Global Sage Era

Chapter 578

Chapter 572 Voting



“be opposed to.”



Eleven people agreed and two opposed.

This vote is to decide that Xu Sheng’s training will not be changed significantly, but to add some new experience based on the original special training plan. The purpose is to appropriately speed up Xu Sheng’s breakthrough speed, but not because of the excessive speed. And let the foundation be weak.

The stage from semi-sage to quasi-sage is still a basic stage in Sage’s eyes. Ascension is good, but too fast is sometimes not a good thing.

“If this is the case, then…” Peng Yuanshang saw this and was ready to make a conclusion.

But at this moment, Gu Shiyi suddenly spoke and interrupted him.

“I have an idea here.”

Everyone looked at him in surprise, but in the end no one was dissatisfied. They were all high sages. They all determined the purpose of ancient Yi doing this in a very short time.

In fact, he had always had ideas in his mind, but because he didn’t talk about his relationship with Xu Sheng at the beginning, and after everyone had voted, it was not too much to break the rules.

“Old Sage really took great pains for Xu Sheng”

This is what Gao Sheng is thinking now.

Ji Huairu looked at Gu Shiyi with a slightly surprised expression. She had known Gu Shiyi for so long, and she never thought he would be like this one day.

On the other hand, Peng Yuanshang’s somewhat strange expression did not change, as if he had reacted immediately, and said, “Just tell me.”

Everyone didn’t want to understand at first, but soon afterwards, the principal knew this in advance!

Ji Huairu next to him rolled his eyes in his heart. These two old guys were plotting things behind his back. What’s the matter, I’m afraid she would disagree?

“Didn’t we discover a star field together with Kunhai University before? I think Xu Sheng can be sent in.”

As soon as Yi said this in ancient times, all Gao Sheng’s expressions changed.

Even the two high sages who advocated for Xu Shengga’s experience also frowned.

“Old Sage, are you kidding? The power of that star field is difficult to discover even if we join Qianjing University and Kunhai University together, how can Xu Sheng be sent in?”

The speaker was a gray-haired high sage named Sun Lianhai. Although he was not as strong as Yi Qiang in ancient times, but his age was much older. When Gu Shiyi entered Qianjing University, he even served as him. Class teacher!

If it is not Gu Shiyi who speaks, but a certain Novice Saint, he must have already cursed him with blood!

Send Xu Sheng in, are you kicking your head by a donkey! Is the dangerous place where Xu Sheng went? This is the hope of the human race!

Although a bit exaggerated, in Sun Lianhai’s heart, Xu Sheng’s importance is even higher. The older he is, the more he knows the importance of genius. Xu Sheng’s talent is the only one he has seen in his life. He is very optimistic about Xu Sheng’s future.

“Yes, Sun Lao is right, how can Xu Sheng be sent in in such a dangerous place.”

In ancient times, Yi was unmoved, his expression still maintained the way he had finished speaking.

Since he said that, it was naturally not aimless. The star field was extremely special. Although the level of their induction was extremely strong, the highest level that he can enter so far can only be half holy.

In the past, they have already entered many people with Kunhai University.

It’s a pity that quite a few of the people who entered haven’t come out again, and those who can come out can only explore the surrounding locations. Up to now, the situation inside is still not clear.

A star field, even their true saints can’t figure it out, and its highest level is already difficult to describe in words.

Of course, it may just be the special area itself, not that its energy level is so high.

But even so, Sages from both schools are unwilling to give up such a star field. They can both calculate that this star field can become a very powerful background. Once the exploration is completed, it will be of great help to nurturing students in the future. .

Therefore, the exploration of the star field has never been given up.

“Xu Sheng must not be sent in. The place where he experienced must be sufficiently safe.” Another female Gao Sheng also said.

No matter what everyone thinks, they all have a common understanding: Xu Sheng’s safety must be guaranteed.

Xu Sheng is the most talented student since the founding of Qianjing University, and will also be the hope of Qianjing University in the future, not only the hope of Qianjing University, but also the hope of the entire human race!

Once Xu Sheng had an accident, it was not just them going to Beijing University who suffered, but also the entire human race!

Other Gao Sheng also spoke a lot, and for a while, it seemed that ancient Yi said something that shouldn’t be said.

Ji Huairu beside him couldn’t understand, how could Yi in ancient times ask Xu Sheng to go to such a dangerous place? If he doesn’t care about Xu Sheng, she doesn’t believe her at all, the previous performance has fully explained the degree of Gu Shiyi’s heart.

“What do you think?”

In the end, Ji Huairu still didn’t hold back, and directly asked Gu Shiyi.

The others also held their breath at this moment, waiting for Gu Shiyi’s next answer.

“I calculated it once for him. There is a big chance for him in this star field.”

In ancient times, Yi said plainly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was quiet immediately.

Cultivator has the ability of fortune telling. Naturally, these Sages like them cannot be without-and the abilities related to Yi in ancient times are among the best, not to mention the same as Realm’s Sage, even in the higher level of the sage. Rarely is better than him in terms of specialization.

It was once shown by Yi in ancient times, and that was Huang Xuanlang’s breakthrough.

He calculated that Huang Xuanlang’s chance to become Sage fell on Xu Sheng, and the final result was also a breakthrough from the trivial point of the combination of the two peoples, and Huang Xuanlang’s breakthrough success.

So at this time, Gu Shiyi said that, it is absolutely credible, and it can even be judged from his previous attitude that in order to get this calculation, he must have spent a lot of money.

“Will Xu Sheng be a breakthrough… also, if you ignore the dangerous factors, if even he can’t do it, no one else can.” Ji Huairu muttered to himself.

If the selection is extended to the entire human race, Xu Sheng is naturally not the best choice, but if it is limited to the semi-sage stage, then Xu Sheng can definitely be said to be the most likely candidate.

To become the top genius requires not only a good talent, but also one’s own luck. If according to the judgment standards of the people, at least it is golden, and it may even surpass golden and enter a brand new level of luck.

“Although it is said, it is still too dangerous…” Gao Sheng, who has a conservative personality, still doesn’t agree with him. Although he does not doubt Gu Shiyi’s calculations, there is no doubt about the danger in the unknown star field. Ignorant.

“Have you calculated the degree of danger for him to enter?” Ji Huairu asked at this time.

In ancient times, Yi said with a calm expression: “The hexagram is unknown.”

Ji Huairu’s expression became unsightly, and even his calculations were unclear. If Xu Sheng were to be allowed in, it would definitely be in great danger, so she categorically said, “No, I don’t agree.”

Although Xu Sheng is Gu Shiyi’s apprentice, the society is not what it used to be. Xu Sheng is not only a student of Gu Shiyi, but also a student of Qianjing University. It is impossible for her to watch Gu Shiyi send Xu Sheng in and bear the burden. danger.

At this time, Peng Yuanshang was completely hung up on his own. He had already known all these things, and the opening of this meeting has always been in his vision. It can even be said that it has developed to Now they are almost the same as his calculations.

Although he was reluctant to be persuaded by Gu Shiyi in the end, other people were not so easy to make sense of it.

At this time they don’t care if you are the true saint or what saint.

As long as you want Xu Sheng to take such a big risk, it is impossible!

In ancient times, Yi naturally had his own reasoning. The great opportunity he calculated was not only related to Xu Sheng’s semi-sacred stage, but also had a great impact on his future. He even had a faint hunch, perhaps related to Xu Sheng. To the final position!

“This star field is difficult to travel with the strength of our two families, so my current idea is to bring in other first-class universities, and every family will go in and explore, and in the end all gains will go to their own.”

Gu Shiyi said another sentence that shocked everyone.

Everyone’s first reaction was to refute, but they didn’t say what they said. They didn’t think about it before, or because they didn’t know the attitude of the true saints, they deliberately didn’t think about it—two institutes. It is indeed a good plan for a dominant university to jointly explore with the rest of the top universities.

This is an extremely large force. As long as each family sends a few semi-saints in, they can make great progress, which also prevents their own school from losing too much.

In fact, the losses in recent years have discouraged them. The existence of the Unknown Star Territory has become an area that knows a lot of help but can’t get it, which is really maddening.

After that, everyone suddenly discovered that Xu Sheng’s safety could be guaranteed to some extent if he really followed this line of thinking.

If so many people went in, Xu Sheng would eventually fall into it, it would only prove that Xu Sheng is just a short-lived genius, and he can’t go far after all.

At this moment, there are countless storms in the mind of every high sage who are producing annihilation. They are weighing this incident in all directions, whether they should approve or not.

In the end, everyone had the answer, and they confirmed their own choice.

“There is indeed a certain degree of feasibility… It is also the full use of resources.”

“It’s still not right, there are too many variables in it, and the pay is not proportional to the return.”

“More discussions are needed. It’s too early.”

These are the thoughts in everyone’s mind, and they have not been declared.

Peng Yuan, who has been by the side and hasn’t spoken since Yi said it in ancient times, spoke at the right time.

“The voting on whether to share this star field with other schools and send Xu Sheng in now begins. Who agrees and who opposes?”


“be opposed to.”


“be opposed to.”


Seven agree and six oppose.

The thirteen people looked at the three true saints.

After being silent for a moment, Ji Huairu shook his head and said, “I object.”

Gu Shiyi almost immediately followed, “Agree.”

Only the last Peng Yuanshang is left.

In the eyes of everyone, there was a hesitant look on his face, which turned into a sigh for a long time, showing neither his own attitude, but also his own attitude.

“I give up.”

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