In the shadow behind a hill nearly four kilometers northwest of Lin Yue's shelter.

The door of the underground shelter was open to the outside, venting the foul air inside.

All the way down the wooden stairs, seven people in different costumes are resting in their most comfortable positions.

"Qitian, do you think we should wait for Le Vic and the others to come and rush in to get more benefits?"

The thin monkey-like man was sitting by the stairs. He took out a wooden stick from the storage space and put it beside his teeth. He took a few bites with it, and the bitter taste filled his mouth, which fascinated him a little.

He looked at the bald head next to him and found that he was the same as himself, but there were two things in his mouth.

Qi Tian glanced at him and snorted coldly: "Da Liao, what are you thinking about? We are just scouts, what does the battle have to do with us? The main force of Le Vic and the others went ahead to find trouble for Lin Yue, let's Just wait here for the big troops to come and cheer for them from a distance, don't bother."

Wang Ce, who doesn't like to talk, also nodded.

"Qi Tian is right, let's not go into it and be greedy for that? Be careful running to the front to be a cannon fodder, Lin Yue is also the number one in the world, with a guy in his hand and a big dinosaur beside him, how can he be so easy to deal with? ?" The fourth finger tapped the wooden board under him, took out a wooden board and lay down on the floor, and then made a comfortable sound.

"Those who can kill the giant creatures, I think Le Vic and the others will bite down hard, and they will probably pay a considerable price. Fourth, to be honest, why are we coming? I always feel that this trip is too dangerous. It's over." Guo Wei frowned, leaning against the wall, he thought of his wife and children in the refuge village, his heart pounded, and an ominous premonition made him restless.

The fourth and Qi Tian didn't speak, they looked at each other and saw something in each other's eyes.

Confused, restless.

Even, there is some fear.

When they first came, they were still in high spirits, and their minds were so hot that they felt that this trip, led by a large army of more than 400 people, could easily capture Lin Yue's "castle".

But after observing the terrifying corpse of the giant creature, the double wall in the distance, and the huge shelter inside, they calmed down again.

According to the information they have, Lin Yue has a large group of mutant creatures called "Ice Lizards" who listen to his words. They have an alloy tactical crossbow, an M19 pistol, and a three-meter-high head next to him. white dinosaur-like mutants.

The top survivor in this world ranking is different from other survivors. He is a "lone wolf". He survives alone in this different world and is also a "legend".

And this "legend", while attracting a lot of people's attention, was also coveted by dozens of refuge villages headed by Le Vic.

Now that the group can chat freely and privately, an agreement was quickly reached among dozens of refuge villages. From the day the flood just receded, several people from each refuge were gathered according to the regional maps provided by each other. Together.

Its purpose is naturally Lin Yue's refuge, and there may be as many huge materials as mountains in it!

Whether it's food, water, vegetables and fruits, as well as wine and whisky that everyone wants... Lin Yue has so many things that people want!

It is also difficult to survive in another world, why is Lin Yue able to live so comfortably, why?

He can drink wine and whiskey, and even exchange these things, but we can only drink water, and even drinking water is a luxury?

He can eat fruit, eat watermelon, and even exchange these things for those scrap copper and iron, but we can only do everything possible to find some broken cams and the like to exchange them, why?

The envy of these survivors for Lin Yue turned into jealousy, and even became "hate", and they spontaneously searched for people of the same kind who had the same idea, and finally formed a network of contacts with each other.

Among the 400 people, some came with the entire refuge village, some who sneaked out without the consent of the leader of the refuge village, and some were wandering survivors, all of whom were named "Levik" Under the guidance of the survivors, they soon gathered together on the wasteland.

Qi Tian and the fourth child were the scouts among them. Their shelter was not far from Lin Yue's shelter, so they came to scout here at Levek's order.

Levec didn't force them to fight—he didn't force anyone to do so, but it was known that fighting was the way to get supplies, not simple reconnaissance.

Although Leverwick assured them that they would be able to obtain some resources even without fighting, the seven of them were a little itchy, and even thought about attacking Lin Yue with just a few of them.

After seeing Lin Yue's shelter and the huge skeleton with his own eyes, four of the seven people decided that they would not follow after Levek's large army came, and the remaining three, The big spear was hesitating, and the remaining two, Leslie and Jorgensen, who did not speak the language with them, seemed to have considerable interest in attacking Lin Yue's refuge.

"How long do we need to stay here?" Big Spear said to himself and walked to the entrance of the shelter.

There was always no one there, and there was no sound for a long time.

How much food and how much water will there be in that huge shelter? How much fruit, vegetables and wine? After so long without a sound, could it be that Lin Yue has actually gone out?

According to the previous information, it seems that Lin Yue likes to go to the secret realm and the underground ruins. After all, he has even attacked the F area of ​​the underground ruins.

Will there be no one in the shelter?

The big spear's heart was restless, he licked his dry lips, walked to the door again, looked at Leslie and Jorgensen who were sharpening the daggers in their hands, lowered his head and called out the system space.

"Two, those four people have retreated, what do you two mean? Do you want to get closer and go to Lin Yue's shelter?"

After he finished posting, he looked at Da Qi and the others again, and found that they had gathered together and whispered something.

"Xiao, do you want to take a look before Levick comes? I advise you to dismiss this idea. We probably can't even kill those little white lizards."

"That's right, Xiao, I understand what you're thinking, the four cowards should just let them cry when the time comes, but I think they all have to wait for Levec's main force to arrive before attacking. It's time to rush to the front and let Lin Yue know how powerful we are!"

Big Spear saw the information and sighed.

He was really itchy. It was obvious that Lin Yue's shelter was right in front of him. Before, these six people had the expression of Lin Yue's asshole. Why are they all afraid of this now?

"Every one of them is a coward!" He spat again, and went out the door to prepare to urinate, when suddenly he felt a gust of wind blowing.

The next second, he suddenly felt a chill in his neck, and then his eyes came to the ground, jumped to the stairs again, and even started to spin wildly, and finally stopped on the floor of the basement.

A huge amount of blood was sprayed from the neck of his body, and he fell to the ground at the same time!

"Big, big spear! His head, how, how..."


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