"Without a regional map, exploration is indeed much slower."

After Lin Yue entered through the door, he found that he was in a small room.

Opening the exploration map will only show the places he has been to.

When Xiaobai first came in, he made a "quack" at the back, which made Lin Yue a little puzzled.

"What happened to the back shelter? Enemies?" he asked.

"Quack!" Xiaobai nodded to Lin Yue, and looked behind the door again.

"Variant creatures?"

Xiaobai shook his head.


Xiaobai nodded.

The enemy is still human.

Although there was a little ice lizard over there in the shelter, he was not completely relieved.

"Are there many enemies?"

"Quack." Xiaobai shook his head again.

Lin Yue thought for a moment, opened the stone gate again, and returned to the shelter.

Don't underestimate the enemy just because the enemy's numbers are small.

After all, this is not the time before. When the so-called "storm group" who came to the shelter to sneak attack last time came, it is said that the grandsons had also broadcast live. Maybe everyone knows the general structure of the shelter.

Although the refuge has changed a lot since then, from one wall to two, the wall has always been a wall.

And the little ice lizards also appeared in front of so many people at that time, and when he accidentally rescued a bunch of refugees, he was also photographed by one of the refugees, and he also searched for the photos, Shown is a photo of Xiaobai standing next to him while he is holding the M19.

It can be said that this photo not only showed his fighting power and strength to the whole group and other survivors around the world, but also exposed his fighting power to everyone.

And these exposed ones will also become research places for looters who want to attack the shelter.

Every man is innocent, but he is guilty.

The number one in the group, the number one in the world, I believe no one does not envy.

Of course, there will also be jealousy, jealousy, and even those who want to take this huge material as their own.

He has always released a lot of vegetables, fruits and alcohol on the trading board, so he will of course be focused on.

This is not surprising, on the contrary, the calm for such a long period of time made Lin Yue feel that something was wrong.

Now that Xiaobai said that there are human enemies outside, Lin Yue was actually a little relieved.

That's normal.

It was always calm before a storm came, and Lin Yue would not have thought that there would be enemies who would dare to attack his shelter just by sending a few people.

Lin Yue didn't unload his equipment, but went directly to the first floor of the shelter and climbed the ladder to the roof.

I took out the telescope with the highest magnification, but I didn't see anything around.

"Xiao Bai, where is the enemy?"

"Quack!" Xiaobai looked towards the northwest, and Lin Yue looked there again, but found nothing.

On the ground, there is only a layer of weeds that are not tall like a carpet, and the flowers of the violet but highly poisonous Angry Poisonous Grass.

The high-power scope in his hand is already top-notch, but there is still no clue on the ground.

Are these people hiding behind the hills and slopes, or are they...

Dig an underground shelter?

Sure enough, the enemy who came this time was not simple.

The two waves that came before, at least compared to this wave, felt like kindergarten.

Perhaps, this wave may not be predators, but survivors!

But indeed, it is also possible that it is just a survivor passing by here, or maybe someone who is interested in the skeleton of that giant creature.

Although the odds are really low.

He got off the roof and took out the Xiaojiang N300RTK drone from the warehouse, which had been opened in the safe and never used since it was only charged.

Speaking of which, how is the performance of this drone, and whether it is so superior, Lin Yue has not experimented with it until now.

Now this time, I can see how strong it is.

Lin Yue walked to the living room and unplugged a Tang Wei mobile phone from the charger.

This phone was obtained from a large backpack found in the Rift yesterday.

At the time, he had found a total of 27 phone cases.

In the end, a total of 35 mobile phones were opened in these mobile phone boxes. Although most of them were brand new fruit brands, Lin Yue had no way to start them without a charger.

Some of the rest appeared to be new phones, but were damaged under the system's identification. In the end, Lin Yue decomposed and integrated several mobile phones, and finally got a brand new "Tang Wei" brand and charged it.

After turning on the power of the mobile phone, the system started up soon. After Lin Yue turned on Bluetooth and connected the drone, he performed operations such as setting the frequency.

After re-checking the integrity of the memory card inside, Lin Yue took it back to the roof.

Since the scope can't see this plane, how about the "stereoscopic view" of the drone?

If you look down on the earth, no matter whether you hide behind a mountain or get an underground shelter, you can't escape the drone's shooting!


The propeller started, and the blades fanned the wind, so light that it flew out of Lin Yue's hands and floated in the air.

Xiaobai was also quite surprised after watching this gadget take off.

Whether it is a robot dog that can mine, or a drone that can fly into the sky like it is now, Xiaobai feels an inexplicable power.

"Xiao Bai, this is technology. Humans can't fly, so they invented something that can fly. Whether it's the small plane over there or this control-type drone, it was invented for this."

Lin Yue patiently explained to Xiao Bai who was curious, and Xiao Meng also leaned over to the side, listening to what Lin Yue said, and also nodded like Xiao Bai.

Although Lin Yue doesn't think that Xiao Meng can really understand this like Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai's intelligence seems to be innate. Although he belongs to the Ice Lizard family, Xiaobai seems to be smarter than the others, and after the second evolution, his brain capacity is much larger. The aspect of accepting new things and new things is also much stronger than others.

As for Xiaomeng, Lin Yue felt that even if it could evolve for the second time, it would be difficult to compare to Xiaobai.

Lin Yue looked at the controller in his hand. After connecting to the mobile phone, he was able to visually observe what the drone was shooting on the mobile phone. The camera of this drone with almost no sound was also extremely high-definition.

He directly controlled the drone to fly to an altitude of nearly three or four hundred meters, and was still climbing. He also found that the images on the mobile phone also revealed more details of this wasteland.

"At such a high altitude, it's hard to see that this is a drone even if you look up."

The bottom and sides of the drone are sky blue, and even if you look up, you will find that it has been integrated with the sky.

Coupled with the near-silent sound of its propeller, it is even more difficult to detect at high altitudes.

"Then, even if you control it to reconnaissance, it shouldn't be able to cause alarm..." Lin Yue controlled it and went straight to the northwest.

The screen on the phone was constantly changing, and Lin Yue also found that the screen could be expanded and reduced at will, and he could even take photos.

After playing with it for a while, he was completely familiar with the operation.

The screen kept scrolling forward, and Lin Yue stared at every abnormal thing on the ground.

Finally, behind a small hill in the northwest, he found something different.

"I found it... cunning enough."

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