Planning a house is a tiring job, but Lin Yue enjoys it.

He was excited to hear the large high-level shelter.

Apart from the bedroom, the most important thing in this sanctuary is the warehouse.

Lin Yue was actually very dissatisfied with the original warehouse.

Although they are all supported by shelves, all kinds of messy things are piled up.

Whether it is water, food, various supplies, or even weapons, they are all piled up on crowded shelves, and sometimes it takes a long time to find them.

Originally, he wanted to use the warehouse to make it easier for him to find the materials to place, but the previous way of placing them only made him more troublesome.

"Warehouses are really important. Mixing them together will increase the time and cost of finding and using them, so zoning is the best choice." Lin Yue decided to use most of the entire basement as warehouse facilities.

He also thought about the partition of the warehouse.

Food, water and various wines and whiskeys are a warehouse. It is better to make them bigger. After all, there is indeed a lot of inventory in this area, so let’s use 60 square meters;

The warehouse of weapons doesn't need to be too big. After all, there are only a few weapons he usually uses, and he basically carries it with him every time he goes out, but it's never wrong to have a warehouse.

Lin Yue placed the weapon warehouse directly opposite the bedroom above, so that it was easy to come down and take it at any time, and the area of ​​ten square meters was enough.

Then there are all kinds of materials.

In terms of materials, there are too many stocks in hand, such as parts removed from cars. For one room, about 60 square meters is enough.

The other is a warehouse for various tools, about 20 square meters.

The four warehouses are connected to each other and are arranged left and right with the weapons warehouse as the center, occupying most of the area of ​​the entire basement, with a total of 150 square meters.

And this is just the area, not the volume. With the height of 4.5 meters, you can do some articles later, such as placing higher shelves, or even making two floors.

Of the remaining 60 square meters, 10 square meters are temporary bedrooms, and if the aisle of about 15 square meters is excluded, can the remaining 35 square meters be allocated to the workshop and the generator room?

Lin Yue thought about it for a while and decided to leave the power generation alone for now.

It is not very safe to put diesel and gasoline engines that generate electricity in a large room, after all, they are somewhat flammable and explosive.

After temporarily deciding that the remaining 35 square meters should be given to the workshop where high-precision research workbenches are placed, Lin Yue completed the adjustment of the basement.

On the ground, only the master bedroom and the second bedroom have been decided, and many have not yet been settled.

"The master bedroom is 30 square meters, the second bedroom is 20 square meters, and the remaining 160 square meters... It's not too small."

Lin Yue still cares about the kitchen. After all, the freezer takes up a lot of space, and these things will be very useful in the future. If you can get more electrical appliances in the future, the area there is too small to be placed.

In the end, Lin Yue decided to keep the same area of ​​40 square meters as before, so that the kitchen would not turn around.

Next is the bathroom.

Water is a very important resource that cannot be wasted - but this is relative to other survivors. After I got a lot of water from the underground river in the Ice Lizard Mine, I built a huge bathroom and built two huge bathtubs. To be honest, thinking about it now, it really is. Some waste.

Although it is river water, the water is still drinkable.

Now that the water had become cloudy, he finally had to turn it into soilless water for recycling.

For the time being, we can only get some water for Xiaobai and Xiaobingli to play with when we go to the underground ruins next time.

The bathroom was finally made 20 square meters according to his regulations. Although it is not big, it is still enough for the time being.

For the remaining 140 square meters, Lin Yue separates a large space of about 80 square meters, which is used as a living room and normal activities. As for how to decorate it, it will be a matter later.

At this moment, the light of the setting sun began to dim, and Lin Yue also accelerated.

"For the remaining 60 square meters, use 10 square meters as a corridor, 50 square meters are separated by a separate material, end!"

With a flash of light, Lin Yue also finished all the work.

Planning a room is not an easy job, and Lin Yue was a little exhausted after finishing all this, but he still pushed open the door of this high-level large-scale shelter right away!

"My dear, is this a mansion? It's too big."

Lin Yue couldn't help being surprised when he looked at the clean stone floor, the flat partitions, and the neat and wide layout.

Indeed, this large shelter is now much more powerful than the previous one.

But he didn't have time to sigh.

"There are too many things to be moved, Xiaobai, little ice lizards, you guys can do more!" Lin Yue said and went straight to the basement, and placed the weapons, parts, food, water, etc. in order according to his previous thoughts. in each warehouse.

Xiaobai and the little ice lizards also drew scoops according to the gourds and helped Lin Yue start to carry them from top to bottom.

However, most of this was done by Lin Yue himself. After all, his storage space was large enough. All he had to do was lay out the shelves, and then keep placing all kinds of things as quickly as possible.

It's already dark outside, so it's not enough to hang the supplies outside.

Soon, a large number of materials were placed in the warehouse one by one by Lin Yue. Although it was still a bit messy at present, it was better than being outside.

And this time, he also put wood, stone, iron blocks, copper ingots and other materials in the yard and stacked them with those ores.

These things take up too much space, and if you put them in the shelter, they will look messy. If you put them outside, you can use them at any time.

Putting the gasoline generator in a temporarily useless room on the first floor, Lin Yue skillfully connected the wires, and quickly placed the light bulbs one by one under the illumination of the flashlight.

Although the temporary lighting equipment is not suitable for such a new shelter, Lin Yue, who has no more materials, can only do so temporarily.

However, he did not forget to put the marble floor tiles that he would get from the villa and the bank and put them on the ground, and soon he turned the entire floor into a marble floor.

"It's become a little more luxurious, isn't it?"

Under the light of the light, Lin Yue quickly placed the bed and furniture in the bedroom, arranged it a little, and finally became more presentable.

After that, he dragged the fireplace, which was in the way and had no use for a long time, up from the basement and put it on the corner of the wall in the living room.

Wiping the sweat from his face, Lin Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's finally done." He sat directly on the chair in the living room, feeling that it was much more tiring than fighting mutant creatures, monster pterosaurs or something.

But it's worth it to finally be able to make this place a little more decent.

"Ga woo?" Xiao Bai suddenly saw that the master had brought out something he liked very much.

"Lei Bi, there's only half a bottle left, why don't we open the treasure chest and see if we can get some carbonated drinks with luck?"

Lin Yue took out a large number of copper treasure chests and put them under his feet.

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