The boundless night engulfs everything in the wasteland.

A faint light of fire leaked out from the gap in the shelter, exuding an extremely faint light.

Mutated creatures that became extremely active also poured out from hidden places everywhere and wandered in the wasteland.

Birds swept past stone sanctuaries with spires, ash moths fluttered in the crevices, scavenging beetles used their forelimbs to rip through the soil where corpses were buried, and herds of mutant sheep preyed on weeds. The Unicorn Rabbit...

Night, as crazy as the days before!

In the sanctuary located in the most central part of this wasteland, Lin Yue had already fallen asleep at the moment.

The safety of this stone sanctuary was as reliable as he felt.

Some mutant creatures slammed their bodies against the stone walls, only to find that they had no effect at all, but left them bleeding.

Although Xiao Bai, who was awakened, kept screaming "puji, puji", Lin Yue, who had been fighting and searching for a whole day, was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep.

In the end, Xiaobai gradually got used to the sound of the outside constantly hitting the wall, and fell asleep in the bowl.

However, in this different world, there are not many people who can sleep as sweetly as Lin Yue.

The vast majority of people are facing great challenges from thirst, hunger, and crises from mutant creatures.

Sleeping at night is even a luxury for them!


The night passed.

Lin Yue stretched his waist and got up with a yawn.

There has been a dull pain in the left arm.

He put his arm close to the torch and found that there was a large bruise there!

Yesterday, he entered the secret realm wearing wooden armor, and was hit by the big mouse several times. At that time, because he was too excited, he never paid attention.

After returning, he was busy digging traps and cleaning up the shelter, and then went to the mall to sell Du Ping's shelter design...

In the end he didn't even know how he fell asleep.

"Not bad, fortunately there are no small wounds, otherwise..." Lin Yue also felt that he had a big heart while looking at it.

At that time, the wooden armor was broken and I didn't care much. It reminded me of the battle at that time, which was indeed a little thrilling.

However, fortunately, he carried it through.

Xiaobai slept soundly in the bowl, and Lin Yue didn't disturb it. He made a new set of wooden armor with the last few pieces of wood, put it on, and opened the stone door with a small round shield and an iron spear.

The sun has not yet risen, and there is a faint mist in the air.

Lin Yue felt that the morning of the fifth day seemed to be cooler than before.

It was not quiet outside, and he heard a humming sound from the back of the house.

After carefully walking over, he was pleasantly surprised to see that two mutant sheep were lying in the trap dug yesterday!

Moreover, their blood flow is extremely large, and it is seen that there is more air out and less air in.

Lin Yue's iron spear easily penetrated their throats, ending their lives and obtaining two copper treasure chests.

"The trap is really nice, isn't it." He smiled, and again got two sheepskins, 20 kilograms of lamb, and four fangs.

After packing these up, Lin Yue started something new on the other side.

The system's judgment on the design drawing is that as long as it can make basically similar things, the design drawing can be obtained.

The previous ladder and the trap in front of him were judged in this way.

In view of this, Lin Yue decided to do something new to see if it could be judged as a design drawing by the system.

The materials taken out in the secret realm yesterday were cubes, and Lin Yue's inspiration came from this.

He took out 4 units of stones and made them into a "mouth" shape.

no response.

What about another layer?

【You got the design drawing of the stone stove】


[Stone cooktop: Stone X4]

He also made a stove with a hole on one side. Lin Yue found that it was just big enough to put down an iron pot, which was quite matching.

Put some hay under the stone stove and light the match!

Put a pot to boil water, and put two bags of instant noodles, vegetable buns and sauce into it.

After a while, with the smell coming, Lin Yue's stomach also growled.

On his shoulders, Xiaobai climbed up at some point, sniffing the smell coming from the pot, and was quite interested.

"Xiao Bai, do you want to have a bite too?"


Lin Yue touched its little head, found a new pair of chopsticks from the chopsticks box, picked up some noodles, blew them, and handed them to Xiao Bai's mouth.

Xiaobai seemed to be born to eat noodles. He took a bite of the noodles and swallowed all the noodles in his stomach.

"Pfft~" After taking this bite, it actually wants to.

"Good guy, who would have thought that lizards love instant noodles?" Lin Yue couldn't help laughing.

This time, he brought Xiaobai's bowl, put some noodles in it to dry, put it aside for Xiaobai to eat, and ate it himself with the pot.

After a while, one person and one pet were satisfied and hiccupped.

Originally, Lin Yue wanted to get the design of the shelter directly after eating, but he didn't expect to cook instant noodles, but it was a different kind of fun.

When you're full, it's time to do the right thing.

Putting away the stove, iron pot and wooden chopsticks, Lin Yue looked at the design of the shelter in the inventory.


However, Lin Yue's voice fell, the familiar white light did not appear, but the system's voice sounded at this time.

[Design drawing of the shelter, please select the construction category]

[1. Built alone, the shelter can be placed on the ground or underground in any terrain]

[2. Combined construction, it can be integrated with the existing shelter to expand the area of ​​the shelter]

Build alone, build together?

He examines the limitations of existing shelters.

The main contradiction is that the space is too small, but these two construction directions can solve this problem.

A secondary!

Lin Yue looked at the description of the existing shelter and found that the time durability dropped by 22 points in one night.

He didn't have to guess to know that this was the masterpiece of the mutant creature at night.

Stone shelters are not so safe either.

What's more, this time it's a snow disaster. If the next disaster is really a big earthquake, can this shelter last?

Of the two options, the second is to expand the area, Lin Yue thought about it and ruled it out.

The larger the area, the worse the thermal insulation.

He hadn't made preparations for the snow disaster, but if he blindly expanded the area of ​​the shelter, he would be in a disadvantageous situation.

The first option, one is to build a warehouse, the other is a basement.

A warehouse cannot be a basement, but a basement can be used as a warehouse.

"Then, choose to build an underground shelter!"

【Please select the shelter material】

Is it so complicated.

Look at the various materials that are currently available.

Wood 4, stone 72, iron block 25, copper ingot 43, coal 22.

[To build a stone underground shelter, a total of 45 stones are required]

【Please select the construction location】

"The underground of the original shelter!"

A flash of white light flashed.

Lin Yue walked into the shelter and found a dark hole under the table. Looking closely, there was actually a downward stone step!

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