Global Sage Era

Chapter 580

Chapter 574 Someone considers everything for you

After staying in the semi-saint secret realm for more than 10,000 years, Xu Sheng originally wanted to come back and take a short break, but he didn’t want to receive a message from the principal on the back foot as soon as he landed on the front foot.

“Does it mean to tilt resources to me?”

Xu Sheng’s first reaction when he saw the information was this. Although he has not mentioned it to the school, he has become a semi-holy for almost a month. The school hasn’t talked to him yet, and it seems impossible to justify it.

Rejoicing is definitely rejoicing, so Xu Sheng didn’t think too much, and walked directly to the principal’s office.

Ten minutes later, he got the whole story from Peng Yuanshang’s mouth.

“Whether you want to go in depends on your own wishes. We won’t force you here.” Peng Yuanshang looked at Xu Sheng who was silent and also said in a warm voice. He looked at the most talented student since the suggestion in front of him. The mood is also very different from the first half of the year.

At that time, when I saw Xu Sheng, his understanding of the law was still very low, but he did not expect that with this dazzling effort, he would become a semi-sage.

“Since the teacher has calculated for me that there is a great opportunity for me, then the students must go in and take a walk.”

It must be entered. After all, this is the arrangement of the teacher, but he himself is not sure that he can guarantee enough security in the unknown star field. This is a completely different situation from the previous secret realms, and many of them are going forward. No one has ever come out again.

Although Ganjing University has only sent dozens of people to the university, only a few students have not returned every year, but the proportion is already quite high.

The more critical point is that the current state of these students is still unclear. It may be that they have died or are in some kind of predicament.

Therefore, when people are sent in from the back of the school, an additional task will be added, which is to find the traces of the people before them and see if they can be found.

But so far, those who can get out by chance have not found any traces. In their narration, they went to a very ordinary void, which is no different from the normal world. The only difference is that they occasionally Encountering some misty scenes, I can’t see everything in front of me.

After Sage’s follow-up inspection, they concluded that everyone’s memories are real…but they are more or less missing some memories.

“Well, your teacher is also waiting for you to go there, but he explained before, you should finish your work before looking for him.”

After coming out of the principal’s office, Xu Sheng handed in the task as quickly as possible.

Then he went to the teacher’s office non-stop.


In ancient times, Yi said in a flat voice. At this time, he was flipping through a certain book, and it was the first time that Xu Sheng saw it like this.

“Well, just handed in the task.”

“Seven rules…not bad.”

In ancient times, Yi noticed Xu Sheng’s current strength. The Seven Laws had completely consolidated the foundation and entered the category of ordinary semi-sage.

The division between the semi-sages is also exquisite. For example, when there are seven or fewer rules, each of the more rules will have a lot more means, and the victory will be greater.

From seven types to ninety-nine types, the Ascension of strength becomes smaller and smaller as the law increases, and the gap between them is already very small.

It is normal for the former to defeat the latter when occupying one of the right time and place.

“I didn’t disappoint the teacher.” Xu Sheng smiled on his face. Why didn’t he want to get the teacher’s appreciation for his Ascension strength during this period of time?

“It’s been a few days since you entered that unknown star field. You have been adjusting your state in school these few days. This time of experience may be quite dangerous for you.”

Xu Sheng’s expression became serious, he nodded and said: “The disciple knows.”

Since the teacher said it specifically, it proves that he must have calculated something.

But even with this danger, he has repeatedly insisted on letting himself in. From this point, he can see the importance of this secret realm trip to own.

He couldn’t help but speculate in his heart, could he find a way to the Quasi-Saint Realm in this secret realm?

But immediately I felt that it was impossible again. It was too fast. I am only entering Semi-Holy for a month, and an experience is unlikely to last for a year. The previous Battle of the Heart Clan was long enough. .

But to say that the Unknown Star Territory can be compared to a middle-class group in the universe… he really doesn’t believe it, knowing that there were five true saint levels in the Huoxin tribe back then.

If there is a true sage level power in the star field at this location, let alone a semi-sage like him, even if you put more high sages in, the final result will be back and forth.

Xu Sheng never thought that he could leapfrog to complete the mission. The quasi-sage stage may be able to try if you are lucky, but don’t even think about higher-level missions.

“Take out your two-way paperweight.”

Xu Sheng was thinking about everything that might be encountered in the unknown star field, but he did not expect to hear the teacher say so.

Although he was surprised in his heart, he took out the paperweight in two directions for the first time.

In ancient times, Yi took the paperweight Erxiang in his hands. In Xu Sheng’s eyes, it seemed that he was simply watching it and did nothing, but he felt that it was definitely impossible.

“All right.”

More than a minute later, Gu Shiyi handed the paperweight back to Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng subconsciously took over the paperweight and then frowned slightly.

He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the teacher’s spirit seemed to be suddenly weakened.

“Teacher…” He looked up at Gu Shiyi.

“It’s nothing more than some small means. It should be able to provide you with some help in times of crisis. In addition, you will also put your three god-given treasures in me for a few days, and come to me on the day of triggering.”

Xu Sheng didn’t know how to express his own feelings at this moment, he nodded silently, and then took out the three heavenly treasures.

The three heavenly treasures are no different from ordinary things on the earth. They are suppressed far more than the human race, not to mention the lack of original intelligence, even if it was originally an old monster level, there will be no spiritual fluctuations now. .

Although the teacher didn’t say anything, Xu Sheng could guess that he must strengthen these three godsend treasures for himself.

With two paperweights and three god-given treasures, it can be said that the teacher has considered all aspects for himself.

He is even more aware that this experience is very important to him.

When leaving the office, Xu Sheng quietly looked back at the teacher and found that he had placed three god-given treasures on a corner of the table, and he was writing and drawing something on his hand.

This scene was deeply imprinted in his heart. For some reason, he felt a little moist in his eyes.

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