance he imagined… These are creatures with beast-like appearances, and each has a different appearance. The gap between body types is also huge.

Compared with them, it seems that he is an outlier in this space.

Before Xu Sheng could speak, he heard a sharp whistle sound on the city wall, The next moment countless arrows covered him like rain.

A layer of water shield spread over Xu Sheng’s head. Although he was caught off guard, Xu Sheng still reacted.

Good guy, the spirit of treasure is not playing cards according to common sense. After other people change maps, they have some time to adapt. When it comes out, it will give you a head. If you change it to an ordinary creature, it is estimated that you will have to do this. Directly destroyed.

Withstand these attacks, Xu Sheng quickly came under the city wall. At this time, he realized that the city wall was higher than he had imagined. It was more than 100 meters long. With his current jumping power, he couldn’t jump up at once.

“It seems to be built specifically to deal with me”

Such thoughts disappeared in a flash, anyway, the world was created by the spirit of treasures, and any situation was normal.

At this distance, he was able to see the fear on the faces of the monster guards on the city wall. Obviously, they knew the existence of own, or the existence of creatures like themselves, and the purpose of this city wall here was to resist themselves.

“But… it’s still weak”

These attacks at the moment can only be said to hinder the action a little, and they can’t stop him at all.

Maybe other people will have trouble facing them, but he has already compensated for all aspects of the power of the law. It is too simple to face such a scene.

So he just resisted the attack so hard, while borrowing force several times on the wall, and then on the wall.

“Devil, Devil is coming up, kill him.”

“Kill Devil!”

The world suddenly became noisy. At the moment when he set foot on the city head, Xu Sheng heard all kinds of horrified shouts and composure to calm down.

Xu Sheng took an interesting look at these monsters, and it seemed that in this game, the positions of humans and monsters had completely changed.

He still had time to take a look at the city, and he found that it seemed to be a military town. Apart from the steady flow of troops from the rear, there were very few ‘ordinary monsters’ here.

Generally speaking, the individual quality of these troops should be above ten fifth-level, squad leader is ten sixth-level, squadron leader is ten seventh-level, and large captain is ten eighth-level.

Ten ninth-level and twenty-level monsters also exist, but there are less than ten in total. They belong to the leadership level. Xu Sheng saw them surrounded by a large number of monster soldiers, while looking at him in fear from behind. He is trying his best to command.

“not interesting.”

Xu Sheng whispered, this link set by the spirit of treasure is really meaningless. After he comes out with his current strength, whether it is Wushuang mowing the grass, this entire city is just a place to provide experience.

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