Global Sage Era

Chapter 548

Chapter 543: The Knowing “Cooperation”

So far, eleven people have overdrawn their power.

The remaining 26 people have also entered a state of ready to go.

After all, Xu Sheng still received the influence of the trio’s combo skills, and he was consumed a lot of strength, which made his state decline.

But compared to the result that the opponent lost three more combat power, it was worth it.

But he also knew that this was a preliminary temptation from the other party.

It should be the other people who shot together behind, so he can only see if he can find a way out of the cracks.

Therefore, this war is destined not to last long, and the two sides will not fall into a stalemate in a long-term confrontation.

Just as the master divided the victory and defeat in an instant, the victory and defeat between him and the thirty-seven people was in this very short period of time.

The sky suddenly darkened, and this was the source of darkness.

Susuna turned into a dazzling light again, and under the alternation of light and darkness, it almost burned his eyes and burned his soul.

Then, ubiquitous sounds appeared, pouring in like magical sounds.

and also…

The totally different offensive of the 27th Middle School, at this moment, Xu Sheng really stabilized the breath of Death.

A few levels higher did not give him the strength to crush. When everyone was overdrawn, he was almost unable to move under pressure.

But almost after all, Xu Sheng moved after being wounded all over.

At this moment, he chose the same method-overdraft power.

The once warm blue light became dazzling at this time. This light was like healing light. The injuries on Xu Cheng’s whole body began to improve rapidly as soon as it appeared.

The body that was on the verge of Death was quickly rejuvenated by this power, allowing him to regain his ability to move.

“Finally pushed him to this point.”

Duan Hong’s heart was stunned. Now both sides have used their greatest strength, and there is no conspiracy and tricks. The final victory or defeat has nothing to do with personal grievances.

As for the mundane lives on the periphery… it can only be decorations and background paintings. No matter how many of them come, it will not have any impact on this war.

Even they can’t get close, no matter what kind of attack it is, millions of troops can be killed directly.

Those ordinary troops were originally used by them for conquest. If Xu Sheng can be eliminated later, then there will be a chance to use it later. If Xu Sheng finally lasts longer than them, then nothing will be used.

“The eighth knockout appears.”

At this moment, the notification sound suddenly appeared, making everyone look around in surprise to see who was eliminated.

Some people even inevitably thought in their hearts… Could it be so smooth that Xu Sheng would be eliminated by such a block?

Obviously, Xu Sheng will not be eliminated so easily. The girl who was eliminated at the beginning was the girl who attacked with a fireball. Xu Sheng killed him directly after finding a suitable opportunity. She also Was directly sent out of the assessment space.

Xu Sheng’s original level was as high as 35, and now he is in a state of increasing strength. Anyone who is targeted by him alone is at risk of being eliminated, even Duan Hong who is targeted by Xu Sheng, the probability of being able to survive. It will not exceed 30%.

And this girl who used the offensive from the beginning, her strength just entered a period of weakness, so Xu Sheng pinched it to find and then eliminated.

Now it becomes a pair of thirty-six.

“To speed up, there can be no delay.”

Xu Sheng senses the power inside his body. Because he understands the law of protection, he consumes less energy and lasts longer without being injured or attacked.

But once he is attacked, the time he can continue in his current state will continue to decrease.

According to the current progress, he can probably last for seventy-three minutes, and if he has been set on fire, he may not be able to support it in the last ten minutes.

If he chooses to release the power of the law by attack, it doesn’t matter how long he can persist, it is only related to the strength of the output. If he wants to attack the maximum, then all the power can be released in an instant. I used them all to make myself fall into a state of malaise, which was the way this girl had adopted before.

All of her time to enter the weak state extremely quickly, others still have a few minutes at least.

Xu Sheng kept staring at her, so he made merit in an instant.

Although this girl had been on guard, her heart was still a little slack because of the existence of other people, and she didn’t believe that Xu Sheng could force her to kill her in the crowd.

But the fact is that this happened. She was eliminated in unwillingness. She had clearly figured out how to compete with other people in the future, and had arranged some methods, but now they were all useless.

Although Duan Hong and others dare not say that they can defeat Xu Sheng, they still have confidence in the forces that have gathered and believe that it is very possible to defeat Xu Sheng.

As the first person was eliminated by Xu Sheng, everyone in the back began to increase their vigilance.

But Xu Sheng’s hard power lies there, a level difference above the fifth-level, which has become his biggest backing, even if he has been attacked in full, he is still constantly attacking other people.

In a short period of time, eight consecutive people were eliminated by him.

The original thirty-seven people now only have twenty-nine people.

At first, Xu Sheng was satisfied with the progress, but soon he suddenly realized that maybe he could achieve this result, it was entirely because of other people’s release of water.


No wonder there has been a weird feeling since just now, and now I want to understand that those people are trying to reduce their competitors with their own hands.

Xu Sheng understands his current state very well. Although he is still very strong and can quickly eliminate the target in a one-on-one situation, his current strength has been consumed more than half after all, and he will become weaker and weaker in the future.

“In this way, maybe some people’s power has not been fully used.”

Xu Sheng’s mood became serious. This kind of speculation is extremely possible. Now, although it seems that he is constantly eliminating people, he is just a homeland that has been left unchecked.

But even if he realized this, Xu Sheng still couldn’t stop.

This is a Yangmou, and it is also a ‘cooperation’ that both parties know well!

The opponent has definitely won by himself, so if he wants to reduce his opponent, Xu Sheng feels that he still has the hope of victory, so he will not give up.

Ten minutes later, five people were eliminated by Xu Sheng, and now only twenty-five people are still on the court!

Among the thirteen people who have been eliminated, there are many who are relatively strong!

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