Global Sage Era

Chapter 549

Chapter 544 The Last Eight Minutes and Fifty Seconds

After seeing that the man ranked seventeenth was eliminated, his expression has been calm. It seems that the expression of Duan Hong, who is in control of everything, has changed.

Although this person’s elimination was something he was willing to see, it was not in his expectation at all!

This person is strong enough to rank in the top three in their alliance this time!

If it is one-to-one, his winning side is slightly higher, but for such a person, after being targeted by Xu Sheng, even if he used all his best, he could not escape the end of elimination in the end.

Duan Hong naturally felt the strong danger. Since Xu Sheng can eliminate that person, he must also be able to eliminate himself. As long as he is targeted by Xu Sheng, it is extremely difficult to get rid of it!

However, his previous performance was too obvious, and he was also the strongest in everyone’s ranking (after Zheng Guangming was eliminated), he would naturally attract Xu Sheng’s attention.

Everything shows that he feels that he can’t take the lead now, and the last choice is to hide behind.

But he just had such an idea, and he felt a few pairs of eyes looking over, and everyone had a deep, unpredictable smile on their faces.

Duan Hong’s expression became stiff at this moment, he sighed in his heart, and then gave up his previous thoughts.

It is impossible for him to let others use him as cannon fodder now. Obviously, there is no one in a certain range next to him. As long as he has a slight intention of approaching, other people will keep away from him.

Everyone’s thoughts are the same. He wants to stay until the end, and others naturally want to eliminate him as a threat. It is best to leave him alone in the end… Such a scene is naturally just an imagination, but Wan Was it successful once?

Dreams are still necessary, the universe is so big, any miracle can happen.

“Duan Hong…I can’t eliminate him yet.”

Xu Sheng has already discovered the general idea of ​​the twenty-four people on the opposite side from his position. Naturally, he can’t let Duan Hong exist according to their wishes. Everyone else will find a way to make the looper. Once Duan Hong is eliminated by him. , Then the cohesion of other people will become slightly stronger.

After all, it was the current situation. Although all the people he was watching were eventually eliminated by him, the remaining time was not very abundant, and maybe it was a little worse in the end.

The power of the surrounding laws quietly became stronger again.

These are all attacks against him, or some people think that he should be eliminated first. Maybe it is a straighter personality, or it may be more confident in the back. In short, the shots are now to determine own advantage.

A wave appeared in front of Xu Sheng, and as his mind turned, the wave swept forward.

The wave formed too fast, and the shot was without warning, so several people were immediately imprisoned by Xu Sheng.

When they were imprisoned for an instant, these people were horrified to find that they could not use any abilities, nor could they move. They struggled desperately to have a chance of breaking free.

But this dawn seems to be amplified too late.

The spear condensed by the power of several laws and laws thrust into them, only to feel a sudden pain in the body, and the next moment has become dark in front of them.

“The twenty-first knockout appears.”

“The twenty-second knockout appears.”

“The twenty-seventh knockout appears.”

In Xu Sheng’s shot this time, seven people were eliminated again, and now only eighteen people are still standing on the court!

Although the remaining 17 people were still standing, there was no sense of excitement at this time, so the shock still remained on their faces.

Especially the few people who were within the attack range, and avoided the shackles due to the blessing of the soul, are full of aftermath.

“He can actually use this method now!”

“Fortunately, the scope is not very wide, otherwise we may be destroyed by him in an instant.”

“There are only seventeen of the thirty-seven people left, and he has already eliminated more than half of them.”

All kinds of thoughts surfaced in everyone’s minds in China.

The more you contact Xu Sheng, the more you can feel his horror and evildoing.

The strength shown is really nothing, but at this stage, no less than others are still struggling to become a semi-sage, he has become Sage!

Convert it to this concept!


There was a look of regret on Xu Sheng’s face. Although he knew that the result was good, there were still many opponents left, and he was still under great pressure.

The attack just now consumed a lot of his strength and reduced his original sustainable time a lot. Now he can only continue in this state for 21 minutes.

This battle has just passed for more than half an hour, even among mortals, this point of time has passed in an instant, but in such a short time, the battle between Xu Sheng and others has entered a fever pitch.

The key is that Duan Hong and others dare not avoid Xu Sheng’s limelight at all. As long as they have a little intention of avoiding, Xu Sheng will break out, and at that time, at Xu Sheng’s speed, they will not be able to catch up in a short time.

The seven people with tracking ability have now been eliminated six people, and only the last one is still struggling, but everyone knows that he has been noticed by Xu Sheng and will kill him as soon as he has a chance. .

From this point, they can also see that Xu Sheng is still looking for a way out for himself, not necessarily this time, he will go out first when he finds an opportunity.

If Xu Sheng is allowed to take a sigh of relief, then with their current number, it will be resolved as if Xu Sheng chopped melons and vegetables.

So Xu Sheng has a retreat, but they have no retreat.

“Put away the careful thoughts in your heart, as long as you stay a little bit, Xu Sheng may find an opportunity.”

Duan Hong still speaks at this time.

With the decrease in the number of people, most people don’t pay much attention to him in their hearts, but at this juncture, when there is no better way, they can only listen to him.

The remaining seventeen people finally put aside all their careful thoughts and concentrated their strengths.

Suddenly, the pressure on Xu Sheng was several times greater than at the beginning.

He took a deep breath, knowing that when the number of people is eliminated to a certain number, other people will be forced to gather together-human beings are just such a creature.

When there were 16 minutes left in the duration, Xu Sheng eliminated one more person.

At fifteen minutes and thirteen seconds, there were fifteen opponents left.

Thirteen minutes and nine seconds, the last person with tracking ability was forcefully killed by him. He also paid the price, and the duration was reduced to eleven minutes.

In the last ten minutes, Xu Sheng met the brave on a narrow road to win, and eliminated the oncoming three.

At the eighth minute and fifty seconds, only ten people were still standing on the court!

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