At this moment, Lin Yue was fully armed.

Almost all weapons, he has brought.

Even the steel weapons he had found in the secret realm before had not fallen.

Ballista, Sniper Rifle, M19 Pistol, M880 Spray, Alloy Tactical Crossbow, Steel Repeater, Excellent Iron Spear.

Every time, Lin Yue wanted them to be covered in blood.

The purpose of this trip is not to collect, nor to explore.

Lin Yue's purpose is very simple.

Those human beings who are in sympathy with the lizardmen must let them know that Lin Yue is not someone you can ride on your head and bully at will!

They must know how stupid their current choice is and how seriously they will be backlashed!

This time, Lin Yue was both private and public.

For personal reasons, Xiaomeng was seriously injured by those humans who handed over various technologies, tools and weapons to the lizardmen. This time, Xiaomeng was severely injured by explosives.

Xiaomeng is his pet, not a random cat or dog outside.

This revenge, Lin Yue wants to avenge!

For the sake of the public, the lizardmen had to be eliminated. Now, they are a threat to all survivors, except for the disaster that occurs once every seven days in the system.

Thanks to the dedication of those who survived, the lizardmen had sharper weapons and more advanced tools, and they even mastered the method of making bombs.

At this stage, their combat effectiveness and threat level are already different from those in the past!

What's more, the survivors are not the kind of creatures that will not progress.

They'll open treasure chests, and they'll make more stuff.

If one day they get the blueprints for making thermal weapons...

Lin Yue didn't want to imagine the scene where the lizard people were fully armed, all armed with pistols and submachine guns, charging at him and the entire human race.

At that time, it may really be the final doomsday for mankind!

And this doomsday seems to be striding towards the entire human race.

The initiators were completely unaware, and even complacent.

They live with aliens, just because they don't want to face disaster, it's just a temporary life.

But they will also be brutally killed after all the humans on the ground are cleared!

Lin Yue felt that it was necessary for him to kill these humans as soon as possible.

It doesn't matter if it's his own hand or someone else's.

He checked again the various weapons, food, water, etc. he brought this time, and took a deep breath.

I can't take Xiaobai this time.

Xiaomeng needs its care. This guy is very smart now. It is the most suitable for feeding and watering.

Moreover, Lin Yue was not worried about the shelter.

If the Lizardmen attack at night, if there is no such powerful fighting force as Xiaobai, then this sanctuary will fall into the disaster!

Therefore, Xiaobai can't go this time.

"Quack." Xiaobai looked at Xiaomeng and nodded.

It knows what to do and what not to do.

Although worried about its owner, it also understands its importance to this sanctuary now.

There can't be a townhouse here.

"You four, come with me this time." Lin Yue called out to the four little ice lizards, who had gone to the natural sulfur ore mountain with him last time.

Lin Yue thought about it for a while, and named them one by one for memory.

Although these little ice lizards are basically the same in appearance, they also have differences.

There is a black dot on the corner of one of his eyes that looks like a tear mole, which Lin Yue named "Black Spot"; one has a touch of green on the left front paw, named Green Claw; "The light gray mark is Xiao Liuzi; the last one has a red mark from the bottom of the neck to the abdomen, which is called the red line.

Lin Yue, who had a bad name, now feels more and more that his brain circuits are not enough for this. This is a name that is easy to remember, but it is not at all mighty and domineering.

It's like Xiaobai and Xiaomeng, they sound like the names of two puppies, or the one with a huge size. Who would have thought that one is a flying dragon that roams the sky, and the other is a fierce fighting lizard?

"Oh, forget it, just remember." Lin Yue didn't ask for anything else, anyway, after he just called these little ice lizards one by one, they all responded immediately, and they quickly adapted to Lin more called.

But also at this time, the system began to grab the show.

[Congratulations, you got a new pet, your name is Black Dot]


good guy.

It appears to have been approved.

Lin Yue gave the four little guys some food, and also left a lot of food and water for Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, and other little ice lizards, and pushed open the stone gate.

At the same time as the door opened, a column of blood water suddenly poured in, and the stench was incomparable.

Lin Yue looked inside, a large number of lizardmen corpses were piled up among them, and one of them seemed to be panting rapidly. Lin Yue gently stabbed the Zhuoyue iron spear, and it finally stopped moving.

There were not many corpses in the small space after entering the door. Lin Yue picked up the exploding copper treasure chest and looked carefully, and found that there was actually a human corpse inside.

【You get 1 cubic meter of storage space! 】

[All items in the original storage space will be automatically merged into your storage space. 】

Lin Yue was expressionless.

These corpses are small and fierce.

He put the corpses of these lizardmen into the storage space, and the human, he carried with the mechanical hand, came to the passage outside.

In the passage, there were more corpses of lizardmen all over it. Lin Yue and the little ice lizards walked almost among the corpses, not on the stone bricks of the passage.

Lin Yue checked it again.

As at the entrance, the lizardmen were unarmed.

"It is estimated that they are all metal weapons given by those people, so I can't bear to throw them away."

Lin Yue nodded, this was probably the correct answer.

Continuing to walk forward, Lin Yue found the corpse of the lizardman all over the place, and there was still a large black mark around the corpse, and the smell of gunpowder was mixed with the smell of blood, which was still very heavy.

On one side of the wall, there is still a trace, and the shape of the trace is the shape of Xiaomeng.

Lin Yue looked around silently, and seemed to understand that this was where Xiaomeng was injured by the explosion.

At present, Xiaomeng should have felt tired and brought the little ice lizards back to the sanctuary. As a result, he was attacked by the lizardmen in ambush here, who threw gunpowder bombs, and was severely injured afterward.

"Lizardman..." Lin Yue looked at the corpses all over the place and knew that this beam was finally settled.

The lizard man corpse in the storage space was thrown down, and the manipulator pulled the man's corpse and threw it on it.

When you come back, set them on fire again.

Now, unless there is something to stop him, he will let the lizard people know what "death!" every day from now on.

Continuing to move forward, the number of corpses was much smaller. After reaching the fork in the road, there was even a corpse after more than ten meters or twenty meters.

"Little ice lizards, guard behind me." Lin Yue came to the wall on the side of the fork, raised his sniper rifle, and put on his night vision goggles.

The side behind him is the direction of the Ice Lizard Cave, and this side is the path that he has not continued to go.

Last time, if I could take Xiaomeng directly to this side for a cleanup, maybe this time it wouldn't happen.

But maybe there are other emergencies.

In the night vision goggles, at the end of the passage with few lights, a dark shadow suddenly flashed across.

That is, Lizardmen!

At the same time, the fire burst out, and the bullet of the sniper rifle also penetrated its forehead!

The sniper rifle penetrated the shadow's forehead, silently, and a life was taken away.

Lin Yue's heart was not disturbed.

He put a piece of stone on the ground, squatted down, and the scope continued to stare in that direction.

Soon, another shadow appeared.

It immediately found the body of its companion, and stopped immediately.

The ugly head looked back and forth, sneaking, it obviously saw the conspicuous copper treasure chest, and seemed to be hesitating whether to take it or not.

Its green scales are also gray in the night vision goggles, constantly shaking.

At this moment, another lizardman suddenly appeared behind it, and even the shadows of the third and fourth lizardmen appeared one after another!

Is it coming again...

There are quite a few.

In other words, they seem to be really gregarious creatures, no matter when they appear, basically

Lin Yue's scope was carefully aimed, his fingers stroked the trigger, but he didn't press it right away.

not the right time yet.

The magazine of the sniper rifle was enough for him to kill these four in an instant, but they seemed to be too careful now, and did not approach the corpse of the same kind and the treasure chest next to it.

They seem to be waiting for something, and Lin Yue is also waiting for them.

Waiting for more Lizardmen to arrive!

According to previous experience, the lizardmen usually form a team of 20 people. In the team, there will be a captain similar to the captain, and it will have some armor decorations on it.

But none of the current lizardmen are like this. Apart from the long spear that shines with metal light in their hands, they are only covered with a simple rag.

metal spear...

Now the Lizardmen are fully armed and have entered the Iron Age. No, it should be the middle stage of development of cold weapons.

After all, none of those iron guns is not the kind of exquisite workmanship, and obviously has a high-level forging level.

From the hands of the system, these weapons are almost identical to the burrs, revealing a neat and formal feel everywhere.

There is no doubt that this is something made by the survivors. With the help of the system blueprint, it can be easily made by combining iron and wood.

If the Lizardmen are facing humans in the age of hot weapons on Earth, these iron guns in their hands are nothing at all.

Lin Yue had seen a movie about a foreigner who came to Neon, which is about to be modernized. After becoming a samurai, he led a group of samurai armed with cold weapons to fight with the long guns and short guns on the opposite side. Of course, the final outcome was very touching. .

He was annihilated with the warriors of the cold weapon era, and there was no fart left.

Lin Yue believes that if one day, the lizards and humans will have a head-to-head duel, and if the humans are all hot weapons, then I can pay tribute to this movie.

But the fact is that humans are also all cold weapons, and they are all refuge villages gathered in units of dozens or hundreds of people. If a thousand lizardmen troops attack, then there is no doubt that the human side will be absolutely The disadvantage is completely defeated.

After all, everyone is a cold weapon, and basically the same quality, the next thing that can decide the victory or defeat is the difference in the number of people.

Lizardmen are cold-blooded, ruthless and extremely powerful, sometimes charging like a mad dog, and even possessing a lot of wisdom.

Not to mention, they still have something that humans don't have today - gunpowder bombs!

After all, neither sulfur nor saltpeter are easy to find.

But not only do lizardmen have them, they also know how to use them.

He had encountered it by chance when he was cleaning the F area before, and the same was true for the wide-ranging burn that Xiaomeng suffered just now.

Although it is said that the power is extremely general, it is impossible to say after that.

Let the Lizardmen continue to develop like this, and maybe it will be the Lizardmen who will be holding the muskets, not humans.

In the night vision goggles, two lizardmen appeared again. They moved forward carefully, and seemed to be quite happy with the appearance of the copper treasure chest. That kind of murmur-like sound began to appear in this long passage. .

Lin Yue was breathing lightly, and the little ice lizards around him were quietly waiting for the opportunity to come.

There is no hurry.

Lin Yue wanted to know how these lizards and humans cooperated now.

It's the kind that I imagined, or the kind of human beings that I saw mine and provide them with weapons, but don't usually come out, or...

He glanced at the back, where the human corpses were piled up, which was very eye-catching.

Will humans follow them and run into this underground ruins?

At this time, another shadow appeared.

Seven Lizardmen.

Lin Yue's palms were dripping with sweat. What he wanted to do was not just to kill the lizardmen.

If possible, he wants to destroy the accomplices of the lizardmen who are servile and disregard the life and death of their compatriots!

There are many people's blood on their hands, but none of them are not dead.

Lin Yue didn't care about getting more on it.

In particular, this kind of "human rape" that endangers the safety of the entire human race should not continue to exist regardless of the reason.

Just then, another shadow appeared... eh?

Lin Yue saw that the silhouette did not have a long mouth or scales, and he was also wearing cloth.


No, they should be called "beggars".

Low-quality trash begging the Lizardmen to grant them the right to live!

Is there only one?

Lin Yue still didn't move. In this passage, he only showed the gun body and scope, and the torches near the fork were not very bright, so almost no one could find his existence.

Unless he makes a big move, there is absolutely no way for those enemies to find him.

There is only one beggar, so start with this beggar!


Lin Yue suddenly had a new idea in his heart.

"Little ice lizards, you guys will wait..." He immediately gave a new order and pointed the scope at the beggar at the same time.

At this moment, the beggar was pushed to the front by several lizardmen, and the long spear in his hand also pointed at his back.

In the night vision goggles, there was no such thing as "coercion" between the beggar and the lizardmen. Instead, they discussed it with each other. Finally, he nodded at the lizardmen and picked up one of them. The spear in the hands of a lizardman gradually approached the copper treasure chest!

And then, he took another stride and rushed to the front of the treasure chest!

call out!

Bullets are much faster than human movements!

A scream sounded, and the beggar's arm was grazed by the bullet!

Seeing this, the other lizardmen quickly retreated, but how could they match the speed of the little ice lizards rushing out?

There was a scream, and the lizardmen immediately fell to the ground one by one, only to go out, but not to go in.

Lin Yue walked towards the beggar who fell to the ground and howled in pain.

Just now, he originally wanted to end the dog's life directly, but then he had a new idea.

Why not catch a live one, and then get some information out?

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