Global Sage Era

Chapter 577

Chapter 571: A Very High Level Meeting

The gap between Xu Sheng and those half-sages of society is like two distinct worlds.

They were engrossed and did not waste any time in order to fight for the trivial breakthrough possibility, and he felt a new rule of law again just because he lamented their behavior.

Although there are factors that make him less difficult in the beginning, it is enough to make people embarrassed.

Xu Sheng respects them as long as they are a person with a single heart. If everyone’s opportunities and talents are set to be exactly the same, the semi-sages here before are basically the same as him.

The languid emotions that ordinary life will have in the semi-sacred Realm do not exist at all. Even when the spirit is very tired, it can be supported in ten thousand years.

“Because I have such a talent, I should take more responsibility.”

Gradually, Xu Sheng suddenly had an answer in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at the sky. Although he could not see with the naked eye, he could feel the five scorching suns still high above the sky.

The Most Saints must be under greater pressure, while themselves and others only grow under their protection.

It didn’t take long to struggle with this issue. Xu Sheng quickly left from this place, and according to the previous plan, Ascension comprehended the strength of the people and the law of own.

After more than a thousand years, the mire law is finally understood for safety, and the suffix following it on the Sage interface is also complete.

Since the remaining three laws all had signs, they did not comprehend them one by one. He chose Simultaneous Ascension, after all, they were comprehending in one place, so he felt that there might be an increase in the process of comprehension.

That is, when Xu Sheng was moving towards the Seven Laws, a meeting where he was the subject of discussion was underway.

Qianjing University, the top floor of the auditorium.

This is the office of the school leaders. Generally, only important meetings are held here. In addition to the true saints, there are also high-level leaders of the school.

Those who can be called high-level leaders are naturally outstanding in Gao Sheng, even Song Meng is still a little behind at this stage.

Usually, this office is vacant most of the time, because the conditions for opening are very harsh: all three true saints need to agree.

On the rectangular conference table, Peng Yuanshang, Ji Huairu, and Gu Shiyi sat in the middle, with a dozen or so sages on their hands.

Most of these high sages do not usually appear in the school. They may be stationed in various important secret realms belonging to Qianjing University. These more important secret realms are often targeted by foreigners. If you don’t pay attention, you may be affected. Destruction, this kind of loss is unacceptable to Qianjing University.

When the last person also sat down, Peng Yuanshang cleared his throat and said: “Since everyone is here, then we can start discussing Xu Sheng’s training.”

The high sages listened quietly. Although they are also members of the meeting, their own right to speak is related to their position. Generally speaking, the high sages of a total of 13 people add up to the three true sages. almost.

That is to say, if a plan that the three true sages want to implement is opposed by all the high sages, then the plan cannot be implemented.

Of course, such a situation is almost impossible. The three true saints all have supporters, and these supporting saints will act by chance.

But on the other hand, the three true saints agree that this is easy to say, but in fact it is basically difficult to achieve.

Unless it is the absolutely correct line, almost all opinions about some experimental nature will be opposed by one or two of the other two.

Peng Yuanshang’s personality is a kind of old and good person, that is, no one can be guilty of crimes, and he seems to be the best to speak on weekdays; Ji Huairu is a strong side and very independent; in ancient times, Yi did not care about things, but he always insisted on own initiative.

The three true saints have completely different personalities and completely different views on one thing, so each discussion will eventually last for a period of time.

Actually Peng Yuan had already prepared for this meeting for Xu Sheng this time. After all, Xu Sheng’s Ascension speed at the stage of the saints was too fast. To let him enter the secret realm given by the gods was to expend resources in advance to train him, although The time it came out now was half a month earlier than they had anticipated, but it still had little effect.

It was also this half a month that they did not call Xu Sheng over while Xu Sheng was in school, instead they had conducted dozens of discussions in secret.

These discussions are usually when Peng Yuanshang talks to someone alone, wanting to hear what they have to suggest to Xu Sheng.

Everyone’s suggestions are different. Some feel that it’s okay to follow the previous special training program. Gold will always shine, and there is no need to deploy more resources. There are three people who hold this idea, and they don’t put Xu Sheng in stock. But to a certain extent, he does not approve of over-training Xu Sheng, thinking that this might make Xu Sheng feel at ease and feel that all the resources are within easy reach.

There were four people who had a complete idea and felt that resources should be increased. Now that Xu Sheng has shown the unparalleled aptitude, he should be more brilliant.

In recent years, although there are many outstanding students from Qianjing University, they have not even appeared in a very sage. At present, the highest achievement is still in Realm.

Even if you don’t consider it from the perspective of the school, from the perspective of the human race, raising Xu Sheng to a higher level can further enhance the strength of the human race.

In case, what I’m talking about here is just in case, if Xu Sheng really stepped into the Holy Realm one day in the future, then they would not be in vain to run the university for so many years.

The other four thought that they were more secure. They felt that Xu Sheng might take a diversion now and should send a special Sage to guide them to avoid detours.

The last two thoughts were more extreme, believing that the real Sage had also come out of the temper, and that Xu Sheng had to experience more difficulties. Only by stepping through all the difficulties could he truly pin his hopes on.

Thirteen people, there are totally different four kinds of opinions alone. This is not to say that each of them is different. Each Gao Shengke is not just talking about it. Each of them has formulated and perfected for Xu Sheng’s consideration. According to the above-mentioned content, even a mediocre person can make him keep up with Xu Sheng’s training plan. At the same time, it can be seen that they have indeed spent a lot of thoughts on Xu Sheng.

“Stop for a while.” Peng Yuanshang heard some brain pain. He didn’t suffer from the suppression of the earth but the brain pain, but the real brain pain.

Because the amount of information he receives every second now is massive, God knows how many thoughts those high sages below have transmitted to him in a short period of time?

Even Ji Huairu has participated in many topics, the only quiet is Gu Shiyi.

In ancient times, Yi was quiet because he was Xu Sheng’s teacher. Because of his own position, he could not talk too much, otherwise it would make people feel that he was arguing for the own apprentice and for the benefit of the own apprentice.

He naturally didn’t have such an idea, but he still had to avoid any suspicions that should be avoided.

When he got to the back, Peng Yuanshang was really troubled by the quarrel. He could only stop everyone with his hands and make them all quiet.

“Everyone’s plan is reasonable, but you have to know that Xu Sheng is different from everyone else in the past!”

Those people used to be geniuses, but they always had people of the same grade as them, but Xu Sheng didn’t.

In the beginning, when Xu Sheng enrolled in school, the talent he showed was only the highest level, but with the passage of time, his progress became greater and faster, and he gradually opened up to other people. gap.

It can be said that after Xu Sheng, the only genius in the world is Xu Sheng divided from others!

Regarding Xu Sheng’s talent, no one would deny it.

As for the situation of Xu Sheng’s first year and second year in high school, there are too many possible explanations. For example, it is a growth talent. At that time, when the true sage accumulated strength, so he squeezed his body and made his performance so ordinary.

The universe is so big, what hasn’t the high sages seen before?

“Then what to do? We can only choose one of these plans, and it is impossible to implement them at the same time.”

The dean of teaching said that he was the person who cared about Xu Sheng the most, and the opinions he put forward made Xu Sheng endure more hardships.

Peng Yuanshang suddenly turned his head to Gu Shiyi, who had not spoken, and other people looked at him at the same time.

Gu Shiyi looked at everyone at himself, knowing that it was time for him to speak, and he had already had a draft in his mind.

“I haven’t been too involved in the cultivation of Xu Sheng. His current achievements can be said to have little to do with me, so this time I came here just to listen to everyone’s opinions.” Gu Shiyi said. It’s not like his usual style, but there is no doubt that he is fighting for more resources for Xu Sheng.

The thirteen high sages looked at each other, all a little surprised. This was the first time they saw such an old sage. It seems that Xu Sheng’s outstanding apprentice also made him place infinite high hopes.

“I personally prefer to follow the original plan, and don’t need to help it.”

Ji Huairu spoke, and she was also the first of the three true saints to express her intentions clearly.

This statement of hers can be regarded as setting the tone. Although Peng Yuan has not clearly expressed her attitude before, everyone knows that what the principal is rocking is just to maintain the original situation or to add some resources appropriately.

If Gu Shiyi did not express his opposition explicitly, then the meeting would have ended.

The end result will also be a group of high sages and true sages who spent time and energy discussing together, but in the end nothing changed-this is the true face of the meeting, and in most cases it is useless.

“In that case, let’s vote.”

Peng Yuanshang made a decision, looked at everyone and said.

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