How long does it take to go from impulse to sage?

Lin Yue just tried it.

It took him three minutes from picking up the weapon to putting it down.

Just the same time as the instant noodles soaked.

"Xiaomeng is so violent, it must be fine. Besides, there are ten little ice lizards following, and there is an ice lizard in the cave that can help."

Lin Yue took off his exoskeleton, took out water and food to reward the little ice lizards squatting at the door.

Back on the ground, before it was completely dark, he walked to the second layer of the wall—no, there was only such a wall left, took out the shell of the incomparably huge giant beetle and threw it into the open space.

Despite wanting to do something more, it's the right thing to do nothing when it's dark.

After avoiding the refuge, Lin Yue went down to the warehouse.

He felt that he had to open the treasure chests that had been stuffed here one by one.

"Bronze treasure chests... 264? When did you save so much..." Lin Yue was a little surprised by the number after putting the last copper treasure chest in the storage space.

However, it is true that he has killed many lizardmen along the way, and he has also led the flying lizards to another world to kill them, but this huge number still makes Lin Yue a little surprised.

"I have to open it... and I got a platinum treasure chest after killing Poison Tianlong. Let's open it together."

Opening the treasure chest is obviously a tiring job.

Lin Yue didn't know how others were doing.

When you opened the treasure box, were you very happy, looking forward to it, and wanted to make your face whiter and whiter?

Even to wash hands with precious water, or even to pray or something.

Even if they open the wooden treasure chest, they will do so.

But for Lin Yue, opening the treasure chest was obviously a job that he didn't want to do, but had to do.

Dozens are exhausting, let alone hundreds.

Also, the copper treasure chest...

I really can't get my head up.

All in all, if he could, he would really like to hire someone to drive him that way.

"Fifty first? Or sixty-four, and make up the rest." Lin Yue returned to the living room upstairs with a feeling of helplessness and trouble, and placed the sixty-four copper treasure chests in sequence. to the ground.

The copper treasure chest, which almost filled the living room, shone dazzlingly under the illumination of the lights.

Xiaobai heard the movement and moved over from the bedroom. After seeing that Lin Yue was about to open the treasure chest, he turned his head back.

It's also boring to look at.

Lin Yue shook his head and started the emotionless unboxing mode.

[You got: regional map fragments X19, drinking water 4LX7, battery X28, N95 protective mask 1 pack, high-power stage light X2, surgical blade 2 sets, diary and water pen set X1, anti-wolf spray X1, windproof goggles X1, Disinfection spray bottle X4, instant noodles 5 packs X2, Snickers bar X20, throat lozenge 1 can, seasoning set X1, tape X2, headlight X3, engineer shovel X1, knee and elbow support X1, hammock set X1, canned herring X4 , 3 packs of dried radish and pickles, underwear suit X3, anti-slip gloves X5 pairs, anti-stab vest X1]

On the long list of items, there are not many things that Lin Yue can see.

Things like food and water are an old tradition of copper chests, and you can always give some of that.

And the rest are all kinds of things that are generally related to survival.

After Lin Yue used the regional map fragments immediately, he also opened the system panel.

The 19 regional map fragments were embedded in the huge regional map, but it was like sand entering the beach, and nothing could be seen at all.

Lin Yue looked at the entire map vertically.

If at the current speed, if you want to complete the entire map, it is estimated that three or four hundred regional map fragments will be used.

Lin Yue did find that the entire map seemed to include almost two huge wastelands, as well as a large number of mountains, valleys, plains, forests and other areas.

The location of his sanctuary is only in the lower corner of the entire area map, which is really not very conspicuous.

But there are two more passages, which extend directly from here to the place a hundred kilometers away.

That was where the natural sulphur ore mountain he had visited several times before.

And here, it's just in the middle of the bottom of the regional map, and it only takes up a little space.

Lin Yue suddenly became suspicious.

Is the area map much bigger than it used to be?

It doesn't seem to be so large before.

Lin Yue was puzzled, but he didn't have any definite memories.

After all, he did look around his sanctuary and around the natural sulfur ore mountain before.

However, what he can be sure of is that the area shown on the map of this area is only a small piece of this different world. He can only guess by imagination.

"Wait, I have a doubt, more than seven billion people in the world have been lost, and it seems that in terms of day and night, everyone seems to be the same day and night, and there may be more or less, but it seems that No one on my side said during the day how is it going to be in the dark now?"

Lin Yue felt that he suddenly found a blind spot.

There are so many people in the world, so scattered in this different world, but the "time zone" doesn't seem to be much different...

So, how big is this different world?

There are mountains, rivers, grasslands, wastelands, and valleys outside, where countless creatures live, and billions of human beings exist.

If human beings all over the world are concentrated in this narrow "time zone", then this other world is indeed very large.

It can even be said that it is outrageous!

"No, if this is the case, the surface area of ​​the other world is very large, the volume is also very large, and the weight of this planet is also very large, so how can the gravity maintain a one-to-one specific gravity like the earth? This is not normal..."

The more Lin Yue thought about it now, the more frightened he felt.

Things that I hadn't paid much attention to before, it seems that only a little "thinking" was used to infer so many results.

Moreover, these results seem to throw everything back into a deeper mystery.


Lin Yue walked over to the window, and through the gaps in the wings of the moth-like flying insects that had clung to the window, he looked at the two full moons hanging high in the sky outside.

System, what is this thing?

Everyone can see this virtual thing that is suspended in front of the line of sight. It only needs to use the concentration of consciousness to do it.

And the various functions given by this system are so miraculous, even surpassing the technology of the original earth.

The so-called "survivor game" is more like some people are in a huge arena, watching more than seven billion people struggling in it!

It was given to the human beings of the system. In the struggle to survive, there are friendship, betrayal, mutual attack, suspicion, plunder and accumulation of wealth...

It's like a huge game box, and humans are just pawns for the player.

Lin Yue knew that as the most special one in this little garden, he might have been noticed.

The premise is that there really is such a small garden.

He stared intently at one of the moons, at the cratered craters above.

Suddenly startled.

"This shape... looks like a real moon."

Looking at the crater with a sense of sight, Lin Yue stared at the moon, and couldn't help but think of the lonely planet next to the earth.

Although they are both called "moons", two "satellites" are floating in the sky above this so-called different world. It's just that after staying on the earth for a long time, the night sky in this other world is also like a white jade plate. The embellishment in it is also called the "moon".

In the frescoes of the lizardmen, the two moons are also one of the important supporting roles.

According to the content of the mural, the Flying Lizard was the thing that came from the moon, and it was the one on the left that Lin Yue was staring at now.

And the lizardmen seem to worship the moon quite a bit.

But this moon...

The more Lin looked, the more shocked he felt.

Why, the shape of this crater is so consistent with the one on the earth in memory?

The more Lin discovered, the longer he seemed to be in this different world, the more questions and mysteries he had.

All kinds of unreasonable, even completely unscientific things come together, and finally this world, this so-called survival game.

Why can all the people on earth be sent here collectively? Why can it be delivered in batches?

Where were the children, the elderly, and those with limited mobility who were sent later before the disaster?

Once a question arises, it will never be the only one. A series of questions and mysteries make Lin Yue feel that the end of this world may be a "mystery".

"forget about it."

Lin Yue gave up and continued to think.

Even if you think about it, all you can make now are various assumptions, that's all.

Looking back, the copper treasure chest must continue to be opened.

It's still early, and I really don't know what to do without opening the treasure chest.

And there are still 200. If you don't open all of them, you will pile them up next time, and you will suffer from procrastination. Maybe hundreds or thousands of them are also it.

After the treasure chest was opened, it disappeared.

Lin Yue placed another hundred copper treasure chests in the living room. When he was about to open them one by one, he suddenly heard a loud noise in the basement.

Running downstairs directly from the stairs, Lin Yue found that Xiaomeng was back.


"Xiaomeng!" Lin Yue took a deep breath when he saw Xiaomeng covered in blood and the little ice lizards beside him who were also badly injured!

what happened?

There was a hurried sound from upstairs, Xiaobai also ran into the basement, and it also smelled blood!

Xiaomeng lay dying on the ground, Lin Yue quickly took out water to rinse it, and found that almost its entire body was gray-black, with a penetrating wound on its neck, and a large number of punctures on its left front and rear legs. harm!

Even a large piece of scales on its back seemed to be scraped off by something, and blood continued to permeate outwards!

Lin Yue took out the small, medium and large emergency medical kits from the warehouse.

Xiaomeng is now terribly weak, and the ten little ice lizards following it are not much better!

Lin Yue could now clearly smell the special smell of the gunpowder that came from Xiaomeng and the others.

I am afraid that they were suddenly attacked by the lizardmen in the underground ruins, and the lizardmen also used gunpowder to deal with them.

Lin Yue looked at the wounds, big and small, with anger in his heart.

These are definitely not things that stone guns and stone blades can make, but the metal weapons that were handed to them after they defected to the lizardmen for self-protection!

"Xiaomeng, bear with it!" Lin Yue looked at the little ice lizards carefully, and found that they only fainted after being hit by some shocks. He knew that Xiaomeng should have been hurt so badly by protecting these little guys.

After cleaning up the stains in the wound with water, Lin Yue found that Xiaobai's wounds were not fatal except for the penetrating wound on his neck, and the penetrating wound was not too big.

But if it is left like this, Xiaomeng will still fall into various dangerous situations caused by cross-infection caused by excessive bleeding.

Lin Yue looked at the adrenaline in the medicine cabinet and knew that it was time for this thing to appear.

Adrenaline is not the kind of energy pack in movies and games that can instantly make a person exert a lot of energy. On the contrary, if ordinary people want to use it, there will be certain risks, and even people will fall into a certain life crisis. among.

In fact, its function is basically to produce a large amount of oxygen, while also accelerating the heartbeat and blood flow, and at the same time, it can dilate the pupils, provide more energy for physical activities, and make the reaction faster. Adrenaline can increase the contractility of the heart, dilate the blood vessels of the heart, liver, and muscles and bones, and constrict the blood vessels of the skin and mucous membranes. It is a must for saving dying people or animals.

The reason why he knew it so clearly was only after Lin Yue used systematic identification.

He had really thought about using this thing as an energy pack before, but luckily it didn't work.

He took out the silver utensils, pinpointed the position, and at the same time completely injected the adrenaline into Xiaomeng's body!

Xiaomeng also trembled violently almost at the same time, and suddenly opened his eyes again, but the whites of those eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot, and the fiery red pupils also enlarged at the same time!

It suddenly began to breathe violently, and its fangs and sharp teeth were exposed, but after it saw that its owner, Lin Yue, was beside it, it tried to calm itself down, and lay prone on the ground, letting Lin Yue attack it. the next step of treatment.

Lin Yue took out the antibiotic and injected Xiaobai again. Although he had no medical knowledge, he couldn't care about anything else at the moment.

He then used a clean antiseptic tablet dipped in medical alcohol to gently wipe the large and small wounds on Xiaomeng's body, focusing on the penetrating wound on his neck.

The blood there was still flowing non-stop, even making Lin Yue's body and arms covered with red blood. He didn't care, but patiently wiped it for Xiaobai to remove the dirty things inside.

Even if Lin Yue didn't need to look at it, he knew that Xiaomeng was trying hard to endure. Although this wound was not fatal, it was indeed difficult to deal with.

He picked up the white medicine, the function of this incomparably precious thing is self-evident, and he only has two bottles.

But at this moment, he didn't care about anything else, and directly paste all these on Xiaomeng's wound.

While the bleeding wound was covered by the powder, Lin Yue immediately used triangular bandages, self-adhesive elastic bandages, and sterile gauze strips to completely fix it.

There was no stitches in his hand, and Lin Yue didn't have any good solutions, so he could only handle it like this.

Then, he immediately dealt with other wounds on Xiaomeng's body, while Xiaobai and the other little ice lizards kept helping Lin Yue with various things.

After a lot of effort, Lin Yue finally wrapped Xiaomeng and the little ice lizards.

Xiaomeng looked at Lin Yue with wide eyes, and Lin Yue also gently stroked its little head.

This little guy is suffering.

"Xiaobai, did Xiaomeng meet... have you met those humans? And this injury is also those humans..." At this moment, Lin Yue felt a flame in his heart, burning violently.

"Ga woo." After talking with Xiaomeng for a while, Xiaobai gave Lin Yue a positive answer.

"Really?" Lin Yue stroked Xiaomeng's head, clenching his other hand tightly and shaking.

"They will all die."

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