【You built an underground shelter! 】

"It's only two years away, and we'll continue." Lin Yue glanced at the sun that slanted westward, and the glow of the setting sun dyed everything into blood red.

The weeds and new buds on the earth were blown by the breeze, and the mutant creatures also left their hiding places and returned to this world, as if the previous disaster of acid rain and flood had never happened.

"Ga woo!" Xiao Bai stood by Lin Yue's side, watching him keep busy coming and going, and wanted to help him with something, but he really couldn't do anything.

As for the little ice lizards, they went straight to the wasteland to chase and hunt those mutant creatures.

"Xiao Bai, we'll have a big change in our shelter later, so you should be optimistic." Lin Yue said, and used the design of the shelter twice in a row.

Soon, two stone shelters appeared on the ground out of thin air and were completely connected to the others.

Lin Yue intends to connect all the shelters currently under construction, even the underground ones, except for the one that stores the gasoline barrels.

This is naturally to build that "Advanced Large Refuge"!

He has a "Advanced Large Refuge Design Drawing" from a platinum treasure chest in his hand, and this blueprint requires only one thing.

That is, the total area of ​​the shelter owned by the survivors must reach 520 square meters!

To be honest, this condition is extremely harsh for survivors.

After all, in the Survival Point Mall, every time he bought one, the design of the shelter would increase tenfold. He had only bought one before, and if he wanted to buy it again, he would have to spend an outrageous figure of 4,000.

This may not be too difficult for those survivors who form a team. After all, there are a lot of them, and there may be a lot left.

But it was relatively difficult for Lin Yue to survive alone.

However, after dozens of battles and the experience of saving some survivors the last time, the design of the shelter in his hand has never been missing.

Because of this, this somewhat "harsh" condition was not difficult for him.

"Okay, finally... can we finally make this high-level large-scale shelter?"

Seven buildings on the ground and six basements underground finally met the demand of 520 square meters.

"I even have a design drawing of an alloy shelter left in my hand. It seems that it is very important to save this thing normally."

Lin Yue said, opened the system panel, and once again looked at the description of the high-level large-scale shelter design.

[Design drawing of high-level large-scale shelter: all spaces are perfectly allocated, and the comfort, practicality and disaster resistance are fully considered. Waste disposal and many other functions. The shelter room allocation can be expanded or reduced according to the needs of survivors, and the shelter material defaults to the original shelter material. If there is a composite material, it will be merged, and it can be upgraded to a higher-level alloy shelter as needed. The total number of alloys required is 310 pieces. 】

"What can it be like?" After confirming that the little ice lizards were all out, Lin Yue brought everything inside to the yard bit by bit, in case the large shelter was built by accident. They cause damage.

This job is not difficult, after all, he now has 48 cubic meters of storage space, enough to quickly move the piles of things.

Looking at the yard like a dilapidated factory, Lin Yue couldn't care more about it. Anyway, he would have to re-plan at that time, and flip these things over to let them see the light.

【You used the high-level large-scale shelter design! 】

[Meet the needs of a total area of ​​520 square meters]

[The Refuge is being upgraded...]

【12%, 56%...100%】

At this time, as the sound of the system fell, the sanctuary that had just been shrouded in white light suddenly shone with a golden light, which even made the blood-colored sunset dwarfed by comparison.

And when this golden light fell, Lin Yue suddenly had a behemoth in front of him!

"This is……"

Lin Yue was surprised to see a brand new one-story building appeared in front of him!

It is made of stone, and the color is white-gray. Lin Yue took out the box ruler in the toolbox and measured it a little. He found that it was about 15 meters long and 14 meters wide. different.

Just when Lin Yue was about to open the door and enter, the sound of the system suddenly sounded again.

[Please allocate the space in the shelter, and related functions can be operated in the shelter-related interface, in the space allocation of the shelter]

[Please allocate the specific area and location of the shelter bedroom, workshop, warehouse, kitchen, bathroom, energy supply station, operation room, etc.]

[You can also choose to distribute according to the original drawings. 】

Man, this is kind of interesting.

However, when using this design drawing, Lin Yue already had a plan of how to design the shelter.

He looked at the system panel, and sure enough, in the original "Refuge Related" interface, there was a new option of "Refuge Space Allocation".

"Let's see, bedrooms, workshops, warehouses, kitchens, so, energy supply stations, operating rooms... good guy, there are quite a few."

Today's high-end shelters are divided into two floors above ground and underground. The ground and underground areas are exactly the same, both of which are 210 square meters, which can be said to be quite spacious.

The height of the ground floor is 3.5 meters, and the height of the underground floor is 4.5 meters, which is larger than the previous space.

There are 4 downward entrances between the ground and the underground, with an interval of 4 meters.

Moreover, there are three emergency passages extending in three directions in the basement, and it seems that they can continue to extend forward according to their ideas.

Lin Yue began to allocate the functions of the shelter.

The bedroom is quite important.

It doesn't mean that a bed is a bedroom.

Bedrooms should take into account factors such as comfort, size and location.

There is not much to consider about comfort, and it is necessary to slowly transform it later, but the area must not be too small.

Because of Xiaobai and Xiaobingli, Lin Yue decided to divide the bedroom into two, one master bedroom and one second bedroom.

The master bedroom is for him and Xiaobai, and the second bedroom is for the little ice lizards.

Xiaobai's body is destined to rest on his stomach, and he also needs some necessary furniture and the like, so the area of ​​the master bedroom should be larger.

As for the area of ​​the second bedroom, it can't be too small, those little guys are too noisy, too small will make them unable to move.

Lin Yue also thought about the location of the master bedroom, so he put it in the most central and rear part of the first floor. The area is 30 square meters, and it also includes a direct entrance to the basement.

The second bedroom is placed in the most corner position near the first floor, with an area of ​​20 square meters, which is enough for the little ice lizards.

In addition, for insurance, he also placed a 10-square-meter bedroom in the basement near an emergency passage.

The next step is to allocate warehouses.

"One or two warehouses are not enough, and, at this height, can you do something about it?"

Suddenly he had a new idea.

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