Global Sage Era

Chapter 581

Chapter 575 Xu Sheng, You Shouldn’t Come

Regarding the matter of entering the Unknown Star Territory, Xu Sheng has not yet decided whether or not to tell Su Linrui.

Ordinarily, the dao companion relationship should not conceal such a thing, and if you really tell her about it, it will only worry her in the end.

Xu Sheng knew that Su Linrui’s character would definitely not hinder her, she would only make herself be careful when she set out.

But the more this happened, the less he was willing to make her worry, and in the end he could only sigh, and the message he sent became like this.

“The school arranged a trial for me. The teacher tried his best to win for me. It may take a long time, so don’t worry about me.”

This message will be received when Su Linrui returns to the earth, at that time he should have been in the unknown star field.

In just a few dozen words, Xu Sheng has deleted and deleted many times. Strictly speaking, this is a lie. Although from his point of view, he is a white lie, but he knows that this is not what Su Linrui wants. .

But dao companion is like this, you think for me, I think for you, everyone hopes that each other is better.

Xu Sheng received the news from the school the next day, and set off three days later, when the school will arrange the spacecraft to go to the unknown star field.

But what is different from the past is that the secret realm that started this time is not a transit secret realm of the school, but a public star field belonging to the human race.

This is because the unknown star domain does not belong to which company alone, so when the transfer secret realm was determined at the beginning, only the public star domain could be selected.

There are pros and cons. After all, there are so many schools participating this time. If students from other schools come to Qianjing University by then, it will definitely cause a lot of disturbance.

Now there are only one hundred people from each school. Although there are 5,700 people in total, which is not a small number, the scattered gathering from each school does not attract attention at all.

At that time, all the students in this school will only wonder why some people they often see are suddenly missing. They will not think too much, let alone that this is a joint operation involving 57 schools.

On the last day of May, Xu Sheng was summoned by the school and went to sit in a school bus at the school gate.

Two buses will carry the 100 selected semi-saints to the airport.

Ninety-six of these 100 people are seniors, there are only three juniors, no one is selected for sophomores, and then the freshman Xu Sheng.

The face is very familiar, but the same as the last time he entered the secret realm of the godsend, at this time, among all the 100 people, his strength is the weakest…

He had anticipated this scene a long time ago, so he was completely surprised.

The selected seniors are naturally not the most outstanding group. After all, it is more than a month before graduation. It is already very slow to have not become a quasi-sage capital. This time, the trip to the unknown star field is also considered. Last chance.

Each of them has been told about the dangers, and at the same time they have the idea that if they fail to succeed, it is nothing to give their lives for the holy way. In the past, they have also seen many classmates and friends fall in the process of experience.

The three in the junior year are not the top three, but the three in the top 100. From this selection, we can see that the school is still very cautious. There are so many excellent secret realms in the school that can make the students’ Ascension stable. Strength will never allow them to enter such a dangerous place.

If it weren’t for Old Sage’s calculation, it would be impossible for Xu Sheng to enter this unknown star field. Even if everyone in the school entered, he was the last one to enter.

Let the students practice more, not let the students die.

The danger in the unknown star field is not known at all, and such a place is definitely not suitable for sending top geniuses like Xu Sheng in.

This first batch of things can be regarded as wasteland reclamation, and everything requires students to adapt to their own circumstances.

The passenger plane was already waiting when I arrived at the airport, and no time was wasted from start to finish, and I quickly embarked on the route to the public secret realm.

More than an hour later, the plane landed at the nearest airport to the public secret realm, and then everyone got on the two buses waiting here.

Xu Sheng didn’t do anything along the way. He looked at the scenery outside the window the whole time. He has been outside the territory for so many years, but he has never been to most places on the earth.

He has never been out of the China area until now, and he has only seen the famous scenery in the other Sihua areas in the book and Wanhuan.

“This time may be the most dangerous since we stepped outside the territory…”

“Oh, what about the danger, as long as it allows me to step into the quasi-sage, I dare to go anywhere.”

There was the voice of senior students talking nearby.

At first they would be somewhat unnatural because of Xu Sheng’s existence, but now they are used to it. The only impression is that Xu Sheng has not said anything along the way, extremely cold.

If Xu Sheng knew that they thought he was going to shake his head and laugh, he was just busy looking at the scenery.

Of course, it is impossible for him to find someone to take the initiative to speak. Although his own character is not introverted, he is never extroverted.

“I don’t know how many people will be back then.”

“What are you thinking about, even if you can’t come back all, most of the people here will be safe and sound.”

They are all semi-sages and would not be taboo about any verbal things. Everyone knows that this action will definitely be deadly.

There will be a lot of people who will die in the exploration next year, but ordinary people don’t know it.

The higher the level, the more they can learn more things. After they became semi-sages, they have unlocked more powers and can get more information online. The original many insignificant “secrets” are now also Although check it out.

Xu Sheng has not been aware of this aspect because he has been a semi-sage for a short time, but recently he did find some information that he could not normally find when connecting to the Internet with his wristband, especially the overall environment of the human race. Have more awareness.

It also gave him a deeper understanding of the words that the principal had received.

“Xu Sheng, you really shouldn’t have come.”

Finally someone couldn’t help but say what was in his heart, he was actually not hostile to Xu Sheng, on the contrary, he wanted to see Xu Sheng move to a higher position.

In their hearts, their choice to enter is only the last fight, but Xu Sheng clearly has such a glorious future to be with them, it is undoubtedly an extremely unwise behavior, and they are really heartbroken.

“Yeah, if I were you, I would go back now.”

“Listen to persuasion, go back.”

Other people in the car also spoke.

Looking at these sincere faces, Xu Sheng was naturally moved in his heart, but unfortunately, he could only shake his head and said: “Everyone’s kindness is accepted, but I have to enter the unknown star field.”

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