Under the sturdy wooden table is a hole about one meter long and wide.

Lin Yue put the wooden table into the inventory, and at the same time, his feet had stepped on the stairs that extended downwards.

On his shoulders, Xiaobai has already jumped over, and he seems to be interested in the underground space that suddenly appeared.

The stairs were a little steep, Lin Yue held a torch and walked carefully down the stairs.

After ten steps, it was a small platform. After turning a corner, I walked down another ten steps and finally reached a flat ground.

He held the torch and watched carefully.

The square is square, and it is completely the same as the shelter above. However, it is relatively cool and dry here, and the sealing is excellent.

Xiaobai screamed "Puji" and seemed to like the environment here.

"Haha, it's a bit like entering a coffin, and the air here seems to be a little bit worse." Lin Yue looked at the environment and quickly found the inadequacy.

Still, this is much better than those two options.

It really doesn't work, just be a warehouse.

【It was detected that you entered the underground shelter. Because the upper floor has not been laid with foundations, the superstructure may collapse. Do you spend 10 stone to lay the foundation? 】

At this time, the system suddenly made a sound.

Good guy, for this set, you have to lay the foundation?

Although Lin Yue complained, he immediately confirmed the construction of the foundation.

The top is a stone shelter, and if it collapses and he happens to be inside, it will be very interesting.

Soon, as a white light lit up above the basement, the foundations seemed to be built.

Lin Yue took the torch and returned to the top. He put some heavy items that took up space and could not be used for the time being, such as engines, batteries, and other things from the secret realm, and put them in the inventory. Transported to the basement for storage.

After tossing for a while, it was finally done.

After doing this, the shelter above was clean and tidy again, and the space became larger again.

Lin Yue's mood also improved, and he took Xiaobai to the outside again.

After doing those things, the next thing he has to do is to think about how to survive the global disaster two days later - the snow disaster.

Wearing wooden armor, with a small round shield in his left hand and an iron spear in his right hand, Lin Yue was fully armed.

This equipment, coupled with the help of Xiaobai, a little guy who already has the appearance of a right-hand man, dealing with mutant creatures such as those little bugs in the vicinity is simply a smooth ride.

Looking at the place where the mutated sheep's bones were buried yesterday and the day before yesterday, Lin Yue once again found a lot of beetles and other small bugs. Viscera and other things are rushing to eat.

They are also much more numerous than before.

Lin Yue suddenly thought of something.

It's... kind of like a bait trap.

At the beginning, he wanted to find such small mutant creatures, and it took considerable effort and time to find a few in this wasteland.

Now, relying on these bones, he can easily see their figures.

They are scavengers, and their attack power is low. As long as he does not take the initiative, they will not attack him.

And these bugs happened to be the main source of food and water that Lin Yue burst out of the wooden treasure chest.

In the past two days, he has been killing mutant sheep, taking out enough materials and burying them in the ground. The next day, he can see a large number of these mutant bugs...

As long as he gets rid of bugs and little lizards or something, there will be wooden chests, and there will be water and food.

If he always had these large mutant creatures buried here, the bugs would always appear.

It seems that a virtuous circle has entered?

While thinking about this, Lin Yue kept harvesting big beetles and small lizards with his iron spear.

After a while, the number of wooden treasure chests in the inventory reached a high value of 30!

"Puji, puff!" Xiaobai kept shouting on his shoulders, as if he wanted to join the fight.

"Thirty, it's almost the same, Xiaobai, leave the rest to you."

Lin Yue felt Xiaobai's desire to fight.

This little guy seems to be quite combative, and just came to exercise it.

In the previous battle with the big mouse in the secret realm, it can only help almost that.

But if he encounters a stronger opponent, in terms of Xiaobai's current strength, it is still far worse.

It is necessary to exercise it well so that it can become a more important helper to yourself.

Moreover, Xiaobai also needs to grow up. This little guy was still in his infancy in the system's judgment yesterday.

Can it be stronger when it grows up?

Lin Yue's gaze turned to Xiao Bai who had already rushed towards a big beetle.

The big beetle was still gnawing on the viscera of the smelly mutant sheep at the moment, and didn't pay much attention to the surroundings, and it quickly paid the price!

As Xiaobai exhaled a white mist, the body of the big green beetle was instantly covered with white frost!

The black arthropods of the beetle stopped moving as if frozen, and at this time Xiaobai also opened his mouth and directly bit his head into pieces!

With this set of actions, Xiaobai is like a natural hunter, completing a kill with a swift and fierce battle!

Afterwards, Xiaobai, who seemed to have no end in sight, set his sights on the remaining few.

Double kills, triple kills, quadruple kills, five kills, big kills!

Dominate the game, no one can stop it!

This white figure instantly turned into a god of death on the wasteland!


Lin Yue was a little surprised.

I didn't expect this little guy to be so fierce!

【You got a special treasure chest】

After killing the last beetle, suddenly the system sounded.

Um? The bug that Xiaobai killed, why is the treasure chest still given to him?

Also, what the hell is this special treasure chest?

Lin Yue looked at the special treasure chest.

Basically the same as the original wooden treasure chest, but with a yellow five-pointed star on it.

What does this mean?

Open it.

【You got element collar X1】

Um? There is another thing that is not within the normal range.

[Elemental collar, wearing a mutant creature can make its elemental attack stronger]

good guy.

Is this a serious wasteland survival? I said.

Lin Yue took out the collar with a pale yellow star in it from the treasure chest and looked at Xiao Bai.

The little guy also seemed to be very interested in the collar in his hand, and kept staring at it.

"Do you like it so much? But it seems a little big for you." The collar in his hand is indeed not small, and it is no problem to wear it on a big dog.

However, when Lin Yue pretended to put it on Xiaobai's neck, the collar was miraculously reduced to a very fitting size!

Sure enough, there are some things in this world that cannot be explained by common sense.

The question is gaming tech.

Xiaobai didn't feel any discomfort when he put it on. Lin Yue gently pulled it and found that he could easily take it off.

But... since the description says that it can increase the power of elemental attacks...

"Xiao Bai, use the ice breath on that bug again."

"Pfft!" Xiaobai seemed to understand, and quickly sprayed white mist on a bug.

And this white fog is actually twice as large as the previous one, and even directly covered the corpse of the bug and the grass next to it with a thick layer of hoarfrost!

"This... is this from an air conditioner to a refrigerator?" Lin Yue asked in surprise.


Thank you 08a for the 100 coins reward! Thanks to Dongpo for the 100-coin reward!

Mengxin asks for comments, asks for this chapter to say and follow up~

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