[Congratulations, you built a stone shelter! 】

The sound of the system sounded for the third time, and the white light lit up on the ground again.

Lin Yue still didn't stop, he continued to look at the Survival Point Mall, and without hesitation he bought the design of the shelter with a price of 4000 Survival Points!

With the sound of the familiar system, he finally successfully built the fourth shelter.

Lin Yue looked at the downward hole in front of him and walked into it along the stone steps.

Under the light of the flashlight, this huge and empty shelter of 160 square meters underground appeared in front of him.

The height of the floor is 4 meters, which is enough to hold more things. Lin Yue is also very satisfied with his work.

"Isn't it common sense to build a shelter at a resource point?" He nodded.

As soon as he thought of this, he did it immediately, so many things couldn't be taken away, but it didn't mean they couldn't be saved.

And the sanctuary happened to be a quite suitable storage point.

Lin Yue didn't want anyone to touch this resource point that could produce a large amount of natural sulfur ore.

After all, there are definitely not a few survivors who know that this thing can be combined with charcoal and saltpeter to form black powder. It can even be said that most people know it.

In this survival game where you know the formula, simply manufacture it, you can get the system's recognition, and come up with a blueprint, share the sulfur ore with such a large reserve with everyone...

Wouldn't that be too long for his own life?

Although Lin Yue now has a hot weapon, Xiaobai, and quite a few advantages, if there are hundreds of people, as long as one breaks through and throws a big guy into his shelter, then it's useless to say anything.

"The space should be considered enough, let's store it in it first, as much as you can store."

Try to mine as many of these resources as possible, and then take advantage of this time to find out if there are any shelters that are still selling design drawings, and try to mine as many resources as possible and keep them as important reserves.

Lin Yue put on the exoskeleton and returned to the ground again to start working.

The iron pick kept swinging, and under the action of the exoskeleton, Lin Yue only moved mechanically, and did not feel tired, and these natural sulfur ores were quite easy to mine.

However, the iron pick is still easy to break, and Lin Yue also found it troublesome, so he adopted another method.

"The iron pick is easy to break, so after setting it with diamonds, don't you like to break it?"

Among the many uses of diamonds in this world, Lin Yue only took a fancy to its hardness.

He didn't plan to use the big diamond before, but the small diamond that would be opened in the safe could actually come in handy at this time.

After spending a universal upgrade design and 3 small diamonds, Lin Yue successfully created what he wanted.

【You got a diamond iron pickaxe X1】

"That's it, let's continue." The hardness of diamonds can at least ensure that the pickaxe will not be damaged, and it can also make mining easier. Lin Yue waved it and realized that this thing is really easy to use. A piece of ore can only be taken down after being inlaid with diamonds, and a piece can be taken out with two clicks.

The efficiency was doubled, and Lin Yue also started the process of collecting the boring but fruitful natural sulfur ore.

However, Lin Yue did also consider the taste of the natural sulfur ore. After mining them, he used some vegetables, Xing Lingfeng and Feiyue to exchange a lot of wood.

These woods can be made into wooden boxes, one is about a cubic size, which is quite suitable. Lin Yue made wooden boxes along with mining, and put a large amount of natural sulfur ore into the wooden boxes, and covered them when they were full. The lid folds into the storage space.

When the storage space was full, Lin Yue piled them into the shelter one by one.

And with his work, the boulders by the big lake fell one by one, and he kept collecting a large amount of ore.

Although this mining process is too boring, but in general, harvesting this kind of thing is full of fulfillment.

In particular, the harvest is still large chunks of natural sulfur ore.

They represent the official arrival of the black powder era in the future!

Think about it, what would it be like to hold a pile of bombs while fighting giant creatures?

Aren't you afraid of bullets? Then incendiary bombs serve!

Where can we use precious gasoline fuel, just throwing black powder bombs is enough to make giant creatures drink a pot.

That being said, Lin Yue has not been able to obtain the other two things for making black powder.

Charcoal is actually easy to get, but the saltpeter mine really needs to be looked for.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue worked from noon to afternoon, and from afternoon to nearly evening.

"Quack." Xiaobai was also helping out, but what he could do was really limited. In the end, he and Xiaomeng went to hunt nearby mutant creatures.

Moreover, their harvest was also quite rich, and finally they got twenty-five mutant creatures with pig heads and horns that they had seen before.

"I'm a little tired of eating mutant mutton meat all the time. Just in time, you can try this 'fear pig' meat. Anyway, the system says it can be eaten, so there's no problem."

Lin Yue finally put the corpses of these mutant creatures in the storage space. He glanced at the gradually darkening sky and reconfirmed the time. Finally, he sealed the entrance to the shelter with slate, and then found a new one from nearby. The little soil completely covered it up.

"After leaving Xiaobai Xiaomeng, we have to go back to the shelter quickly, there are still many things to do."

Although it is really good here, and the natural sulfur ore is only mined less than one-tenth, and even the shelter is not two-thirds full, it is really too late to stay in this place all the time.

After packing up the covert work of the shelter and bringing some ore, he restarted the ATV and took Xiaobai and Xiaomeng back on the way they came.

This time, he deliberately speeded up a bit, and followed the route when he came, and deliberately found a relatively flat section to drive.

The more Lin drove, the faster he drove, the wind whistled past his ears, and as the ATV kept galloping, he could finally see the light-colored wall in the distance.

However, as the sun went down, he did not insist on driving the car all the time. Although the light was dimmed by the lights, it was still much worse than the flat road.

Putting the car back into the storage space, Xiao Bai, who had been recharged for a long time, spread his wings and took him to the sky.

Flying downwind, Xiaobai didn't struggle, and his speed was much faster than before. It didn't take long before Lin Yue returned to the gate of the main shelter.

"The harvest is not bad, but it will take a certain amount of time to mine." Lin Yue opened the door, and the little ice lizards jumped up to greet him who had returned with a full load.

But Lin Yue did not directly choose to rest.

After the secret realm is over tonight, it will change to another place. If there is still time, if you don’t go there, you may regret it.

"Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, add some physical strength."

He said and looked at the other little ice lizards, and felt that he could exercise a few more and help him explore the secret realm together.

After all, the more helpers the better.

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