Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 204 Build a super-large warehouse, the gospel of hamster collection control

Sufficient and warm sunlight shone into the greenhouse No. 1, and the shed was already filled with the cries of little ice lizards.

Xiaomeng, who has a new form, has already taken the little ice lizards to harvest the vegetables and fruits in the greenhouse.

They are quite fast and also guarantee successful harvesting of these into wooden crates without damaging the skin of the fruits and vegetables.

It didn't take long for them to harvest here.

Lin Yue found that since Xiaomeng evolved, he seemed to be working harder than before.

Previously, his relationship with these little ice lizards was more similar to "employment". He gives food, and these little guys go hunting and guarding the shelter, including harvesting.

But now, the little ice lizards have undergone a little fierce evolution, and they have formed a closer relationship with him as a partner. Since then, I believe there will be more and more such things. Little ice lizards There will be more and more joining the ranks.

Lin Yue was so satisfied that he touched the Xiaomeng and the little ice lizards who had completed their work one by one, and handed them fried meat as a reward.

While the little guys were eating, Lin Yue quickly put away the fruits and vegetables in the wooden box on the ground, and soon opened the system panel again and entered the group.

Look at the numbers in the upper right corner. 89,310 people.

The downward trend seems to be extremely slowing down, and it's arguably too slow now compared to the exaggerated death rate of almost 1,000 people a day in the 10,000-person cohort at the beginning.

It seems that since the last earthquake disaster, there seems to have been this trend, from a large number of deaths to today's 100,000 people, but not a hundred people.

This is a good thing, it proves that the survivors are adapting to this world, adapting to various disasters, and have easier means of survival.

The rest of the people also have a deeper understanding of the world, stricter requirements for themselves, and at the same time, they are the luckier group of people.

Of course, Lin Yue also discovered something.

More and more survivors seem to have formed a team one by one, and it is obviously much easier to survive in a group than alone.

Refuge villages appear, followed by perhaps Refuge towns, cities, etc.

Just like on Earth, places where people gather will eventually become more cities, and when cities come together, they will eventually become countries.

But there is a pretty big premise.

That is enough resources.

"This different world, no." Lin Yue still had a clear understanding of this.

First, the water is a big problem.

Although the freshwater resources of the earth are also becoming increasingly scarce, it is obvious that this other world is more severe.

I don't know how other groups are, but at least this group is still extremely lacking at present.

It has been more than 20 days, and if the most basic things cannot be guaranteed, it is indeed a big problem.

Not to mention necessities like vegetables and fruits.

After leaving the greenhouse, Lin Yue came outside and looked at the manufacturing column.

"It's time to build the things that were opened last time. Otherwise, there is no place for the ore and various things in the yard. And some things can't always be put in the warehouse of the shelter, which takes up too much space."

He looked at the "design drawing of a medium-sized warehouse", and the system immediately gave the construction requirements.

[Medium Warehouse: Wood/Stone/Iron/Alloy X100]

Lin Yue glanced at the materials in his hand, and directly chose iron blocks as materials for construction.

Metal warehouses are decent, and Lin Yue doesn't want to lose himself when things like fire or landslides occur.

As for the alloy, it really can't take out that much, and for the time being, only iron blocks can be dropped.

[You built a medium-sized warehouse X4! 】

A burst of white light flashed, and soon four black shadows appeared in the open space near the melting furnace!

"Good guy, this area is really not small."

And he also found that each of these buildings with an area of ​​300 square meters is not the kind of building with walls on all sides like a house, but a structure supported by a huge roof and dozens of metal pillars. ventilation.

And after the four warehouses are connected together, there is a vast space of 1200 square meters to store things!

After spending a little time, Lin Yue piled small planes and a large amount of ores into this super-large warehouse, and found a problem.

The yard seems to be more crowded than before.

Now only the area behind the shelter is relatively empty, and the rest of the area is bound by the 8,000-square-meter wall.

"It seems necessary to build a third circle of walls on the outer layer, and demolish the first circle..."

He feels more and more that this kind of thing is more and more urgent when there are more and more supplies and things.

Looking at the garbage compressor thrown outside before, Lin Yue shook his head.

This thing seems completely useless.

All kinds of used garbage, as long as it is not kitchen waste, can almost be reused, and the workbench can be re-decomposed into useful materials.

The kitchen waste can be buried directly, and it can even be used as fertilizer, although it is still not used now.

Lin Yue felt that he could look back at this garbage compressor and see if it could be exchanged.

He looked back at the friend list and looked at the names of the three people.

Fei Yue, Xia Feihong and Xing Lingfeng.

"Let's trade with those three first and see if they have any good things."

Lin Yue planned to chat with these people first, and then go to the natural sulfur ore mountain with Xiaobai to fill the shelter there as much as possible with ore, and then consider other things.

The last time I exchanged a lot of things with this group of people, including a lot of alloys and various parts, and even accumulated some gasoline, this time I hope to be able to collect more good things.

And behind these three people, there is also a huge refuge village.

They are in great demand, especially for vegetables and fruits.

It can be said that these people should not have to worry about other aspects of food and clothing, but worry about a variety of balanced nutrition.

There are no edible fruits or vegetables in this different world, even the wild grass system will judge them as inedible.

Survivors with requirements for health have an extreme desire and demand for fruits and vegetables.

And these are naturally Lin Yue's bargaining chips, so he can use them to exchange for a lot of things he needs, whether it's alloys or various broken electrical appliances, or even some things that look like broken pieces.

All three and his dialog have unread messages.

Look at Fei Yue first.

"Lin Yue, do you need anything? We went to the secret realm to collect some goodies yesterday. This is a photo. What do you want? Picture.jpg"

Lin Yue looked at the picture, and there were a lot of various machine parts. Although it was rusted, it looked pretty good.

Moreover, he also saw a pretty good gadget inside. The news was sent last night, and it seemed to be the secret realm he went to yesterday.

"It's all there, you can ask for a price." Now that there are large warehouses, there is no need to be afraid of too many of these things.

After he sent the message, Feiyue soon received a reply.

"Lin Yue, our boss wants to chat with you before the transaction. I wonder if you are interested?"


He raised his eyebrows.

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